Two Courts

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Pairing: Terresan court x teen!reader
Warning: torture
Note: again, requests are always open
Requested by: @bookfangirl64224

                               Aedion frowned to himself, he was supposed to meet Y/n for training but he can't find her anywhere. Y/n was the only teen girl part of Aelin's court, she was skilled with a crossbow and bow and arrow but when it came to blades, she needed help with that.

                                 Rowan was also looking for Y/n, like Aedion, he too helps the young teen learn how to properly wield a blade. He spotted Aedion, Aedion shook his head as a "no, I haven't seen her yet" making Rowan sigh. Where could she have gone? She tends to wander, yes, but she doesn't go too far and she always comes back.

                                  As Rowan and Aedion walked back to Aelin, Lysandra and Aelin were staring something in Aelin's hands. It was an arrow, Y/n's arrow. Her bow and crossbow were snapped, her arrows mangled, but one arrow had survived with a single note attached to the arrowhead.



                                     Y/n didn't even remember how she got here, all she remembered was gathering firewood with Evangeline then everything went black. Y/n tugs on the restraints that held her down. "I wouldn't bother," a female voice droned. "After all, you are my prisoner."

~back to the court~

                                      "She's nowhere to be found, Aelin. I've searched the entire forest and she's not there," Rowan told Aelin. "She just went off to gather firewood and she gets kidnapped instead," Aedion grumbled. "She could have screamed at least," Lysandra adds. "Y/n and I split up," Evangeline piped up. "She told me to gather wood not far from where she was, I didn't hear anyone coming up."

                                        Aelin pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing. "We have to keep looking, Maeve couldn't have gone too far with her."

~back to Y/n~

                                         Fenrys will be damned as he carried the bloodied, unconscious teen girl in his arms. He's already healed her as best as he could but the rest Whitethorn and his queen will have to heal her. The Little Folk were watching him, he can tell, he placed the girl down. "Take her back to her court safely. I have to go back before my queen realizes what I've done."

~and back to Aelin and her court~

                                           Rowan sighs to himself, he barely recognized Y/n because of all of her cuts and blood when the Little Folk brought her. Even with all the healing, she's hard to recognize. All the torturing, the pain she's been through, she can't get proper sleep because of it.

                                             At an inn, Aedion has dropped by Y/n's room, his hand shot to his sword but then dropped when he saw a man, no male, standing over Y/n's bed, she was sleeping peacefully, no nightmare plagued her. He had wings, his wings were folded around her, cradling her, protecting her as best he can.

                                              The male carefully pulled away, tucking his wings in. "Hello, Aedion," the male softly said, turning to face Aedion. "I'd like to thank you, your cousin, and her court for taking care of my sister, protecting her, and rescuing her from Maeve."

                                                "My name is Rhysand. I am the High Fae lord of the Night Court. My sister chose to leave the Night Court to explore the world, how did she come to yours is a question I will never get an answer to. It is her choice if she wishes to return with me or if she wishes to stay," the male said. "If she chooses to stay, please, make sure she's safe and most importantly, happy."

                                                   Rhysand leaned against the doorframe, watching his sister sleep for the first time in weeks. He could feel his sister's pain, he can hear her screams, it was a special bond he had with her. "Does she have wings?" Aedion curiously asked, standing beside Rhysand. "She does, but she never shows it around you and your cousin's court," Rhysand replied. "Probably because she was afraid you'd judge her or possibly kick her out."

                                                  "I best leave. I have my own court to get to," said Rhysand, he strode over to his sister and kissed Y/n's forehead one last time then finally left.

                                                     When it became morning, Aelin and her court waited for Y/n to show up. "What is taking her so long?" Rowan grumbled, Aedion opened his mouth to answer then stopped when she finally stepped out. She wore a simple white shirt but on her back was wings with hints of iridescence.

                                                        She was no longer afraid.

Mhm, this was a nice change, I suppose.

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