Is this goodbye?

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Prussia had slowly said goodbye to his brother before heading out of the room. He had nothing going through his head or heart as he made his last, short trip through the hospital. He made it to the medicine room without trouble. Slowly and carefully he turned the knob, a tiny sigh of relief escaping his mouth as it gave under his hand. He had expected it to be locked. He stepped into the room and thoughtfully close the door behind him a gentle click resounding through the medicine stocked enclosure. After a bit of searching,he found a shiny, small ,wrapped syringe, and began to look for a viable medication to help him enter into the welcoming arms of Death. The boy spotted a small, white cabinet in the back of the to it, he saw that it said, " Danger! Do not administer to anybody but cancer patients! Lethal otherwise."

A broken, emotionless smile crossed the teen's face as he reached in and extracted a bottle of clear liquid no bigger than his thumb. He unwrapped the syringe and began to fill it with the medicine, now liquid death.

"This is it." He thought,"I'm going to die. I'm never going to see this world again"

Gilbert paused a moment, trying to see if the statement changed anything. Feeling nothing (as he had before) he raised the glinting, seemingly innocent needle to his bicep and closed his eyes. "Holy Rome," he said gently, as if talking to a small child. "I know you will miss me, but you'll be okay. Canada will..." His voice trailed off as he bit his lip, trying not to let the ragged sobs building inside him escape. He resorted to thinking out his final words "I love you Canada more than anything. I hope you know..." Prussia began to push the plunger down. Before any of the medicine could reach his arm, he was hit in the back and knocked the floor, his jaw connecting with the cold tiles.

Everything went still and all that could be heard was harsh breathing, only interrupted by the occasional, quiet sob.

Prussia was being pinned by Canada,(who was surprisingly heavy) but all he could think about was the syringe. It was smashed, the glass strewn across the tiles like tiny diamond chips, the liquid making the floor slick. Before he could stop himself, tears began flowing down his tired face, breathing becoming choppy and quick. The weight that have been pressing down on his back lifted, and he was turned over and pushed into a sitting position against the wall. A watery looking Canada moved in front of Prussia and nailed down. Prussia squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the yelling to start. He flinched when something touched face, and he sat still, expecting a load of force to follow behind whatever was there.

When nothing happened he hesitantly opened his eyes, and saw that Canada had the most broken, sad expression lain upon his face. The tears he had cried were stuck to the tips of his lashes, but to Prussia they looked like bits of shattered glass. One of his hands was resting on Gilbert's face. Gilbert noticed that the hand was trembling. Matthew seemed to be waiting for a reaction, maybe expecting Prussia to begin screeching obscenities at him. When he didn't react, Matthew pushed further. His thumb began to slowly brush back and forth across Gilbert's cheek, smoothing away the tears.

"Prussia." He paused, as if he was looking for the right words. " I've loved for so long."

At the statement, Prussia's face became plastered with shock, and his heart began pounding.

"I know you don't like me back, and I know this is just more guilt shoved in to your life... With Holy Rome...And now this." He added, turning a tiny fraction, his eyes quickly flicking to the broken syringe. Matthew took a deep breath.

"I just had to tell you. Just to get it out of the way." His eyes lowered in shame of what he's just shoved onto the other country's already heaping pile if concerns. Realizing his has was still on Gilbert's face, he blushed a deep crimson and took it away.


Thank y'all for reading :) my writing style sucked when I wrote this and I really REALLY don't like this story but I know some people do so that's why I'm posting this.

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