Why should I help You

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The Canadians's face betrayed his feelings; he looked hurt, though he feebly tried to mask it as he said, "Oh,...ok. Well I will be back tomorrow. We can talk some more about Holy Rome's new identity...Goodnight Prussia."

Canada loosened his hand, brushed away Gilbert's fresh tears and rose to his feet. When he was almost out the door, he paused and turned to the Empire. He made the sign of the cross, said a few barely audible words and hastily left, gently closing the door behind him. A few moments passed before Prussia walked to the bed and began to say his last goodbyes to the Holy Roman Empire...

Canada felt like he'd been run through with a sword. His heart hurt, his knees were weak, his head throbbed and he was exhausted. He knew it was nothing compared to what Gilbert was going through, though. Matthew couldn't begin to fathom what e would do if America had just... dropped. He definitely wouldn't be as put together as Prussia still was.

Canada was sitting just down the hall and around the corner form the comatose boy's room. He wasn't able to make himself leave. After Prussia had told him to go, Canada had felt wounded, almost to the point of anger.

"He just told me to take care of his comatose brother that probably also has amnesia, and he just told me to give him a whole new identity! Then he just tells me to leave?!"

Several people in the hall turned to openly stare at the blonde haired boy. A lady with a small girl by her side put her head down and hustled by/.

Canada felt a crushing guilt set in. He knew it was a lot to take in, but it was nothing like being in a coma, or arranging a new identity for a family member. Matthew sighed and slowly attempted to calm himself down. He gingerly rose to his feet, so as not to agitate his throbbing head. He spent a few minutes debating whether or not to leave. Eventually he headed further down the hall to the hospital's exit.

He was nearly out the glass doors when he felt a small twinge of something; a nagging in the back of his mind. He immediately froze, his heartbeat jumping up to an abnormal speed. He suddenly knew why Prussia had told him all of those things, why he'd told him every detail of his plan. When he'd said, "I will exist in him on the - oh..." and " I won't be around much longer." And the way he'd looked at Canada. His eyes had been full of depression. Not only from the state of his broken brother, but from the chilling reality of what he was about to do: Prussia was going to kill himself.

"Doctor," a nearby nurse said.

Matthew's heart was beating erratically like the hooves of a horse on the last lap of a race.

" I believe someone's broken into the Medicinal Room."

The country knew. Gilbert was going to die, and nothing was there to stop him. Matthew turned on his heel and raced back down the hall, everything happening in slow motion. All the while he was thinking, ' He can't die...He can't die...I didn't ever tell him I love him...'

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