soft seungcheol is the best seungcheol
choi seungcheol lived a pretty simple life.
he lived in a nice apartment. he was doing good in school. he just landed an internship at an idol company he was hoping to work at. he had plenty friends and family members to hang out with. his life was nice.
the thing that he loved the most about his life was his daily routine. everyday he would wake up get ready for school, grab a bite to eat, sit in lectures that he guienunally enjoyed, head to his internship, then spend the rest of the day studying in his favorite cafe by his home. it seemed really weird to love something so mundane as a daily routine but seungcheol absolutely loved the simplicity and stability of it.
seungcheol had just gotten back from his internship and walked into flower café. the smell of scones and coffee filled his nose. he placed his stuff down at an empty table and went to order himself a drink.
as he waited in line he took a look around the shop to see everything. there were couples sharing pieces of cheesecake, students like him studying for upcoming finals, and friends talking about random things. once he got the cashier he ordered his go to order.
a large vanilla latte.
"you always order the same thing when you come here."
it was the cashier helping him. he was the cute blond that always had the same blue button up with white stripes and glasses. seungcheol saw him pretty much everyday but this was the first thing he had ever said to him other than what's your order or thank you for coming to flower café.
seungcheol smiled unsure how to respond. "i guess i do."
"it's kinda cute in a way. enduring ya know." the blond shurgged his shoulders "your drink will be out in a minute."
seungcheol left it at that not thinking much about the weird interaction. when it was done he grabbed his coffee and headed to his seat.
finals were just around the corner which meant a lot of note taking and cramming in order to prepare. seungcheol had his earphones in jamming to his study playlist fully engrossed in studying for his economics final. he didn't even notice that he had finished his drink when he went to take sip but was just met with disappointment.
seungcheol grumbled as he didn't want to get up and get a new one. he took out his head phones and prepared to get up when he ran into the blond cashier.
"i thought you might need this" he handed seungcheol a cup of coffee. it was his exact order.
seungcheol was slightly shocked. it was like he read his mind, right when he needed coffee this angel comes and gives it to him. seungcheol started rummaging through his bag looking for his wallet so he could pay.
"no no no. its on me." the blond smiled.
"thank you so much." seungcheol sighed.
"good luck with what ever your studying"
with that he walked off leaving seungcheol to go back to his studying but he couldn't get that cashier out of his mind.
the next day seungcheol was at that café. luckily they line wasn't long he so he was able to get his drink right away. but to his surprise his order was already prepared.
"i saw you coming from the window so i already got your drink ready"
it was that blond barista again, though this time he was wearing a pink button up opposed to his normal blue one.
"thanks." seungcheol smiled. "i see your changing it up today"
the barista furrowed his brow, not understanding what the other meant. "i don't understand"
"your shirt. you changed it."
a sigh escaped his lips. "you noticed?"
"i have my coffee. you have your shirts. we have some things that we rarely change"
they both smiled at each other. just as seungcheol was starting to walk away the cashier said something that made him stop.
"i get off in fifteen minutes. maybe you can tell me more about things you don't change and ill tell you some of mine"
seungcheol nodded, failing in love with the idea of finding out more about this mysterious blond.
true to his word, fifteen minutes later the barstia had taken a seat next to seungcheol, looking over what the other was doing.
"whatcha studying?"
seungcheol jumped up a little as he couldn't hear the other walking towards. "oh just physics."
"sounds like fun"
"not really." seungcheol chuckled.
the two spent the next couple hours talking about random things. seungcheol found the other extremely fascinating. he was a music major at the same university he attended. he owned an apartment right above the café. turns out the café was owned by his family and he had been working there since he was a teenager. he was funny, sweet, and had a really nice laugh. seungcheol learned a lot about him, all expect one thing.
"hey what's your name?"
The barstia smiled and starred off into the window. "i don't think im gonna tell you yet."
"ill tell you eventually but right now, i think i will leave you in the dark."
seungcheol rolled his eyes. "come on, you already know mine."
"i do not seungcheol." seungcheol shot him a glance as if to say i told you so "well anyways, im still not telling you my name."
seungcheol smirked. "alright well i need to call you something, so guess i'm calling you blondie from now on."
"that is a terrible nick name. i like it." blondie smiled triumphantly.
"alright whatever you say."
in the next coming weeks seungcheol and blondie would talk everyday becoming rather close. seungcheol found himself falling in love with every aspect of the other. the way he throw his head back when he laughed or how he would adjust his glasses. he liked how his blond hair framed his face and how his smile would light up when the topic of discussion was something he was passionate about. seungcheol found himself loving all of it. though he would never say anything about it as he didn't want to ruin their relationship.
one afternoon in the middle of summer seungcheol was hanging out with some friends at flower café. they had all finished another round of coffee when he heard his name being called from behind the counter.
"one large vanilla latte for seungcheol."
seungcheol got up puzzled because he was certain that he didn't order another drink. when he got up to the counter blondie handed him his drink.
"here ya go"
"umm blondie i didn't order this."
"are you sure? it says your name on the cup." before seungcheol could respond blondie walked away to go help another customer.
seungcheol looked down at the drink and smiled when he saw what was written on the lid.
you better use this
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