The Pulverizer

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Nuwa was making her way to the lair while being on the phone with April

"Yeah, so that's how I met the Kraang" Nuwa spoke

"And welcome to my world, maybe our worlds aren't so ordinary after all" April chuckled on the other side

"Yeah, right. Hey, I'm going to the guys, see ya" Nuwa greeted as she hung up and walked into the lair

She heard loud noises coming out of Donnie's lab and walked in

She got shocked when she saw the big, old subway car in his lab while Donnie was on top of it while a boy in a turtle costume was playing with Donnie's bo-staff

"Dear Donatello, what is this supposed to mean?!" Nuwa gasped as the two boys turned their eyes on her

"Nuwa! It's not what it looks like, I'm just working on my new invention" Donnie replied as Nuwa walked over to the boy and glared at him

He gulped as he blushed, her eyes then turned up to look at Donnie

"You used Leatherhead's old subway to make that big riding magnet?" Nuwa asked

"Yeah, pretty neat, huh? No compliments needed" Donnie smirked as she then asked

"And what about King Carnaval here? And don't like it"

Donnie sighed as he placed a hand on his neck

"We were trying to fight the Purple Dragons and he accidentally ended up back in the lair" Donnie explained as Nuwa sighed

"Well, I was just coming here to hang around, but if you need me, I'm near the pool"

With that said, she walked out of Donnie's lab and was standing above the water while waterbending out of boredom

She could hear constant yelling coming from Donnie's lab and then heard something that shocked her a little bit

"If you must play with a staff and apparently you MUST, try this"

At first she thought Donnie was joking, but he wasn't. He was really teaching him how to fight, not that he thought he was useless, maybe a little. But if he weren't so annoying, she'd be happy to see Donnie as some kind of teacher

Then, Donnie and the Pulverizer were practicing at the punching bag and were sparring near the water, but we wasn't really like 'improving'

Eventually, Nuwa decided to say something about it

"Why do you even bother training him? He isn't like, y'know... improving and I know you're getting sick of it too"

Donnie smirked as he got an idea, he too was getting sick of it at some point as he asked the Pulverizer

"I think you're right... Pulverizer, what do you say and go bother the Avatar instead?"

He pointed at Nuwa who had a look of pure shock on her face while the Pulverizer got shocked too

"No way! The Avatar?! Here in New York?!" He gasped

"Oh, Donnie. Look what you've done!" Nuwa snapped as Donnie chuckled

"I've been practicing earthbending AND firebending, you know? Check this out" Pulverizer said as he made bending poses while making weird noises, he really was embarrassing himself and Nuwa

Nuwa got enough, she stomped her heel on the ground as a small boulder shot out of the ground and hit the Pulverizer between his legs

He cried out as he whimpered and fell to the ground

"Good one" he groaned in pain as Noa sighed irritated and walked off

Later on, she was meditating near the water and Donnie taught the Pulverizer stealth. He decided it would be a good idea to try to sneak up to Nuwa

When he got closer, a ring of fire surrounded her and he fell backwards with wide eyes

"You thought I was deaf?" Nuwa sneered as she glared at him

"Wow... I still can't believe I'm seeing the Avatar" Pulverizer smiled as Nuwa rolled her eyes and the ring of fire disappeared

"Please, just go!" Nuwa shouted as she water-whipped him away

After Donnie got a call that his brothers needed help, he thought about taking Nuwa with him. But he changed his mind, after Nuwa had a grumpy 'attitude'

However, that was definitely not the most smartest things he has done

Because after the events, he and his brothers returned while pushing the Shell Raiser

Nuwa knew they were close by using her seismic sense and hurried to them

"What happened to your car?" Nuwa asked as Leo, Raph and Mikey looked at her with wide eyes

"You mean you were here the whole time?!" Raph gasped

"Dude, we could've used your help" Mikey spoke as Nuwa was confused

"I don't know what you mean. Unless, someone wants to tell me something" Nuwa replied and looked up at Donnie who gulped

Leo, Raph and Mikey looked up to him as well

"You didn't tell her?!

"You didn't take her to help us?!"

"GUYS!" Nuwa yelled as she metalbends the path so they couldn't go anywhere

"What is going on?!" Nuwa yelled as Donnie sighed

"I flew the Shell Raiser through the wall and it cracked the power cell, the Kraang immediately located it and stole it back" Donnie explained as Nuwa's mouth hung open in disbelief

"You mean to tell me that you needed me and yet you didn't tell me anything?! You big-shelled maniac!" Nuwa shouted as Donnie looked down, feeling ashamed

"You totally ditched her, she could've helped" Leo scolded as he placed a hand on Nuwa's shoulder

"Don't blame yourself, Nuwa" Leo assured

"Well, It wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a jerk towards Pulverizer" Donnie argued

"Hold up! Just because I'm the Avatar, doesn't mean I can't set boundaries. And besides, you were the one that dumped with me, so you were just as much as a jerk" Nuwa stated

"She has a point" Mikey mumbled

"Anyway. Here, let me help" Nuwa offered as she fixed the path and moved the Shell Raiser with ease by metalbending

"See, it would've been easier if you just told her" Raph smirked as he elbowed Donnie

"But Donnie, what were you planning to do?" Nuwa asked

"Well, how about trying to steal the power cell-"

"I MEAN, what are you gonna tell Leatherhead? He's the one that trusted us to keep it from them, but since a certain, intelligent turtle made such an idiotic movement-" Nuwa got cut off by Donnie's gasping

"Actually, you have a good point. What if he grabs his face again?" Mikey asked as he giggled

"Not funny!" Donnie hissed

They entered the lair and Nuwa helped to place the Shell Raiser into the lab

"Thanks" the Turtles thanked

"You're welcome" Nuwa shrugged

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