Chapter 2

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All it took was seconds.

One moment Diego was looking at the clearly exhausted Five, which is given considering that their brother is still suffering from a flu he got three days ago.

Then the next thing Diego knew, his brother has pushed him as the bullets embedded itself into Five's side instead of his head. Five's body crumpled and out of pure instinct to protect him further from the rain of bullets, Diego wrapped his arms around Five's body and rolled them over until he was on top of Five.

"Five!" Diego tried to call him out, he gently nudged Five's face hoping to get even an inch of reaction from him "Goddamn it Five, don't do this to us!"

Diego tore his gaze away from his unconscious brother just in time to see Vanya in front of all of them, Diego can't see it but he is sure that Vanya's eyes are glowing white. The bullets that are incoming are being turned into dust as Vanya's power easily disintegrate it mid-air. All the while, Klaus's hands are glowing soft blue making Ben corporeal again, Eldritch once again in action as the tentacles pierced themselves into the armed guy's stomach before ripping them all in half effortlessly.

"Oh my god Five!" Allison exclaimed, already removing her blazer "Stop the bleeding!"

Diego immediately took her blazer and pressed down where the bullet has entered Five's body, hands slightly trembling as Diego can see just how easily the blood has swept through the cloth. They are no stranger to blood, after all ever since he can remember, seeing blood was the only constant thing in their life. But it's still different if the said blood is coming from one of your siblings.

"We need to get out of here right now! Five needs medical attention." It was Allison who manage to snap all of them out of their panic haze.

But Diego was not paying full attention to them, the horror he was feeling grows each time more of Five's blood covers his hand. Suddenly there was a gentle pat on his shoulder.

"Diego give me Five, Ben says there are more of them outside. We need you as an offense, I'll care Five."

It was Luther, Diego thinks. He and Luther might not have the best relationship out of all of them but Diego knows that their pride and ego as Number 1 and Number 2 doesn't matter, not when one of them could die.

So Diego looked directly at Luther's eyes "Please don't let him die."

Luther's lips are set on a tight grim "No one will die Diego, not on our watch."

When Diego nodded, Luther wasted no time into picking Five up as if he weights nothing. The moment Five is now settled in Luther's arms, Five groan as his expression twisted into pain. Luther could breathe a little because that is a good sign that Five is still very much alive, but still in danger of blood loss not to mention his body is already strained because of the flu.

As they all walk out of the warehouse and towards the parking lot, like Ben had said several men all armed with guns showed up. They all went down without so much of a fight as Diego and Vanya easily killed them all. The moment they finally arrived at the parking lot, Allison immediately spotted a large van that obviously belongs to the guy they just killed a while ago. It's a small blessing that it's large enough to fit all of them comfortably.

Diego wasted no time into breaking one of the windows with his elbow before opening the front door of the van, they all hear him curse.

"Just our shit luck, this are the types of van that I don't know how to start without the keys." Diego looked so frustrated at himself, and before he could volunteer to return to search for the keys Klaus threw a set of keys and due to his fast reflexes Diego was able to catch it.

All of them looked questionably at Klaus who just shrugged "I manage to get those keys from the big boss Andrei guy before Benjamin threw his body away."

In any other situation they would have probably scold Klaus for stealing but right now what he did was pure genius and if this shit is all done, Diego would really treat Klaus for a bunch of waffles for his job well done.

Vanya was the one who opened the Van doors as she wasted no time getting inside followed by Klaus and Ben, they made sure that Luther sat at the front of the back seat of the van so he could easily carry out Five the moment they arrive at the academy. Diego was on the driver's seat already prepare to drive while Allison is on the passenger seat.

As they start their way back to the academy, every now and then they would hear Five groaning out of pain. Vanya reached out to sweep out some of Five's bangs out of his sweaty forehead whispering soft assurances to the boy.

After a while, Five manage to open his eyes weakly, all of them minus Diego (who is driving and possible breaking every traffic laws out there) turned to see Five speaking or at least trying to.

"Is...." Five gasped "... Diego okay..."

Diego's hands gripped the steering wheel tighter upon hearing Five's question "Yes I am okay you stupid fuck, you shouldn't have done that Five!" Diego said unable to hide his anger in his tone.

Surprisingly Five managed to scoff "If I didn't... your dumb ass brain would... be blow out to pieces... can't have that happening..."

As Five started to slur more and more that makes them worry for him more "Five you save your energy okay? No more talking please." Vanya softy said, her hands resting now on Five's forehead

Five is clearly struggling to keep his eyes open, Luther's body went rigid as he can start to feel more blood oozed out of Five's wounds. Ben must have sensed it because he was suddenly in front of them "Klaus give me your shirt, Five is starting to lose more blood!"

Klaus went beside Ben as he handed him his shirt, not even bothered by the fact that he was now half-naked "Only for you Fivey that I would sacrifice my most comfy pajama top to get ruined, but you owe me big time okay?" Klaus whispered as he watches Ben crumpled his top before pressing it hard into Five's bullet wounds earning a rather weak albeit angry groan from their brother.

"10 more minutes before we reach the academy." Allison informed them, unable to hide the worry in her voice.

Five weakly open his eyes, he turned his attention to Ben who is still pressing against his wounds "Ben...."

Ben smiled at Five in what he hopes is an assurance "Hi Five, you need to stay strong okay? 10 more minutes" When Five nodded Ben could feel himself starting to relax a little "Because trust me, being stuck with Klaus is 10 times worst than living I assure you that. 10/10 would not recommend."

Five weakly chuckled as Klaus's soft protests reach his ears "I... don't want to see you all... die again...." Five said softly but they are able to hear it anyways "You idiots always get killed... without me... don't want to bury you all again..."

Ben took a deep breath in an effort not to flatter with his job of stop more blood from coming out of Five's wound. "Well.... we clearly need your help little brother of ours, and honestly as much as I love you all, I don't need two annoying brothers following me around and annoying the shit out of me." Klaus said as he gently took a hold of one of Five's hands. His eyes went wide in pure terror coursing through his body as he could feel the boy's pulse weaken.

Ben must have seen his expression "He... he is not going to make it..." Ben muttered in pure dread, he pressed harder.

Vanya's cheeks are now slowly being covered with tears as she could see his brother slowly bleeding out "No no no... what the hell do you mean by that?!"

Before any of them could answer her or even calm her down, Diego let out a string of curses as a police car flags them down. "FUCKING SHIT!" Diego shouted as the police car chases them with the siren on. They can't afford to be stopped now or else Five would seriously die.

Diego didn't want to stop the car but Allison made him, they can't attract the police alerting them of their predicament. So Diego stopped the car on the side, punching the steering wheel in frustration before turning behind them to see how Five is holding up.

He is still bleeding and would continue to do so if they didn't start driving now, they are only 5 minutes away from the academy.

The police officer looked at them and even before he could open his mouth to probably tell them all the traffic laws they violated, Allison looked at the police officer dead in the eye "I heard a rumour that you forgot everything you saw and you let us all go without any problem."

They didn't even wait for her powers to fully take place as Diego stepped on the gas, he sigh in relieve as the academy is now in view. Diego parked the car immediately getting out of the car to help Luther with Five as his sisters open the doors for them.

"Take him to the medical wing, I would get Mom!" Ben said as he sprinted up to get their Mom.

As they arrive at the medical wing, Five is now pale as a ghost and already unconscious. Vanya was crying while Allison is trying her best to console her sister as she also try not to think of how dead Five looked like.

Not even a minute after they settled Five down, the door once again busted open with Mom walking towards Five's unresponsive body. "Ben dear if you please..." Their Mom whispered, Ben nodded grimly at her before turning his attention towards his siblings.

"We should leave so Mom could start treating Five."

They wanted to protest but they know that it would only delay the treatment Five should be getting, so with a heavy heart all of them left the room. Diego was the last one to leave, his eyes lingering on his little brother before closing the door softly hoping for the best.


They are all in their living room near the bar, waiting anxiously for any news regarding their brother. Right now it's nearing 12 am but no one wanted to rest or even sleep, as they are all in a tense situation.

Luther handed Diego a wet towel which made Diego looked up at his brother in silent question.

"For... Five's blood, on your hands" Luther gently said, Diego thankfully accepted the towel with a tight smile as Luther sat down beside him.

"He will be okay, I mean... that's Five we are talking about." Luther started

"The little shit better be okay or else I would repaint his whole room white." Diego muttered finally being able to remove all the blood covering his hands. He threw the bloodied towel behind him, uncaring where it went.

"We can't' lose him... we just got him back. We are still trying to be a family once again..." Vanya whispered, her head hung low with Allison gently rubbing her back comfortingly

"We won't, Five had survive the apocalypse alone, he would surely survive this one." Allison said

Klaus looks oddly silent for once, not like they could blame him. After all they are all feeling the very same way he is. As of the moment, they can't see Ben, but they know that he is with them also hoping for anything that is happening in the medical ward.

An hour has officially passed since they have bought a bleeding Five home, but they still have no news. Every ticking of the clock, the dread that they are feeling only gets worse.

Suddenly, in the tensed silent that hovers around them, they hear a soft footsteps echoing in the hallways. They all immediately stood up from where they are all seated as their Mom comes in view.

Her expression gave the answer they want right away.

Diego could feel his legs buckling and for the first time he reached out to Luther for support, which he immediately got.

"I'm sorry... Five didn't make it."


They all hover around Five's body which was only covered in a white sheet, his face the only thing you can see. Machines are still hooked up in Five's body, he flatline it's showing is like mocking them of their failure.

Failure to protect another family member.

He looks like he is just sleeping, but as Klaus reached out to take Five's hand, he knows he isn't. Klaus angrily wipes the tears away from his eyes.

Luther is staring intently at Five, dried streak of tears decorating his cheeks. He knows that he failed again as a brother.

Allison and Vanya are sobbing in each other's arm, unable to look even more so at Five.

Diego can feel his heart break into pieces, fully knowing that Five died because of him. He was the older brother damn it! He was supposed to be the one protecting all of them not the other way around. So why is that Five is dead while he is still alive and breathing?

They just got Five back, how come they all lost him again?

This time permanently.

They weren't even able to say thank you to Five for everything he has done for all of them. They weren't still able to tell Five just how much they all mean to him. that even though Five is a little all-knowing shit, Five is their little shit. A part of their family...

A part of this already broken family.

They wouldn't know how to move forward without Five beside them, guiding them. 

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