Ello, While I was rereading my previous chapter, I realized how many mistakes I made. I'm terribly sorry my dears. I hope you continue to read.
However, if I do happen to make a major mistake, like put Ryder's name when it's supposed to be Derek's, or something like that, please let me know so I won't confuse future readers. Thank you!!!(:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING. This is the mating scene. I have it detailed, please, if you blush during kissing scenes at movies, don't bother reading this because you'll probably get a nose bleed(; Haha, just kidding I'm not that good, but seriously, 18+ please unless you will be mature about it~~~~~~~~~
I licked my lips as I watched the expression on Skylar's face. She looked so happy, which in turn made me happy.
"Oh my god." She whispered. She looked up at the beautiful place that she would now call home. No longer would she live with her mother. She would be in the arms of us three every night. I looked at the mansion like house. Which it did look a tad expensive, but most of it was the garage. It was a two door garage, but the second door could fit two vehicles in it. There was a small pond behind us that had a little waterfall and a foutain in it. Tiny rocks linned the inside while a few slates of rock covered the outside. I didn't care much for the flowers that rested around the pond, so I knew Skylar would be having a field day with picking out new ones. She loved horticulture. I looked up again at the building we would now call home. I chuckled quietly as I noticed that there was a room over the garage. Why did I have a feeling that one day each of us guys would be spending a night in there from having done something to upset our precious little one.
My eyes traveled over to the large mahogny doors and I nudged Skylar playfully. She walked further up the pathway to the door. She tried the handle then frowned. I looked over to Cain with a glare.
"How did you forget to unlock the door?" Cain blushed as he reached into his pocket and handed Skylar the key.
"Sorry baby girl. I was too anxious to see you again that I had forgotten. She simply smiled at him and looked back to the door. After the door was unlocked and she was inside, she smiled brightly.
I felt a rush of pride go through me as I saw how happy she was with the choice that us three had made for her. She twirled around slowly as she looked at everything. She came to a stop and gasped. She ran to the back wall and stopped just short of the glass. I let out the breath of air that I noticed I had been holding.
She looked out over the wonderful background we had as our back yard. The mountains showed perfectly through the glass that acted as the back wall of our living room.
"This is so beautiful." She whispered. Ryder walked over and wrapped his arms around her.
"We think you are more beautiful, but we are glad you like it, baby. Do you know whos house this is?" He asked. She turned around and looked around the place again then frowned up at him. She shook her head. Cain chuckled.
"It's your house, princess. All of our home, really. We bought this for you." Her eyes filled with tears and we all tensed until we saw the remarkable smile that showed on her face.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said bowing her head to please our wolves. Which she had absolutely no trouble in doing. Ryder pulled her from the window and we gathered around her. She moaned as she was semi squished between our three hard bodies.
I could already feel my lips bruising as I kissed Derek with everything I had. We were all four laid on the huge bed of our bedroom. We were naked, but still hadn't done anything yet. They were waiting on my approval. It was silly for them to even think that I would reject their bodies, but it was still part of the mating.
During the first love making, the woman had all the power. If she didn't like the way her mate's body looked, she would dry up instantly and there would be no hope for mating. In my instance, I had to approve of three mates. Which I had absolutely no doubt in saying yes because they were all so beautiful already. I'm sure they would have frowned had I called them beautiful aloud, they would have preferred me calling them handsome or sexy. Typical males.
I felt the three of the slide out of bed. I turned onto my back and pulled a sheet over my body so they couldn't see me. I knew they all hated me hiding my body, but they would have to live with it for tonight. Because even though it went against my entire nature, I was in charge tonight.
My eyes widened as I saw just how developed each of my men actually were. My body instantly flooded with wetness and I couldn't help but moan as my scent filled the room. Their eyes turned dark instantly and I could see their erections grow larger, if possible. That's the beauty of being a wolf. The males grew larger until they were allowed to cum.
I pulled the sheet off me shyly and motioned for them to come to me. I scooted to the edge of the bed and they did just that. They hesitated but walked to me. I licked my lips and heard a groan from all three. They were so different, yet just as powerful. Figuring it was on fair that Derek went first, since he got the last bite, I turned to him and looked up at him for permission. Though I was in charge, I still need reassurance that I was allowed to touch him. He smiled and nodded at me.
I touched his stomach first. God the wonderful abs that he had, made my mouth water. He was so beautiful. I rubbed my hands along his stomach until I finally got the courage to touch his large appendage. I lightly skimmed it and shivered when I heard the deep growl of warning from Derek.
I wrapped my dainty hand around him and his head fell back as if I was the only woman in the world who had ever touched him. I knew I wasn't, but hey, I could pretend.
I stroked him a couple of times until he stopped my hand. I looked up and his eyes told me everything I needed to know. If I had kept on, he would have been removed from the equation a lot sooner that either one of us wanted. I turned to Cain and his eyes flashed in need. It shocked me a bit as I looked down and saw that he was bigger than before. Had he gotten harder watching me touch his pack brother? I blushed a little at the thought of that.
I repeated the same actions on Cain that I had with Derek. He groaned more that Derek had, which I wasn't worried because I knew Derek was the silent type. He always had been.
I took Cain longer to stop me, which I was grateful for. I loved touching my mates. I turned to Ryder and saw the pain filled lust in his eyes. I smiled up shyly at him.
"May I touch you?" I whispered. My voice came out more husky than even I had suspected. He groaned deeply but nodded. I wrapped my hands around him a bit tighter than I had the others. I didn't know why, but I knew that Ryder enjoyed it a bit rougher than the others did.
I leaned forward and kissed his stomach then pulled away. I turned onto my hands and knees and slowly crawled away from them. I could feel the tension in the room as they stared at me. I could practically hear the precum dripping onto our polished floor. Finally reaching where I wanted to be, I turned onto my back and looked up at them.
"Come have me as you wish." I whispered and suddenly I felt their hands all over my body. I screamed in pleasure as I felt someone licking up my juices. My eyes blurred from the passion and though I couldn't see who it was, I could feel that it was Cain between my legs.
I gasped as I felt my body lifted so I was on my knees. I moaned louder than I expected at the feel of another tongue trailing down my back. As it reached the top of my ass, I felt another mouth, except this one was on my lips. I kissed Cain back as Ryder's lips and tongue explored my backside while Derek devoured my front.
I was moaning relentlessly as every crevice of my body was being tended to. I felt a slender finger envade my body and I moaned into Cain's mouth. My hands tightened in his hair as I felt a different figer slide into my puckered hole. I shivered as a hint of fear set into me. The smell of it entered the room and the hands on my body got softer and more gentle.
"It's ok baby." Cain whispered against my lips. "We would never hurt you. Just relax for us baby." Cain said softly and I obeyed him. Once my body relaxed and the smell of fear left the room, my mates went back to preparing my body.
Until now I had no idea how this would work. having three mates? I knew at least two of them would be inside me at once, but as Cain kissed me, I knew where he would be. My mouth watered at the thought of being able to taste him. I squirmed as I felt another finger slide into my backside. Ryder kissed my lower back trying to ease me. Derek was gently lapping my lips downstairs. My stomach clenched Ias I felt Derek's teeth skim me. It felt like a thousand jolts of electricity went through me, but it was the best kind.
I screamed and let my head fall back as I felt my body release something it never had. Derek worked to get up every bit of my essence that wanted to run down my legs.
"Easy baby. You still have to be calm for Ryder." Cain whispered.
"W-What w-was that?" i asked breathless. I felt the mood in the room lighten as they once again got gentle with my body.
"It was your first orgasm, my princess. You are forever ours. Derek, Ryder, and I claim you. We will never let another touch your precious body in a sexual way." He whispered. I blushed and smiled again. I felt a third finger slip into my now prepared hole. I moaned and I guess Ryder understood that I was ready, for he removed his fingers from me. Derek moved away to and I whimpered for their touch. Before I could beg them to come back, I felt Ryder hands on my waist and he pulled me back gently. I felt his chest against my back.
"I need you relax, love. I am going to slide into you now, ok? Once I do, Derek will be the next to enter you. Are you ok with that?" He asked and I moaned in need.
"Yes. Have me. Please. Gods please make this pain go away." I pleaded shamelessly. I faintly heard their growls of approval but it got drowned out as I felt the sting in my backside. Ryder had pushed the tip of his head inside me.
My body tensed and Derek and Cain went about trying to soothe my body. Tears prickled my eyes at the intrusion. I wanted this, believe me I did, but it hurt so bad. His c0ck was a lot larger than his slender fingers. I wanted to cry as I felt him sliding inch by inch further into me. I gasped as he filled me to the hilt. Thankfully he stopped moving.
For what? I didn't know. Derek was rubbing my hips in small, soothing circles. A tear leaked out and Cain kissed it away.
"It's ok, beautiful. You're such a good girl. So brave for taking your master like that." Ryder whispered in my ear. I felt pride consume me. "Such a beautiful girl. You make me so proud." He continued. I smiled in the darkness of the room and I knew Derek's member was soon going to be entering me. I tensed and heard Ryder groan. "You have to loosen, love, or I won't be able to resist." It took me a second but my body relaxed and I felt Derek's tip at my center. I let my head fall back onto Ryder's shoulder.
"Good girl." Derek praised as he was now hilt deep just like Ryder. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I felt completely filled. Well almost. Now I had the overwhelming need to have Cain forcing himself down my throat. I quicly reached up and started stroking Cain's large meat.
I moaned loudly as I felt Ryder and Derek both withdraw to the tip, then push all the way back in. As my lips opened I felt Cain's tip on my lips. I could taste him as he dripped with precum. I stuck my tongue out and licked him. I could hear his groan. I held the back of one of his legs and pulled him closer. He slowly went deeper into my mouth and he gasped.
Yeah, I had no gag reflex. I was moaning relentlessly as I felt every part of me being filled. They were at the same pace until I scratched the back of Cain's thigh and he snapped his hips forward. My eyes watered slightly at the empact to my throat but I didnn't care. I tightened my walls around Derek which in turn squeezed Ryder as well. They growled out and got rougher with me too. I moaned louder in pleasure. I loved feeling them.
They were fast and rough against my body. I didn't want the slow, sensual way that they were doing it before, no. I wanted them snapping their hips forward and shoving inside my body. I felt my walls clamping as I came close to my climax. I did the best I could to tighten my throat and I felt more pleasure as they all groaned. I clawed Derek's back as I orgasmed and that set them all off. I felt a warm substance filling my every hole and I could do nothing more than stay still. I swallowed what I could of Cain's essence, but with him still shoved down my throat I couldn't let up any pressure or it could hurt him bad. Ryder and Derek couldn't move at all or it would rip me as well as hurting them.
My eyes began to water as my body begged for air. I could bring little puffs of oxygen in through my nose but it wasn't the deep breaths that I needed. Though my eyes were closed, little black dots filled my vision and at the last second, Cain was able to pulled out. I took a deep inhale of breath but I was already passed out.
I didn't feel Ryder and Derek moving so they could slide out of me, and I didn't feel went they laid me in the tub gently and started the water.
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