TWELVE | 7/23/15
MY NIGHT STARTS off with Harrison Gage slipping through my open window and into my bedroom. There's a playful smirk on his face, suggesting that he's about to do something crazy, and he wants me to be a part of it. Looking at Harrison's expression, I realize that he's fully intent on bringing me with him, but it's not that simple because my dad is actually home.
"Harrison," I warn, crossing my arms, "I can't."
He knowingly smirks, reminding me of his constant mischievous side, "And why is that?"
I look at my bedroom door helplessly, thinking about how easily I could get caught, "My dad's home, Harrison. I don't know what you expect me to do, but it's not going to necessarily happen."
"You're coming with me, Arden," he demands before looking to the ground and losing his tough exterior, "I really need moral support on this one."
I look at him, feeling how his words spike at my interest. It's just that there's a lot of things that I don't know about Harrison Gage. He's such a complex person at times, and I genuinely feel like it would take eternities to explore every piece of him. By revealing less, the more I wonder.
"Okay," I finally say, swinging my legs off of the bed, forgetting that I'm just wearing cotton shorts and a tank top.
Harrison slowly sweeps his gaze over me before locking his blue eyes with my brown ones. The act alone is so intimate and almost sexual, but it doesn't make me feel disgusted with him at all. He blinks and clears his throat before saying, "Uh, you should change."
I shift back and forth on my feet, finally managing to choke out, "Can you, uh, not look? I don't really know where to send you."
"Yeah, yeah," Harrison turns around and covers his eyes for good measure. I hurriedly pull on a pair of light-washed jeans and throw a shirt on. Trying to put on my pair of Converses, I end up stumbling a little bit, causing Harrison to ask whether I'm okay or not.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure, "You can turn around."
"I better not find you naked," he jokes, ultimately killing all the awkwardness in the room or making it worse.
I pluck a pillow off my bed and throw it at him, "As if that's ever going to happen."
He tilts his head innocently to the side, "And why is that?"
Harrison waits for my answer with a growing smirk, excepting me to stutter my way through. Instead, I move closer and place my hand on his chest, whispering, "You gotta ask me the right way."
He gulps, and I'm the one smirking now. I walk towards my window, casually throwing over my shoulder, "You coming or what?"
Harrison grips the steering wheel and avoids my question, "Promise me you'll stay in the car."
"Harrison, oh my god," I nervously say, "Are you in a gang? Are you dealing drugs? Why am I even here?"
"Arden, calm down," he says, glancing at me, "I just have to make amends with my past, especially with Mo."
Before I can say anything, Harrison exits the car and walks to the group of dangerous-looking guys. I watch from the passenger seat, confused as to what he meant. Make amends with his past? What could he have possibly done with these people?
Harrison strides over to them, cool and confident, knowing exactly what he's doing. It reminds me of the first time Harrison entered the police station, acting as if he owns the place, even with the handcuffs around his wrists. Somehow, he just has that kind of ability to do that.
He stands before a guy with caramel-colored skin, who is probably Mo, and opens his mouth to speak. Before he gets a word out, the guy punches Harrison, which sends him stumbling back. Once he regains he balance, he rubs at his jaw, brushing off the punch as if it's nothing.
Another punch is thrown by Mo, but this time, Harrison is ready. He dodges the punch and spins, grabbing Mo's arm and pinning it behind his back. He then kicks his legs out, forcing the caramel-skinned guy to the ground. It all looks so effortless to Harrison, which is terrifying to me.
It seems like he's handling everything, but the other guys finally jump in and pull Harrison off of Mo. Helpless, I watch as they throw him to the ground and beat him senseless before fleeing. There are tears running down my face at this point, and I scramble to open the car door. I run to his beaten body and drop to my knees, simultaneously pulling out my phone and calling my dad and completely disregarding any consequences that will come. I just need Harrison to be okay, and I'll be risking it if I don't call my dad immediately.
My dad picks up at the third ring, "Arden?"
"Dad," I choke out, feeling for Harrison's pulse, "Dad, I need you to come right now."
"What? You're not home?"
"That's not important," I say, skimming my fingers down his chest, searching for any broken ribs, "Harrison's in trouble, Dad. Oh my god, he's not looking good at all."
My dad's voice shifts into an authoritative one, asking, "Where are you?"
"I don't know, I don't know," I mutter under my breath, scanning for any street signs or anything. My eyes finally land on the name of an abandoned building, "Uh, I'm in Mulberry County, in front of an abandoned clothing factory."
"Jesus, that's the next town over," my dad makes a distressed noise, "We'll be there, sweetheart. Just hang on, okay?"
The phone goes dead, and I run my fingers through Harrison's black hair, which is matted with sweat. Thankfully, he's breathing. Although it's faint, it's still there, and that's enough to reassure me through this horrid situation. He will be okay because he's Harrison Gage. If I've learned anything from him, it's that he's an unstoppable force.
After several moments, the police and an ambulance comes. I watch as they load Harrison's body into the back, leaving me with my dad and a few others.
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