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~Haylee's POV~

The day wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. I had a fun time with Kim who turned out to have a really great humor. The others returned one hour before the party and they all went up to change. I was already in Tyler's room and did my hair. "How was your day?" he seemed to be on a little better mood now, does this guy have PMS or something? "Great! Kim was a good company!" he nodded when he unbuttoned his shirt. 

I was finished with my hair and turned around to get my makeup. But I turned little too fast, I stumbled and fell. I closed my eyes for the fall. But I never hit the ground. I looked up and Tyler shirtless had catch me before I reached the ground. He looked down on me, still in the same position. His eyes was gorgeous and they sparkled a little when I met them. He pulled me up so we stood close to one another.

 He was still holding me with one arm around my back near my waist. I could see a kind of new bruise stretching over his chest. I raised my hand and followed it with my fingers. "What happened?" I whispered. With the free hand he took mine and held it against his chest. "From yesterday when we were on the check round. We got in a fight. It's nothing just a scratch" and he met my eyes again.

 It felt like I couldn't breathe, my heart beat twice as many times. He pulled me closer and erased every inch of space between us. My lips could almost touch his chin, my eyes was now on his lips, those light pink, plump lips. I bit my own lip and once again met his eyes. They looked hungry at me.

His phone started to rang and we both came back to earth. He sighed and picked it up. I went for my makeup and when I saw myself in the mirror I could see my cheeks was all blushed up. That was close, what happened!?

 "I have to run and take care of something but find me later. This time find me!" he yelled through the door. "Sure! If I don't find any other fake boyfriend of mine!" I joked back. I heard a little growling to answer. When I was finished with my makeup I put on my clothes. This time I could choose for my own and not listen to the girls. I choose a pair of black high heel, tight black leather pants and a cute black top. Okay so I like black, I never ware anything else than black. I went down.

The house was once again crowded by people. Some guys followed me with their eyes, I didn't like it. I found Lisa and Nat by the drinks. The handed me a glas and two shots. "Come on tonight we party!" Nat shouted. I didn't hesitate I was going to have fun tonight. We did some shots and drank. "Have you guys seen Tyler?" I asked. I could feel the alcohol do its work. They pointed to the Livingroom.

~Tyler's POV~

I was standing and chatting with Linus and Jake but I wasn't that participant in the conversation. I was looking over their heads for Haylee. She came in from the kitchen and searched for me. My heart jumped a beat when I saw her, she was hot like always.

 I left the guys and met her. "What do you say a dance?" I asked loudly the music was loud. "Sure!" she responded. I took her hand and we went to the dance floor. We were soon joined by the rest of the gang. We all had a great time, I never released my grip of Haylee's waist. Something told me she didn't want me to either. 

When the other went on to other places it was just me and Haylee left with others on the dance floor. She turned around so we were face to face. Her cheeks was red from the booze and the heat. She was still beautiful. I tightened my grip around her and we danced tightly against each other. She laid her hands around my neck, there were no gap between us now, our body moved with each other. 

I didn't know for how long we danced, I lost the track of time when I was with her. But when we released each other we were both tired in our body. "I wanna go out for a smoke" she spoke in my ear. "Do that I'll be with you soon, just going to get us more to drink!" she nodded and found Nat and Lisa. All three of them went out and Nat looked so happy at Haylee for some reason. I couldn't stop smiling when I went for more drinks.

In the kitchen I met Jake. "Hey Ty do somedrinking family style?" he was yelling, he was drunk. Behind him stood Linus and closed the fridge slowly and stared at the light inside. He looked fascinated at the lightbulb and hoped to see it go off before the door was closed.

I couldn't stop laughing at him but turned back my attention to Jake. If he already wasdrunk that meant I would win, "Sure thing bro!" It wouldn't take that long I will bewith Haylee soon. We did shot after shot and I became really drunk. Jake waseven more drunk. "Boss do you like 'lee?" 

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