It was fairly early in the morning when Ben had demanded to hold a family meeting in their living room. They were mildly surprise with it because if they held a family meeting it was usually being called upon by Luther or Diego. So here they all are, still in their sleeping clothes all gathered in their living room while Ben is standing in front all of them waiting of him to speak.
As always, Klaus was the one who broke the silence "What's up Benny boy? Rare for you to call a meeting like this so it must be very important."
"Did something happen to Five? I know you are the one in charge of him last night, did he get worst?" Diego suddenly said, making all of them look at Ben in alarm.
Ben could quickly see the tension raise in the room "What? No no Five is fine." With that all of them visibly relax, but Ben just sigh before continuing "But... he did finally wake up yesterday. And I forgot to tell you all."
As usual Klaus is the first one to whine "That's so unfair Ben! Why do you get to talk to Five first!"
Ben just crossed his arms "To be fair, he woke up and promptly went back to sleeping, we didn't even hold a long conversation and I can't exactly just leave him all alone to get all of you."
Allison just shakes her head, she could already feel that they would get sidetrack because of the upcoming argument "I went to check on Five this morning before I got here, he still seems to be asleep. And as much as I want to see him awake, it's good that he is still resting."
All of them seems to agree with what Allison had just said "So why the meeting Ben?" this time it was Luther who spoke up.
Ben's expression pinched in what seems to be a worried one, which alarmed all of them "Well... Five acted weird when he woke up..."
Vanya sat straighter with what Ben had just said "Weird? In what sense, I mean this is Five we are talking about, maybe it was the drugs?"
Klaus shakes his head this time "It can't be, I asked Mom what she's using for Five and it's a mild pain killers enough to numb any pain from the gunshot wounds but not enough to make him incoherent when he wakes up."
"And we all know what happens to Five if he was given any normal drug that is strong, remember that his powers would go all haywire. As far as I can remember, Reginald made Mom make a painkiller specifically designed for Five." Diego can still remember the very first time where Five got shot, it was a bullet that has embedded into his shoulder that needed to be surgically removed. When Five was put out by a local anesthesia that their Mom would use to all of them when they got hurt, it didn't take long for Five's system to burn out the anesthesia out of his system, he woke up in the middle of surgery blinked out of the medical ward, and began bleeding all around the house as he kept on jumping into one location into another.
The scene terrified all of them; they were still all relatively young during that time. They could all remember seeing Five in clear pain even crying a little due to him being incoherent and confused on what is happening to him but they can't do anything about it because it only toke seconds for Five to jump all around the house up until he passed out of exhaustion as his powers drained him so bad that Five needed to stay in the medical ward for a week. He also could have died because of blood lost. After all of that fiasco, Reginald determined that because of Five's power, his body reacts very violently to any drugs that his system didn't register. It took a while but their Mom was able to know what properties of what drugs are allowed to be given to Five. She made a list, and when she did, Diego and Ben took it upon themselves to memorize everything. Not wanting a repeat of the incident. The good side of this is that because of it, Five rarely got sick, he got the strongest immune system out of all of them. The downside is that can't have anything locally made especially if they are not sure of the properties of the medicine. So everything for Five has to be specifically made, they are all lucky that their Mom is equipped with advance technology and knowledge that she knows how to make medicine that wouldn't harm Five.
Ben looks like he was having a hard time putting it into words "Well okay here's what happened. Five woke up asking for all of you but I just told him that you are all bickering downstairs on what to eat. Then suddenly he had... this look on his face. He told me that he would bring me back alive once again because he made a deal with her."
All of them looked confused, Ben statement is slowly sinking into them. It was silent up until Diego spoke up "Her? Is it the crazy bitch, the handler?" Because if she is, Diego would make sure that she wouldn't be even in the same vicinity as Five.
Luther looked at him in deep thought "But... isn't she already dead? I mean the little guy... Herb? They confirmed it right?"
Ben looks lost "I... I don't know but I am really worried about Five. I don't want to stress him out because he is still recovering so I didn't press the issue."
This time Vanya was the one who spoke up, her voice steady and determined "We will keep an eye out for Five okay? I mean, Five is the most rational and smartest out of all of us so we shouldn't jump into conclusions about this... deal."
"Vanya is right, and we should wait until Five opens this topic up. You know how he is, always thinking he could do everything by himself even though he doesn't need to." Allison hated that about Five, but at the same time she can see where he is coming from.
Suddenly they can hear their Mom calling them out, telling them that breakfast is ready. All of them looked at one another, seemingly coming to a group decision.
"Yeah okay, we will wait for Five." Ben finally said as he watches his siblings stand up.
It was Diego who patted Ben in the shoulder on his way out of the living room and into the kitchen "Don't worry about it too much Ben, I am sure Five would come to us about this."
Ben smiled as Diego wrapped his arms around his shoulder guiding him out of the living room. Glad to witness a family meeting that ended peacefully.
Five can feel someone rustling around him, so with great effort he opening his eyes, slowly blinking away any drowsiness that clung into his eyes. He gaze up to his Mom who is smiling down at him.
"Hi dear, glad to see that you are awake and doing great. Your brothers and sisters are really worried about you; it's been a week already." His Mom gently said, removing the oxygen mask placing it beside the table near Five's bed.
Five wasn't surprise that a week has already passed, if he was being honest he was expecting more days has passed by given his circumstances. "What happened to me Mom?"
Grace smiled at him, helping Five into a sitting position, gently fixing the pillows behind the boy so he could lean on them comfortably. Five gave her a thankful smile "Well dear, the bullets have cracked your ribs puncturing your lungs in the process. I had to surgically remove all of the three bullets that are inside of you. Everything was going well during the surgery, as I was about to close up the final entry bullet wound, you went into a shock causing your heart to stop. I tried restarting your heart but it was futile, that's when I called your siblings. They were devastated Five, to see you dead."
Five let the information sink into him, now he can understand why they have cried so much when he woke up, well in his defense it wasn't his fault. "You are still running on slight fever Five, your ribs are still healing so does the wounds, so I suggest that you take it easy okay? No using of your powers in the meantime." Grace added as she adjusts the IV drop. "Do you want me to call your siblings? They would be delighted to know that you are awake now."
"Can I also have something to eat? I am quite hungry..." Five said as Grace stood up
"Of course dear after all lunch is near, I'll also get you a glass of water. Would you like anything sweet to eat?"
Five grinned "Yeah, tell Ben to get me those chocolate taffy."
His Mom smiled at him knowingly, she leaned down and place a soft kiss at his temple that Five tenses but immediately relaxed at her touch. "Good to see you well dear." Grace whispered before pulling away from Five.
Five watches as his Mom exit the medical ward, closing the door behind her softly. Five touched the part where she kissed him, it felt nice he thought. His mind when back to where Diego also did the very same thing to him, although he is sure his brother would deny it. Five knows that he isn't used to any physical affection, after all when people touch him it's always with the intention to hurt him. The handler like to touch him, in his arm, his face very particularly, he always hated her touches. They felt cold and it makes his skin crawl in a very bad way. But as he remembers how his family touch his hands, how Diego and his Mom kissed him in his head, how Luther would pat him in the shoulder gently, how Allison and Vanya would brush strands of hair away from his forehead, and how Klaus would hug him suddenly, they felt warm they felt right. Five could almost cry at those, that's when he realized just how much he missed them, just how much the apocalypse the commission fucked him up. As he remembers his conversation with God herself, maybe he could really afford to truly live now, to feel things he wasn't allowed to feel when he is just a killer. It would take a long time but Five is sure that with the help of his siblings, he would eventually be okay.
He just needed to depend on them more, after all it wasn't Five vs the world now, this time it was his family that he is a part of vs the world. Five smiled at that thought.
He wouldn't admit it out loud but, he misses his family. Even though they are just a bunch of bumbling idiots.
They all sat in the kitchen waiting for their Mom to return from the medical ward, they wanted to come with her to check on Five but she insisted that they should just enjoy their lunch first before check on Five.
She returned to the kitchen, preparing a bowl and spoon. They watch her quietly as she scoops out a generous amount of soup into the bowl before putting 2 pieces of bread into the bowl. "Ben dear, Five specifically requested for the chocolate taffy you've been giving him."
Their mouth went wide in realization that Five is now awake, and without further ado, Ben suddenly spoke up "Last to get there is the least favorite sibling." And with that Ben disappeared from their sight.
"Ben you asshole, I am so going to send you back to the world of the dead!" Klaus loudly called out after their deceased brother.
The chairs scrapped loudly against the floor as they all abruptly stood up. Racing out of the kitchen, Grace couldn't help but smile at the childish display her children are showing, she pretended not to see that Diego tripped Luther purposely.
She is glad that her all her children are happy and well. After all as their Mom, that's all she ever wanted.
Five jolted in surprise when Ben is suddenly corporeal beside him, "You again Ben? I am starting to think that you are my only sibling left in this house." Five said teasingly
"Well Mom said that you specifically asked for me because of the taffy" Ben smiled before taking a couple of the taffy out of his pocket, he can see the glint of happiness in Five's eyes the moment it landed on the chocolates "Or am I mistaken? Well I guess I'll just have to throw all of these out?"
Five immediately gave him a glare that made Ben laughed; Five snatched the chocolates out of his hand "Do that and I will kill you." Five said with no real heat behind his words. Ben didn't even stop Five as he unwrapped one before popping it in his mouth as he chew on it he looked at Ben "You really are my favorite."
Ben just grinned, but their moment ended when the medical ward's door opened rather violently, Five peeked out and saw that all of his siblings are running towards his bed, with Diego in the lead followed by Allison, Vanya, Klaus, and finally Luther.
Diego looked at Five who is still chewing at looked down at his hands where there is a piece of wrapper, "Five you shit spit that out! You need to eat real food first before any chocolate!"
And as usual, Five being the little shit that he is, swallowed it before giving Diego a smile showing all of his teeth. "What are you going to do Diego? Make me puke it out?" Five challenged
"You little fu-"
Allison smack Diego in the head "Stop harassing Five, he just woke up!" Diego gave Allison a glare as he rub the back of his head. "But he is right Five, you need to eat first."
Five sighed and rolled he rolled his eyes, god his siblings are too much "It's just one piece and Ben didn't stop me!" Five said looking at Ben as if saying that it's his fault somehow "This is one reason why I like Ben better than all of you." Five mumbled but they were able to hear it anyway.
"Okay how about this, you need to eat first then you can have as much as chocolates that you want. Allison and I are even going out to shop for more chocolates that you loved, including the one you liked you know the ones with caramel in it?" Vanya proposed, Five directed her a smile
"You are my favorite sister." Five said that made Vanya beamed in pure delight.
"Hey and I am not? I always bring you expensive chocolates from LA and somehow I am in the last?"
Five just shrugged "You are in the second place, you should be happy with your standing given that you are in the third." Allison fumed at his words but Five just enjoyed her reaction knowing that she can't do anything to him. Not that she would, after all not that he enjoys it but playing the 'I am the youngest' card always gets him out of trouble.
"Fiveyyyy! I have missed you so much!" Klaus said as he wrapped his arms around Five hugging him but still being mindful of his injuries and his IV drop. Five, this time, didn't tensed up like Klaus was expecting him to, he was surprise instead that Five returned the hug. When they parted from the hug, Klaus flicked Five's forehead making him welp in surprise rather than in pain. "That's for eating my frozen waffle you sneaky shit!
Suddenly Luther made his presence know, they all looked at him as he placed the water in the table beside Five's bed, he is still holding the bowl of soup that their Mom handed to him before leaving all of them in the medical ward. Before offering it to Five carefully. Five managed to balance the soup in his lap thankful that it wasn't too hot. He looked up to his brother, his twin brother to be exact. Five wonders how Luther would take the news "Thank you Luther."
Luther for this part, looked surprise with the gratitude "Um yeah, no problem. Do... do you need help eating?"
Five smiled his dimples in display "Try feeding me and I will scoop your eyes out with this spoon and feed it to the birds."
The all laughed at the expression that Luther has in his face. Not long, Luther also joined them, while Five just rolled his eyes smiling as he proceeded to eat his soup. He watch in contentment and bliss as his siblings tease Luther about what just happened.
Bunch of idiots, all of them, Five thought.
After eating and a quick check up from their Mom, Five decided to tell them everything he knew. So he made his sibling sit comfortably as he tries to gather his thoughts as to not overload them with the information he is about to tell them.
Five took a deep breath "So as you all know, I died. There is no need to sugarcoat what happened to me because that is the truth."
They all winced at that, looking down with a guilty expression on their faces which made Five sighed "It wasn't any of your fault."
Diego clenched his fist "Yes it was, and it was my fault." Five looked at his brother before placing his hand on top of Diego's closed fist which made Diego looked up to Five before relaxing ever so slightly.
"It was not, I wasn't meant to die in the first place."
"What is that suppose to mean Fivey?" Klaus asked unable to conceal the curiosity out of his tone
Diego opened his palm, holding Five's hand with his own. The others looked at it briefly, smiling amongst themselves but not commenting at it. "So when I woke up, I met God. She was the one who wanted me dead."
All of them looked shocked at what he just said, so Five waited until they could fully process what he just told them. And ironically, in Five's opinion, it was Klaus who first spoke up.
"You met her too?" he asked surprised at this fact
Five grinned, checkmate Klaus. The rest of their siblings whipped their attention all towards Klaus who suddenly realized what he just said.
"What the fuck Klaus?" Diego growled
Klaus held his arms up in a surrender "H-hey... aren't we talking about our little baby bro here? Why the sudden attention to me?"
Ben squinted his eyes at him, knowing full well what Five is referring to. So he didn't back Klaus up, Ben waited for him to finally come clean to his family.
Five scoffed "Well you see, while I was having a rather informative conversation with God herself, she made it quite clear that our brother Klaus here..." Five looked at him with a glare "Has died 2 times already, and that he is apparently an immortal because he annoyed God so much she doesn't want him there. Imagine my shock that I needed to die first before learning that."
Klaus just laughed nervously as he could already feel their glare at him. "Where you even going to tell us?" Allison asked his face crunch up in disbelief expression.
"You wouldn't..." Vanya was the one who spoke up, her voice soft
"In my defense, nobody would have believed it."
With that statement, all of them looked guilty, the anger they are feeling suddenly deflating. Even Diego's expression soften.
"I am so sorry Klaus..."
Klaus looked at Luther "It's no biggie big guy, in the end it doesn't even matter okay?" Klaus said reaching out to pat Luther in the arms.
"It matters Klaus." Five harshly said "All of you matters okay? We shouldn't make light of this situation, so here is what's going to happen. None of you are allowed to die, not until I say so. Especially you Klaus, God made me promise to keep you here and I am so going to make sure it happens."
Klaus cooed at Five, and without any second thought he hugged him and Five huffed in irritation but nevertheless returned the hug "I knew you love me Fivey! I am so going to be your favorite brother!"
"No, still Ben." Five easily said
Klaus pouted as Ben laughed, Ben reached out to ruffle Five's hair.
"From now on we would do better, as a family." Diego spoke up "No more dying."
They all grinned in agreement as Five scoff "As if I would let that happen." Five muttered
"Wait so God killed you just to tell you that Klaus is an immortal is that it?" Vanya suddenly asked, wanting to know more.
Five looked at her
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