Chapter 1

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"laus... Klaus! Open your eyes or I swear to god I would burn everything you own the moment we get home. Klaus!"

The moment that Klaus's eyes opened, he knew they are, in what you would call, deep shit. His memory as of the moment is hazy; the last thing he remembered was that all of them, minus Five, were having a nice quite dinner at the academy.

Ever since they came back from the 1960's, they are all trying to be a one whole somewhat happy family again. It's hard of course nothing is easy when you are a Hargreeves, all of them are basically shit at communicating with one another but everyday they are trying. Vanya and Diego moved back into the academy, Allison rarely left the academy (she only does when it is time to visit her daughter), Luther, Klaus and Five have nowhere to go besides the academy. In a way, what happened to them back in the 1960's made them all realize that all they have are one another, even Five is making a huge effort not to be too condescending to all of them which in a way is both funny and scary to watch as they are all somehow used to his attitude to basically all of them.

Back in the current predicament that all of them are facing, Klaus looked around him. He immediately saw his siblings unconscious and all of them are chained both arms behind them, Allison is the only one with a gag in her mouth for some reason. Coincidently, all of them are lined up in their 'number order'. But as Klaus glanced to his left his eyes went wide in realization that Five wasn't with them.

Generally that thought would put Klaus at ease, because he knows that whoever kidnapped them just fucked up real bad if they didn't manage to get Five, because honestly speaking Five could get them all out of here even without breaking a sweat. Most probably he would do it all the while complaining and calling them a bunch of idiots but still would do it in a heartbeat.

That would be ideal but months after travelling back to 2019, it seems like Five's body is starting to complain about his 'healthy lifestyle'. Because even though Five insist that he is a 58 year old man in his cute uniform and a high-knee socks, his body is 13 years old in age. And an ordinary 13 years old body is generally susceptible to all kinds of virus the world has to offer.

So three days ago, Five came down with a very nasty flu that sent all of his sibling into a panic frenzy on what to do with him. Out of all of them, Five and Ben rarely got sick even though they are around sick people. It's a good thing that Allison is no stranger to little kids getting the common flu because she is a mother herself. At first Five is hesitant into accepting their help, not wanting them to see him in an 'unruly' state as he called it. But in the end Five gave up all the complaints he had, and he even said in his flu induced of state mind that it was nice not having to do things alone, Diego right then and there swore that he would keep a closer eye to Five every single time that he would show signs that he was sick. Taking care of Five is a good sibling bonding, even Luther and Diego minimized their fighting whenever Five was in the vicinity so that they would not disturb him in his sleep.

Finally after gathering some of his thoughts, Klaus turned his attention to Ben who is kneeling in front him, it's the first time Klaus saw Ben in such a worried state "Klaus are you okay?"

"Just peachy Benny boy... say you do know what happened to us right or did we just all had suddenly Five's powers to teleport into this..." Klaus once again glanced at his surrounding " Kinda creepy warehouse, I mean not that I don't mind being chained up but seriously this kind of setting for a kidnapping is very cliché don't you agree Ben? Why can't they bring us to a nice 5 star hotel for once? Or even the seaside with a nice view over the horizon?"

Ben looked at him, clearly done with whatever Klaus is sprouting "Given that your line of thoughts are how cliché this is, clearly says that you are okay." Ben stood up and for a moment Klaus thought Ben would leave, but clearly it wasn't the case "We are all having dinner when suddenly someone threw a smoke grenade, I think that grenade contained some kind of sedation strong enough that even Luther got under the influence of it." Ben looked at Klaus once again "Five wasn't in the dining room because he is still sick Klaus, when you passed out I immediately turned back into being a spirit. I wasn't sure if they also got Five."

"Oh shit, Diego is seriously going to kill everybody here if they even touch Five in his current state. Well time to wake them up don't you think so Ben?" Klaus then nudge Allison repeatedly until she groans. "Allison my favourite sister! Sorry to wake you up in such a rude manner, but could you go and wake Diego up?"

Allison blinked, suddenly aware of her surrounding her eyes went wide in panic when she realized that she can't talk, after assessing her surroundings, Allison finally looked at her still unconscious brothers before kicking Diego as hard as she can hoping that would wake him up.

Diego's eyes suddenly opened in alert that if they weren't in this situation, Allison and Klaus would find in funny. "What the fuck...?" Diego muttered, he looked at his surroundings before rattling the chains that bounds his hands behind him, Diego looked at his body and groaned at the obvious lack of knives in his body "Oh come on I just sharpened those!"

Allison once again kicked him Diego looked at her irritation cleared in his expression but Allison just rolled her eyes and silently gestured at Luther. And like what Allison did, Diego kicked Luther with much force than necessary if they are being honest.

"Luther! Can you break the chains?" Diego hissed at his brother who is still shaking the effects of the sedation out of his body.

"Uh wait hold on..." Luther said focusing all his strength in his arms, the chains surrounding his arms broke of easily like uncooked pasta, that Diego grinned at Luther. Luther spotted Diego's knives in the far corner "Do you want your knives back first or do you prefer me to break those chains first?"

"Just get my knives first, at least then we would have a weapon. We still don't know who is stupid enough to disturb our dinner. But clearly it wasn't from the commission, because if it is, then we would have a harder time getting these chains destroyed."

Luther seems to contemplate what Diego said before wordlessly walking towards Diego's knives. Luther was able to collect all of it, before returning to his spot. Before he could even break Diego's chain Ben suddenly is corporeal in front of them

"Someone is coming in here!" Ben hissed "They have Five and several guns in them, I check there are at least 10 men and all of them are armed with guns. I know them, they are... Klaus's friends from a long time ago. So I suggest that before we all do something rush we should stay low just until we can make sure Five is safe okay? We can't risk Five's safety just yet." Ben made a gesture that Luther should go back to his original position as to not alert their captors of their freeway "Don't worry if it all comes down to it, I would kill everybody here." Ben said looked at all of them before disappearing once again in thin air.

It's still feels weird on how casually Ben had said that, they are still getting used to the fact that the innocent Ben they once knew was no longer there, but they are not complaining either way because deep down he is still the same Ben they all loved and missed.

"Shit, once I break out of these goddamn chains I would put every single knife I have into all their throats if Five's condition worsens because of them." Diego muttered darkly, glaring at the warehouse's door.

Allison nudged Klaus, her eyes expressing the unanswered question she wanted to know, Klaus shrugged before answering "I don't know Allison! I had a loooots of friends you know? It's kind of my thing, but I swear I had no contact with any of them for years now! Maybe they just want to get revenged on me or something? I didn't even know that they would drag all of us in my own mess! Even little Vanya!"

"Is she okay? Can you check on her Klaus?" Luther asked, making sure that he still looked like he was chained up like what Ben had told them to do.

Klaus glanced at her still unconscious sister "Oh yeah yeah, she is still sleeping and I vote for not waking her up just yet. If Ben said was true then Vanya is safer asleep than conscious."

Suddenly the warehouse's door creaked loudly as it opened, revealing 5 men one of them carrying an unconscious Five in his arms. It looks like Ben was right after all, all of them looks pretty harmless minus the guns, and honestly Diego could kill them all in his sleep but not when they have Five in his most vulnerable state. As Ben had said, they can't risk Five's safety, especially in his state that he couldn't even lift a finger or even use his powers to defend himself. The bastards got very lucky into picking a day to kidnap them all. If they even manage to execute their plans when Five is in top shape, they wouldn't even leave the academy alive. But alas, they got extremely lucky.

"Put the kid down into the couch." The 'leader' ordered before turning his attention to all of them "I was hoping that we would get a lot more time with all of you unconscious, we were told that the sedation we used for all of you was the strongest they have but it wasn't the case since it's just been 30 minutes." He looked at Klaus smiling sarcastically "Long time no see Klaus, I see that you have changed big time."

Klaus just shrugged, in a way that clearly states that he doesn't care at all "Well time travel does that to you, it was a wild ride but meh, literally though new year new me? Would you believe me if I say I miss you Henry?" If Diego wasn't chained up, he would have face palmed at the interaction that he was watching.

Henry, as Klaus called him, sneered "I forgot how much of a shit you are, you are so much fun to be with if you are high as a motherfucking kite."

Klaus laughed "Oh believe me how I miss being that high but you know what the diet I've been on that doesn't include drugs isn't that bad."

"Klaus stop provoking him, you know how he is back then. Just ask him what he wants." Ben said taking advantage of him being invisible to be Klaus's voice of reason

"Oh yeah right right good thinking Benjamin." Klaus muttered "So, it's not like I don't enjoy this small reunion of ours but why do I owe you this pleasure? I mean it must be big considering you dragged my siblings into this. So what exactly do you want? Money? Drugs? Revenge on me?"

Henry looked unimpressed like he knows that Klaus would act this way "Believe me, I didn't want to involve unnecessary people into this especially a kid, but unfortunately unlike the old times, I now work for a much bigger drug group. It is why I can now afford guns instead of those cheap ass fuck knives."

Klaus blew raspberries at him "Yeah good for you for achieving your dreams yehey, but it still doesn't answer my question you know? And believe me when I say that my brother here Diego, the one with a very nasty but cool sexy looking scar in the side of his head, is not a patient young man especially if you are threatening our baby bro who by the way is sick yet you still bothered to get him out of his bed when he should be sleeping and resting instead." Klaus glared at Henry, even though his words are carefree his expression is not. Beside Klaus, Allison is also supporting the man with a glare of his own that if any other day that it was directed at Klaus himself he would be scared of her sister.

"You stay Five out of this you fucking asshole, or I swear to god I would gut you like a fucking fish then leave you out in the open to die." Diego sneered, behind him he is clutching his knife, chains are already starting to loosen because of his continuous movement in an effort to break free. Luther gave Diego a side look, waiting for his signal to fully break the chain so they could deal with all of them if it comes down to it. Luther might not be fully comfortable with the idea of killing people, but if it's for his brother he would not hesitate. Especially since Five has been through enough shit to deal with a simple kidnapping, they can't let Five keep on protecting them, and as their older brother (even though technically Five is the older brother) it is Luther and Diego's duty to keep all of them safe and sound. They failed once with Ben and they would sure as hell wouldn't fail again, they can't afford that after all they just got Five back in their lives, they can't lose him all of the sudden again.

"Five?" Henry looked at the couch at his side, looking down at the kid who is sweating and has a red flustered cheeks clearly still sick and incoherent in his surrounding "You mean this kid's name is Five? Like the number Five? Huh... and I thought your name is weird enough Klaus. Your family is amazing in terms of being weird." Henry, out of curiosity, placed his gloved fingers into Five's cheeks which earned a rather animalistic growl out of Diego and a muffled shout out of Allison

"Don't fucking touch him!" Luther shouted, his jaw clenching in anger. Maybe he should just ignore Ben's instruction and just punch the living soul out of this Henry shit's body. Because honestly it looks like all of them have a death wish or something.

Henry, in his credit, looked like he regretted his action. He immediately removed his fingers before looking alarmingly at Luther. "Chill out man! We might be drug addicts and killers but we ain't a pedophile to even be interested in your little brother, especially since he looks like 12 in his pajamas. Like I said, I didn't want to involve unnecessary people in our fray Klaus but Andrei the big guy I'm working for said that we should not have a loose ties or something close to that shit. He ordered us to search for the whole house for possible... threats. It just so happens that we spotted your little brother coming down in the stairs so we decided to bring him with us. As you can see, we didn't even put him in any restraints because during the drive here, he didn't even wake up or some shit so we assumed that he is harmless unlike all of the rest of you sibling especially them." Henry gestured towards Diego and Luther who is still glaring at the man but he could see the worry in their eyes as they glance at Five's unconscious body.

Klaus almost laughed at that statement, because saying and assuming Five is harmless in any day would be like a death sentence for everyone who dared to disrupt their little family. "Oh buddy believe me, little Fivey is not harmless as you think he is." This time though Klaus did bark out a laugh at the disbelief expression that Henry is supporting in his face "Little good ol Five is much more dangerous that all of us combined, you should feel lucky because you dumbshits picked a very good day to execute your little plan. Because honestly, if you waited for maybe a week or so, Five would be burying your body right now... or burning them whatever the little gremlin is in the mood of." Klaus said it so casually that Henry thought he was talking about the weather and not a series of murder intent.

Henry just scoffed, still not believing a single thing that Klaus just said, after all he knows by now that Klaus likes to spew out nonsense shit just to be annoying and irritating "By now Klaus, only a fucking fool would believe in your lying shit ass mouth." Henry felt his phone vibrate in his pockets, digging it out he saw that Andrei is calling him. He grinned at them gesturing at his phone that is clutched in his hand "Well big boss is now calling me, and I can tell you that best case scenario here is that we take Klaus back with us then all of you can go in your merry way."

"Over my dead body you would! I would kill all of you if you touch even one of my siblings."

Henry just ignored what Diego had said, answering his phone not even bothering to leave the premise. "Hey boss... yeah we got them all. Well 5 adults including Klaus the guy I've been talking about... and a sick kid, apparently he has a little brother."

Diego and the others waited patiently for the phone call to end, Allison looked like she was done with this bullshit and just wants to go home and take care of his sick brother. After a while, Henry hung up the phone. Looking grimly at Five which made them all look at him in alarm.

Henry didn't even bother to spare them a glance. He addresses the other 4 people in the room, "Big boss is already here just parking his car. Make sure the others are prepared, we don't want to screw this up of else big boss will have my head in a silver platter."

After ordering them, the four people armed with guns started to walk towards them and before they can be closer to them, Diego immediately hid his knives by sitting on them. Its either the armed man are stupid enough not to notice it or he just hid them well. When the armed guys are finally behind them, they took position, their guns pointed at the back of their head, even though they are 4 of them and 5 of them, the armed guys didn't bother with Vanya seeing as she is still unconscious.

"Klaus I'm so sorry man..." Henry did look like it, which raises several red flags in their heads "I swear we didn't want to involve your siblings especially your little brother but... it seems like big boss is ready to forgive and forget you... in exchange for your little brother here."

They didn't even had the chance to fully digest Henry's words when the warehouse's doors once again loudly opened. A fat man wearing a suit that makes him look like a fucking douchebag appeared with 5 men of course armed with guns trailing behind him. Just by seeing him is enough to make unsettling feelings in their stomach. Finally the Andrei guy stopped in front of them, looking down at them condescendingly that it almost looks like he wants to spit on them.

"Look what we have here..." Andrei looked at them one by one seemingly taking their physical appearance, his eyes stopped at Klaus "I'm just going to assume that you are Klaus, correct me if I am wrong"

"You are not." Klaus answered tightly

Andrei smiled, as if pleased with himself with the correct assumption that he made "Oh good, you look exactly how they describe you to me." Once again Andrei's eyes roamed before stopping to inspect Allison "Holy shit, paint me lucky. You are the famous Allison Hargreeves. I must say I am a fan of your work, I watch it if I want to be bored out of my fucking mind."

Allison's glare can melt through steels which made Andrei laugh "Oh lighten up people! I'm not stupid enough to kill someone high profiled." Andrei straighten his posture, enjoying the death glares he was receiving from all of them. "As I have said to Henry here in the phone, I am now not interested in any of you."

Andrei turned his attention to Henry "Where are the others?"

"They are surrounding the whole warehouse boss, to make sure no one interferes."

"Good... that's good." Andrei looked

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