Chapter 5

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before shaking his head, indicating that he still wasn't done talking. "She killed me because she saw the opportunity to talk to me, she doesn't want to use Klaus so she took the matters into her own hands."

Before Five can continue, he gestured at Diego to hand him his water, which Diego immediately got him. As he gulped down a large amount of water, Five looked at them "She gave me a choice, to bring Ben back from the dead. By time travelling back to the past using the briefcase that we still have."

None of them could talk as they stared at Five with their mouths gaped open in disbelief. "Holy shit..." Luther muttered

"Yeah that was my first reaction too, apparently Ben is disrupting the balance between the land of the living and the land of the dead. Her first choice is to make Ben stay in the land of the dead, meaning Klaus won't be able to conjure him anymore. But she is worried that Klaus would just kill himself just to annoy her into giving Ben back to us..."

Despite the revelation, they all chuckled at that "Klaus you ability to annoy even God herself is outstanding." Diego chuckled

"Well, I try." Klaus grinned

Five looked at all of them, sighing in relief that they are all taking this well. "When I get out of here, I would start with the proper calculations to determine the best time to bring Ben back again."

Suddenly they all tensed up, "Are... are you sure it would work Five?" Vanya asked

Five even looked unsure "I admit there will be grave consequences if this goes wrong, I need to make sure that everything will be precise and right. This is the one thing I can't screw up."

Ben finally decided to speak up, after all this is about him "Five I don't want you to endanger yourself just to save me, what if you get stuck in the past? I would rather be dead than have you not come back to us..."

Five looked irritated all of the sudden "No Ben, what I want is to complete this goddamn family. And now that I have been given a choice to do it, I would sure as hell take it."

"But Five..." Ben looked very conflicted.

Suddenly Five looked at him so intensely that all of protest that Ben had suddenly died in his lips "I need you to trust me in this one..." Five tore his gaze away from him as he looked at of his siblings "I need you all to trust me on this one. I... I admit that the prospect of getting stuck in the past terrifies me, but I am willing to gamble this. I just need you all to trust me."

Diego placed his hand into Five's head making Five look at him "We trust you Five... it's just that we are scared too, I mean we just got you back. You can't blame us if we get worried for you, especially given your history of time travelling."

Five bit his lips, "We know that you can handle yourself Five, after all you basically took care of yourself for 45 years. But we are here now, at least consider how we feel." This time Luther is the one making sense.

Five looked at Vanya and Allison before sighing in defeat "How about this instead, as a compromise. I would update you with everything that will involve this plan, I would not attempt it not until I am 100% at my peak condition and health."

Vanya smiled at him "Okay, that... that is reasonable Five."

Allison looked relieved at that "But you also have to consider us worrying about your well-being during that time, we all know how you can ignore your basic needs if you get too absorbed with your calculations and equations."

"Can't you bring one of us with you?"

Five shakes his head "I can't Klaus, if I bring anyone of you the briefcase might not be able to handle it, given that we already used it once."

"We... we would help with anything that we can okay Five? Just ask any of us." Ben said, as the others nodded in agreement.

Five smiled "Yes that way you can all be useful to be just this once."

"You really are a little shit aren't you?" Diego said as he ruffled Five's hair earning him a glare, which Diego promptly ignored.

"Well now that everything is settled, maybe we shouldn't push this more. I mean you just woke up Five, you still need to rest." Luther said gathering the attention of all of them.

Five grinned at him "But Luther..." his grinned widen "I am still not yet done actually."

Luther sighed "There is more? What more could top the revelation that Ben could be resurrected from the dead?"

Five laughed suddenly making them jolt in surprise but was immediately replaced with worry as Five's face scrunch up in pain, suddenly holding his sides. Almost immediately Diego rolled up Five's t-shirt, sighing in relief when he could clearly see that it didn't open up the stitches "Five you gotta relax buddy..." Diego started to gently rub Five's back soothingly as Five takes deep steady breath to ease the pain he suddenly felt.

Once he deemed the pain has considerably lessen Five took a finally deep breath before leaning against the pillows once again, shooting Diego a thankful look "God told me a very interesting fact that our Dad left us all in the dark."

"Ohhhh this better be good." Klaus said gleefully leaning as his face shows his excitement

"Do we even want to know?" Allison said, knowing that whatever it is, it can't be good.

Five just ignored her in favor of just getting this over with so he can rest "As you are all aware, we are adopted by Dad from different parts of the country from different birth mothers." Five started, ignoring the odd looks his siblings are giving him, of course they already know this fact. Five grinned despite already feeling the exhaustion, he should have waited for another day or two before having this family meeting. "Apparently, Dad got his hands on one set of twins. Making it that two of us are technically biological siblings."

And shit, Five would have laughed again at their reaction, but he hold it out in favor of not irritating his stitches again. He counted up to five as his siblings all burst into a chorus of questions.

"Holy shit really?"

"Of course Reginald would hide that fact."

"Jesus Christ can this family meeting get any weirder?"

"Wait seriously?"

"Imagine the awkwardness if it turns out to be Luther and Allison."

The last remark came from Klaus which earned him a quite satisfying smack in the head courtesy of Allison herself. Luther looks so shocked that he didn't even burst into question like his other siblings did.

"Oh man, I hope it's me and Benny boy. Imagine it, that all this time my twin brother is haunting me." Klaus said totally ignoring the fact that they literally are both from different races.

"Klaus, I am Asian and you are clearly an American, we can't be twins." At least Ben had a functional working brain, such a pity that he can't share it to Klaus

"Small details my twin brother, I am calling dibs that Ben is my biological brother."

Ben face palmed "That's not how it works...!"

"How about we let Five talk?" Vanya said as she tried to calm Klaus down.

Five pretended to close his eyes as he spoke up "I am feeling quite tired, I am going to rest now. Good night everyone." And Five would have never expected it but it was Diego who tapped his face to 'wake' him up. Five fixed him a glare, traitor he mouthed in which Diego just ignored it.

"Don't you dare sleep now Five, you can't just drop a bomb like that and expect us to wait for another hour, you better tell us right now or I swear to god I will throw every chocolate I find in this house." Allison threatened trying to make herself authoritative.

"And you wonder why you are my 2nd favorite sister..." Five muttered, and it looks like Allison heard him but decided to let the remark slide. "Fine I will tell you all but after that you don't get to bother me while I rest."

All of them hummed in agreement, finally settling down as they waited for him to speak. Five looked at Luther, making sure that they are making a direct eye contact with one another "Hi there twin brother."

Suddenly, all of them looked between Five then at Luther. Trying to see any resemblance, it was Klaus who first spoke up "Oh yeahhh, yeaaah I see it now. The jaw line and the contour of both of your eyes are very similar to one another."

"How come we are just seeing this just now?" Ben muttered in amazement unable to tear his gaze away from Luther's face.

Even Vanya seems speechless at that, Allison on the other hand still seems to be processing the information.

"Now that I have cleared that up, can I rest now?" Five didn't even bother to wait for their reply as he tried to make himself comfortable in the bed. As Five close his eyes, he could feel Diego covering his body with the soft blanket, tucking it under his chin. Five hummed in contentment, already starting to feel himself relax.

Or as relaxed as he could get, not even a minute he closed his eyes he could already hear Klaus starting to tease Luther about this newly founded information, and Five was surprised that even Vanya and Allison joined with the teasing. Ben and Diego? Five was sure that it was Ben who is holding his hand, gently stroking his knuckled in a circular motion, Five isn't quite sure but he could hear Ben muttering about how lucky he was that he isn't Klaus's twin. While Diego is slowly stroking his head that makes him even more tempted to be lulled into sleep, who knew that despite his rough appearance Diego can be this soft and protective of him? Five would surely use that to his advantage one of these days.

Despite Diego's calming motion, it didn't escape Five's ear the remark that Diego made that made him smile "No wonder Luther is this stupid, Five basically took all the brain cell with him." Which earned a chorus of laughter totally ignoring Luther's protest which died instantly as Five could also clearly hear him laugh together with their siblings.

They are being so noisy which quite frankly would annoy Five in any other day but, as he could still feel Ben and Diego's touch, he thought to himself that it was a small price to pay.

The last thing he felt before letting go of the last threads of consciousness is another small but heart-warming kiss in his forehead that made him feel safe and loved, and this time he was sure it was Diego again.

Five really loved his family, even though they are a bunch of idiots, he wouldn't trade them for the world.


A/N: There are actually a lot more to this story because this is a series but I'll think about posting the whole thing in here if I get positive response. Happy reading everyone!

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