My body ached as I rested in the large hot tub on the back deck. Derek was out for a hunt while Cain was locked up in the study reading a book. And probably hiding from Skylar.
It had been about two weeks since we mated for the first time. Since then, we had been wrapped up in the sheets the entire first three days, and then it was every night since it. Don't mistake us, we absolutely loved it, but our bodies were sore now, and our precious Skylar was getting a bit rough.
I looked up as she walked her sexy body outside. Her face was a little ashen but she opened the robe and exposed her delcious body to my viewing. I licked my lips as she climbed into the water but she didn't sit next to me like I had expected. I raised an eyebrow at her actions.
"Why are you sitting over there, beautiful?" I asked. She frowned and looked down.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked. I ignored the fact that she hadn't answered my question because fear was laced into her voice.
"Of course, baby. Don't ever think you can't talk to me. Nor to Derek or Cain. We are here for you." I said beginning to worry. What could be upsetting her so much that she thought she couldn't talk to us.
"I don't want to have sex tonight." She said so softly that I thought I didn't hear her correctly. I began to laugh and she looked up at me confused.
"Oh my love, you've just made me the happiest man." I said but instantly regretted it as tears swarmed her eyes. She got up to get out but I quickly pulled her onto my lap. What a big mistake that was.
I groaned in pain but kept her body against mine. I waited a couple seconds and regulated my breathing. When I had pulled her down onto mine, I had forgotten just how sore my body really was.
"I meant no offense to you, baby. It's just, I am a bit sore. I absolutely love having sex with you. You are amazing in bed and have the sexiest body I have ever seen. However, with having done it so often, my body had gotten sore from it." I kissed her neck gently. She blushed and pushed me away playfully.
"Ryder?" She said shyly. "I've only been so active in the bed because I didn't want y'all to get bored with me and leave me." My eyes widened slightly and my jaw tightened. Thankfully at that moment Derek walked up.
"Everything ok?" He asked glancing from my face to hers. He stood by the steps that led up to the squared hot tub.
"Take her upstairs and dress her, please." I said. Though we all three were very dominate, we respected each other and would help if one had ordered something. We were such close friends that we knew each other's boundries already.
Derek held his arms out for our little mate. She hesitated looking at me then got up and let Derek carry her upstairs. I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my bare waist. I grabbed another towel and dried my hair as I walked up to the study. I knocked on the door and waited for Cain to allow me inside.
"I need you upstairs for a bit. We need to have a talk and explain some things to Skylar." I said once I had walked in and stood in front of his desk.
He licked his lips in thought and nodded. He laid his pen down and closed the book he had been making notes in.
"Is she ok?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I'm not very sure. But I do know that this issue needs to be addressed now before she gets any more preposterous thoughts." I responded as we calmly walked up the stairs to our master bedroom.
Once inside I pulled on some silk pyjama pants and a loose white teeshirt. I walked over to stand beside Derek while standing in front of Skylar and Cain. He sat beside her, rubbing her back gently.
"I learned some things tonight, my friends. Our little mate here, has been so active at night with us, because she thinks we will become bored of her, and no longer have her as a mate." I stated. The air in the room instantly thickened as Cain and Derek got angry.
"What!!?" Cain yelled standing up. Skylar flinched and looked down. He growled. "Look at me, Skylar Pacar." He ordered. She had no choice but to look up at him. He only said her last name when he was absolutely furious.
"Why would you think that?" Derek asked. His tone was low, but this time, it was filled with disbelief and anger. I felt the same. She shrugged and looked to him.
"You guys were such man whores all growing up, I just figured that you wouldn't want me if I didn't keep up with your appetite." She answered.
"Skylar, yes, we had a lot of sex, but you are our mate. We wouldn't leave you no matter what. We love you." Cain said. I looked at Skylar.
"He is telling the truth, Skylar. We do love you and we would do anything to make you happy. Please don't ever think that we would leave you over for something as simply as sex. Our bodies ache from having sex so much. So believe me when I say, men need a break from it sometimes too." She nodded and wiped her cheeks as a tear slipped out.
"Yes Masters." She said. Our bodies tensed at the sound of the beautiful word escaping the equally beautiful woman. We smiled softly at her.
"Don't be afraid to talk to us." Derek said.
"We aren't so manly that we don't know how to listen to our woman when she is in need." Cain finsihed. She nodded again and smiled sheepishly.
"Can we go to bed now?" She asked. Me and Derek nodded but Cain sighed.
"I'm sorry darling, I have some papers I need to finished reading. I'll come to bed as soon as I can." He said and kissed her softly. She smiled still.
"No worries." She responded and climbed into the bed. I climbed in and eased my way beside her. She laid peacefully beside me whil Derek laid on her other side. We curled up to her and she moaned softly in content. I smiled as I fell asleep.
I woke up in an instant. My eyes watered as I remembered the terrible dream I had just had. I was sweating terribly. I felt my stomach twist and I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up whatever wasn't digested from last nights dinner. A new wave of sweat coated my skin as my body kept heaving until there was nothing but air to heave.
It had been a month since we had mated. It was frequent that I would wake up damp from sweating, and then puke up everything that I desperately wanted to keep down. I felt Derek's hands gently patting my back as Cain got the bath water ready. It was so early in the morning that it was still dark outside. The guys were half asleep as they moved around trying to set everything up. Once I was stable enough to move, Derek removed my clothes and set me into the large garden tub gently as Ryder went about cleaning up.
I felt absolutely terrible that my mates had to help me this early every morning. I didn't know what was wrong with me. My eyes teared up again as I remembered the dream. It had been a baby girl this time. Every night I would dream of being pregnant, and when it came time to deleviring, the baby would die in some way. It was harder the nights that I had the chance to hold the babies alive before they past.
I laid in the tub just staring into the bubbles that were slowly distenrgrating. I don't know what made me do it, but I counted the days from my last period. I gasped and looked up at Ryder whom was the only one in the room currently. I was way past my cycle. Being a werewolf, I was never late on my cycle, unless I was...
"I'm pregnant." I whispered too scared to say it louder. Ryder froze.
Hey my loves, sorry it's so short, I'm just so tired. I'll do my best to upload tomorrow since I won't be able to this weekend. Enjoy.
Also, for those who may think I'm moving too fast, in all fairness, I did say that the first love making usually resulted in the first litter.
Tell me what ya think please(:
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