Pairing: Ren Allsbrook x reader
Warning: none
Note: you noticed Ren started to withdraw himself from you. This is placed in Heir of Fire.
Requested by: no one
You reached over to the other side of the bed, seeking Ren's warmth only to find nothing. You sat up, you saw that Ren's side of the bed was empty making you sigh again. This has been going on for several days making you wonder what was going on with him.
You walked out of the bedroom, you found him sleeping on the couch, back turned to you. As soon as you reached the couch, he was up with a blade in his hand, he sighs and lowers it. "Dammit, Y/n. I hate it when you do that." He sighs. "And I hate it when you sleep on the couch," you snap back, Ren immediately looks away from you, eyes filled with pain. "Ren, tell me what's wrong."
The moonlight shone on you, making Ren remember why he loves you so much. Not just because of your beauty but because you were so accepting and loyal. Ren stands up from the couch and started to unbutton his shirt, he pulls it off, revealing his muscular body, his newest wound and the many scars that covered his upper body.
"What are you trying to show me?" You asked. "I'm covered with scars, Y/n!" Ren exploded. "Scars! And you don't give a damn about it!" You flinched at the sudden shout, you never expected him to shout at you, he's never shouted. Ren immediately regrets exploding at you but it's true, he is covered with scars. Hell, even his face has scars.
You walked over to Ren, the moonlight following you, making him slightly gulp. You cupped your hand against his cheek, brushing away the tears Ren didn't realize he was shedding. "Is that what's been bothering you?" You whispered. "Ren, everyone has scars. Aedion has scars, the Captain has scars, your grandfather has scars. Everyone has scars, sometimes you can't even see them because it's not from a physical wound," you said, you leaned up and kissed his cheek then the other then his lips. "And I don't care if you have scars. It shows me that you are a warrior, that you fought back instead of letting Hellas claim you."
Oh, how lucky Ren was to have a woman like you. Throughout the entire night, you and Ren shared kisses and promises to never leave each other unless it was completely necessary. You never knew why Ren started to feel insecure about himself, nor will you pressure him to tell you why he felt that way. You and Ren knew each other for many years, your parents along with Ren's places you two together and you did everything together.
They even placed bets on when you two will fall in love. Except they never got the chance to see when they had.
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