ONE | 4/2/15

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ONE | 4/2/15

THURSDAY NIGHTS ARE the nights my dad and I always have dinner together at the police station. Since he's the Sheriff of Cherryhill, he usually doesn't have the time to sit down and have a proper dinner. I buy dinner most of the time, which gives me the advantage of picking whatever I want -- tonight is burgers and fries.

It's been like this ever since my parents got divorced when I was fifteen. About three years of this routine.

Carly Hoffman, the Desk Receptionist, sighs in sympathy for me. She watches as I check my phone every few minutes. It's normal, though, for my dad to be late. It just leaves a bad feeling in my stomach because he goes out into the real world, risking his life.

"Arden?" I look up, taking in Carly's soft smile and watered-down eyes, "Do you want me to call him?"

"No, I don't want to trouble you," I say, "I'll just call him myself."

A few rings later, my dad finally picks up. It eases the slight pressure in my chest, "Hey, Dad."

"Arden, hey, sorry I'm running late--"

"Don't worry about it," I shift my tone into a teasing one, "It's just that the burgers and fries are getting cold. The ones from Trisha's."

He lets out a small sound of happiness, "I'll be there soon. I just had to pick up a seventeen-year-old boy."

"Is he cute?" I jokingly ask.

"Hey, kid. My daughter wants to know if you're cute?" I laugh at how serious he sounds. There are a few muffled noises before my dad replies, "He says that he sure hopes so. You can be the judge of that, sweetheart."

It takes me a little while to control my laughter, but when I finally do, I say, "You can sure count on that, Dad."

"Alright, I'm pulling up at the station. See you in a few."

"See ya," I end the call and face Carly, "He just got here. Caught some harmless delinquent or something."

"Of course," Carly nods, "He's always looking out for this town."

I pick up the bags of food and kick open my dad's office door. The door swings a little too hard, smacking the wall with a bang. I don't bother closing it since my dad will be here soon.

"Stop doing that!" Carly calls.

"No promises!"

I place the paper bags down on his desk. I sit down on the side where he usually sits, placing my old Chucks right next to a framed picture. It was the both of us from the previous year -- I was leaning into him, and his arm was around my shoulders, laughing at some joke. It looked so real; a moment of fleeting happiness.

"Smells good."

"Smells cold," I counter before getting up to kiss my dad's cheek. I step back and acknowledge the guy next to him, looking as if he owns the place, even with cuffs around his wrists, "Hey."

"Meet Harrison Gage. He'll have fun in the holding cell while we eat dinner."

As I watch my dad take off Harrison's handcuffs and locking him in the cell, I can't help but think of my earlier question. He definitely is cute, and I don't mind staring at him for a little bit longer.

Harrison rubs his wrists as he sits on the bench. His head hangs, dark hair draping down and shielding his view from us. His navy blue flannel is rolled to the sleeve and unbuttoned, revealing a black t-shirt. His ripped jeans and black Vans looks dusty, just like his shirt. Everything about him just seems rugged.

My dad watches me as I observe Harrison, thoughtfully chewing on his fries, "So, do you think Harrison is cute?"

I look at Harrison again. This time, he's looking up with his blue eyes, waiting for my answer as well, "Mm, definitely. And he doesn't talk much. Bonus points."

My dad starts laughing. Even though he's the Sheriff, my dad is soft around the edges. He never gets rough with anyone unless the crime is really serious. So, Harrison didn't do anything too bad.

"Aw, you think I'm cute," says Harrison. Those are the first words that I hear him speak, and it slightly throws me off. Honestly, it's the most charming thing I've heard in a while -- slow and particular, like he thinks before he speaks.

Stop, Arden, you idiot. You're already crushing on the guy.

It's then quiet until Carly pops her head in, "Sheriff Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Gage are here."

"Thanks, Carly," he wipes his hands on a napkin, "I'll be right back."

"Your parents got here pretty fast," I comment before continuing to chew on my burger, taking quick glances of the delinquent in the cell. I swallow my food before speaking, "Did you eat dinner?"

He tilts his head, as if not comprehending what I just asked. A few seconds later, he answers with a cautious, "No."

"Ah, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" I pick up the bag of fries and stick it through the cell. He grabs the bag and sits back down on the metal bench.

"Why are you giving me these?" Harrison asks before stuffing a few fries in his mouth.

"A pretty face doesn't need to die of hunger," I smirk, "So, how'd you manage to get yourself arrested?"

He leans back, "I may or may not have barged into an old couple's party."

"Oh boy, we have a badass in the room," I sarcastically say, "Why'd you do it?"

"It's the thrill of life; I can't resist."

I get up from my seat once again, sending a wink his way, "Huh, I wonder what the 'rents will say about that."

I salute to him before walking out of the room. My dad is now taking Harrison's parents to his office, ruffling up my hair as he skims by. I roll my eyes, flattening the top of my long hair.

I look at Carly with a devious smile, "How much trouble do you think he'll get into?"

"A warning, probaby," Carly shrugs, "He better not land himself in here again."

"We'll see."


1,032 words for the first chapter of this new story!

I hope you enjoy, I think it'll be one heck of a ride.





p.s. If you haven't connected the dots, Trisha's is the burger place that Venice and Grant (from Tender Conversations. Check it out if you haven't :D) go to.

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