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Y'all thought the update would never come but don't worry it's here lol. Sorry for the long wait, I have been quite busy with examinations :(
[3rd person POV:]

Mega Fat.. what are you doing..?" The baby in blonde asked.

"Glad you asked." The chubby baby replied. "So you see..."

[POV change]

°» Y/N POV «°

I and Tim walked into the "ancient" house to wait for his friend Danny Petrosky. I've got to say though, the place ain't too bad itself. It may look, (pardon my language) crappy outside, but I can see some improvements going on inside.

"So..I see you have decorated the 'abandoned ruin'." I teased

"It's not a ruin. Plus, Danny and I spent HOURS working on this." The brown haired boy said with glee. "We're still waiting for the new table to arrive, so you're gonna have to make do with cardboard boxes."

I blinked I few times. A new table? Cardboard boxes? Sure, I can live with that.

I strolled through the house. Scrutinising every single object decorated. From photo frames, to candles, to handcrafted figurines, almost everything you could imagine from your "childhood" age was here.

"Oooo! Tim, are those dinosaur figurines?" I questioned.

"Uhhhh..." He replied, moving closer towards me. "Nope it's nothing, they're totally not mine. They're Danny's-obviously.."

He started picking up the figurines and suspiciously hiding them in the drawer, while giving me a stupid smile.

I raised an eyebrow. Clearly he's got a way of tricking people. Which I can tell, 99% of the time, probably didn't work.

I rolled my eyes and continued scanning the room. Until something in particular caught my eye...

"Hey Tim, what do you're parents work as..?" I asked once again.

"Uhh. I actually don't know. They used to work for Puppy.co but resigned after some tragic accident there." He replied me. "Why are you asking?"

"Oh..then..what's this photo?" I continued. "You're like, in a skyscraper building-surrounded by a bunch of babies? Maybe your parents work at a daycare centre?"

"Haha they're even in business suits-!" I added being cut off.

Tim rushed over to me and snatched the photo out of my grip. I held it very close to his chest and was breathing slightly heavily.

"Woah woah woah! What's wrong with you? Did I say something offensive?" I asked.

"No you did not, but I just..DON'T WANT PEOPLE LOOKING THROUGH PERSONAL STUFF!" He roared back at me.

I glared at him and huffed loudly.

I was about to continue my "adventure" when Tim reached for my arm. He tugged it really hard until there was a visible red mark on it.

"Tim! Let go of me!" I demanded. "Stop!"

"No..I can't let you..continue. There's too much personal stuff here.." He heftily answered back.

He kept holding onto my wrist as I tried to get away. But the more I tried, the painfuller it became.

"Ughhh fine." I groaned. "I'll stop"

He let go of my hand and stared at me for what seemed to be forever.

"HEYYYY! IM BACK! (And alive)" A boy shouted, as he kicked open the door. "What have y'all been up too!??"

I directed my head towards him and gestured that absolutely nothing was going on.

"Great. You're finally here." Tim mumbled under his breath.

"Anyways, this is Y/N. Y/N, that's Danny." He continued.

"Nice to meet you madam" the boy greeted, bowing slightly down. "May I grant you this half-a-nut that I stole from a squirrel as a sign of our friendship?"

He presented to me what looked like a nut, that was unevenly broken. It looked like there was some watery residue left on it.

"Also, I TOTALLY did not eat any piece of this nut. It was a squirrel." He added.

"Uhm.. thank you?" I responded, picking the nut from his palm.

I turned around so that my face wasn't visible to him and felt some puke come up my throat. I shivered at the weird feeling as I went towards a shelf to place it down.

[POV change]
°» Mega Fat's POV «°

It was my plan all along. Yes, I know I've been fired from Baby Corp but that won't stop me from using my "ever so smart" brain. Something that Boss Baby would never have.

The thought of romance.

Yes, people may cringe at the word but WHO CARES! From my prior knowledge, 3 months ago, when I was still working at Baby Corp, I briefly read through a file saying that there was going to be a new girl in the neighbourhood.

I didn't think much of it back then, so I practically put that information aside. But now realising how BORING the world can be when you don't get to boss people around, I figured I'd make good use of it.

I could only remember a small fragment from the file on the new girl, and since I have no access to Baby Corp, I'll just have to experiment and see what happens.

"Maybe she likes flowers? No..she might be allergic. How about stationary? Or maybe some new clothes? Gosh it's just so hard to find a gift for a girl!" I spoke to myself out loud.

"I can't seem to make up what you're thinking of but I'm assuming you've got a "date" and you need to impress someone." Boss Baby spoke, walking towards Mega Fat.

"The part on impressing someone is correct but the part on the date is slightly off." I replied. "You see I'm trying to set your brother and the new girl up on a-"

"MEGA FAT! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?! MY BROTHER IS STILL 9!" The blonde infant said, practically screaming.

"9 and a half to be exact." I corrected.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. But the point is, he's way to young for this!" Boss Baby spoke.

"Uh huh- yeah, are they too young? TOTALLY NOT! And who's the one objecting? Yeah it's obviously JUST you." I sassily answered back. "Anyways, whether you're in it or not, it doesn't matter. In fact, if you don't want to do it for me, at least do it for your brother. Toodles!"

I couldn't believe Boss Baby wouldn't even be supportive of me! Like, I'm doing this for his brother-not for me!

I walked away and towards the old house, still plotting ideas. Back then, I could always just dig up dirty little secrets of every person in town. Nowadays I just have to observe, which I have to say, IS SUPER BORING!

"There has got to be some easier way around this.." I huffed loudly.

[POV change]
°» Tim's POV «°

As I was busy talking to Y/N and Danny, I couldn't help but notice a small pint sized figure jumping up and down. It was wearing a blue jacket and red shirt with white checkered pattern all over it. Took me awhile to realise that was Mega Fat.

"Uhm, guys, I've got to go, uhhhh..." I spoke. "Uhm.. you know-natures call?"

Y/N and Danny looked at me in confusion but didn't seem to care so much.

I speed-walked towards the door and looked for Mega Fat. However, he was no where to be seen.

I turned back towards the door to see if he was behind me when I noticed a nicely wrapped gift on the doorstep.

It was wrapped in pink ribbons and had a letter on it.

I opened the box to see some heart-shaped chocolates and a pair of earrings. Next to it was a note.

"Dear Y/N,
I've never gotten the chance to tell you how much I've liked you. I've liked you for awhile now and I hope we can continue seeing each other as more than just friends. I hope you will take this gift as a token of my love towards you." I read out loud. "Love, Tim TEMPLETON?!"

"WHAT THE HECK!" I shouted to myself.

I covered my mouth as the door swung open. I immediately hid the box behind my back.

"Hey Tim? You okay? Heard you screaming out here."
Y/N asked.

"Saw another beehive?" She joked.

"Uh what?! No of course not! It's just I..." I blurted, fumbling my words. "I just realised th-that I could not poop here because... because of the...uhmmm... openness?"

"Haha yeah sure ok. You wanna come back in? Danny and I have planned some stuff we can do!" She joyfully replied.

I nodded and gestured her to go in first.

"Oh and also, what's that behind your back? You know it's noticeably obvious right?" She added. "If you really wanted to hide that from someone, you should really ask me. I'm an expert at hiding stuff"

"Oh uhm, yeah of course I'll ask you! It's just-" I said, getting cut off.

"Great! Now of course, rule number one, you HAVE to tell me what's inside. Even better, show me!" Y/N excitedly spoke. "Or maybe we'll do this later. I haven't had the chance to do anything fun with Danny and you. C'mon let's go!"

I sighed in relief. That was close.

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