EPILOGUE | 6/15/17
SOMEHOW, I'M THE one sitting in a holding cell while Harrison, unbelievably, is standing outside of one with a smug grin adorning his lips. I glare at him, daring my boyfriend to say anything that will anger me. Although he remains quiet like a smart person, the smirk on his face hasn't left since the moment he got here, ready to bail me out under all circumstances. It's sweet that he'd do that for me, like how I would do the same for him, but that little bastard seems so conceited right now.
To make matters worse, we're missing out Lucas's graduation ceremony because I decided to run a few red lights. I was driving to my old high school, and I was running really, really late. Harrison and his family were already there when I called my boyfriend for some assistance.
I mean, I wouldn't have called him if my dad was still in town. However, since my dad got married to Rebecca about two weeks ago and is currently on his honeymoon, I had no other choice.
"So, Arden--"
"Don't you dare, Gage," I cut him off.
Apparently, that doesn't stop him, "--what's it like being on the other side?"
"Terrible," I groan, standing up and stretching, "Do you know how much longer I'm in here?"
His playful demeanor fades, and he shrugs, "I don't know, babe. I can go--"
The door swings open and in come the Deputy of the Cherryhill police department. Roger's a grumpy man, who literally has no chill when it comes to these kinds of situations. He begrudgingly unlocks the cell door and gestures for me to exit. Harrison makes a funny face behind him, which makes me laugh, but Roger isn't a fan of jokes either.
"Thanks, Roger," I sheepishly say, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
"You better be, kid."
I join Harrison and grab his hand, lacing my fingers with his. My boyfriend smiles down at me and presses a kiss on the side of my head. The Deputy rolls his eyes and goes outside of the room, where we follow after him. As we walk by the front desk, I wave goodbye to Carly. She simply laughs at how the Sheriff's daughter got arrested moments ago.
"So, Harrison," I start, squeezing his hand affectionately, "Are we too late to go to Lucas's graduation?"
"We can just crash it if we are," he cheekily responds.
In the past year, we've grown impossibly closer than before, especially since we decided to live in the same apartment for college. With that said, everything else around us started to fall into place as well. In the past year, Harrison's parents and siblings learned to let go of their grudges and mend their relationship. In the past year, I learned to let go of the past and love the future. In the past year, everything began to work out, and I couldn't be more grateful.
"Or," Harrison says after a few moments, "we can go to our spot and wait until the afterparty."
I laugh, "That sounds brilliant."
"You know what else?"
"Thank god for Thursdays," he says with a grin.
"We wouldn't have come this far without them."
(Early update ayyye)
And that's a wrap, my wonderful readers :)
I can't believe that it's already over -- it felt like such a short time.
Ayyyye, props to me for sticking with my update schedule.
ALSO, since this is the ending of this version, the beginning of the new version will be up next week!
I love all of you guys so much, see you in the author's note!
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