one day you'll love yourself the way i love you ; seokshua

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i only know how to write seoksoo im sorry jihaners

sorry i just love them so much smh

Joshua was sitting in living room mindlessly playing on his phone waiting for Seokmin to get ready. They had plans to go out with Chan and Soonyoung, and they were currently half an hour late.

"I wonder what's taking him so long." Soonyoung said tapping his fingers on Chan's knee.

"Yeah me too." Joshua placed his phone down and looked back on his and Seokmin's shared room. "I'll go check on him."

Chan and Soonyoung both smiled and nodded as Joshua headed to his room. He knocked on the door. "Hey Seok, ready to go?"

There was brief silence before Seokmin responded "Yeah I-Ill be there soon. Ju-just give me a se-second"

Joshua frowned, he could sense something was off. Seokmin's voice was small. It almost sounded like he was, crying? "Seok, babe is every thing alright?" Joshua asked.

"Yeah, everything's alright Shua."

Seokmin was good at a lot of things but lying was not one of them. Joshua walked into the room. It was dark. He flipped on one of the light switches making the room slightly brighter. The first thing he noticed was the trash bin filled with tissues. Then he noticed Seokmin sitting in the corner on his bed, curled up into a ball, his head hung in between his thighs. He was crying.

Joshua's heart broke. Seokmin wasn't like this a lot, so when he was it felt like the sun wasn't shining. Joshua walked over to Seokmin and took a seat on the bed beside him.

"Seokmin, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing. It's dumb."

Joshua frowned and placed his hand on Seokmin's cheek. It was wet from all the crying. "Seok, please. You know you can tell me anything."

Seokmin faced Joshua. He was finally able to get a good look at Seokmin's face. His eyes were puffy and red. His hair was messy and stuck on to his forehead. Joshua could tell Seokmin was wearing makeup because he could see tear tracks on his cheek. Joshua grabbed a makeup wipe and some tissues from the nightstand. He wiped the remaining makeup off of Seokmin's cheeks then he handed him a tissue so he could dry his eyes. Once Seokmin was done, Joshua cupped his face and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Tell me what's wrong."

Seokmin grabbed the back of Joshua's hands. "Ok, remember how I wasn't getting the choreo for our new song earlier, and I was getting frustrated, then my voice started cracking, And when we got back I just started thinking-" Seokmin started sobbing into Joshua's chest. "-And, what if I'm not cut out for this Joshua if I can't even get some basic dance moves, and sing without my voice cracking, then maybe I'm just not cut out for this anymore"

Joshua wrapped his arm around Seokmin, pulling him in closer. Joshua knew everyone had insecurities, Seokmin maybe had more than others. Especially around comeback time, Joshua knew that those insecurities could come flooding in and make everyone feel like complete shit. It was hitting Seokmin particularly hard today. He ran his fingers through the younger's hair trying to calm him down.

Joshua could feel Seokmin shaking "I'm trying my best Joshua, I am really am. But it always feels like my best isn't good enough. I just want to be good enough."

"The choero was unusually hard today, everyone was having trouble with it. Don't beat yourself up to much about it. We all have our off-days."

Joshua felt Seokmin relax slightly in his arms. He was still crying but it wasn't as bad as before. They were silent, Seokmin getting out everything he needed to get out and Joshua just there comforting him.

After awhile Seokmin stopped crying. "Thanks, Joshua. For being here." They separated, though Joshua's hands still rested on Seokmin's waist.

"Of course anything for you."

"Sorry you have to deal with a mess like me all the time." Seokmin smiled sadly.

"Nonsense." Joshua frowned. "I just wish you could see yourself the way everyone else sees you."

Seokmin chuckled dryly "Yeah, as a no-good ugly loser who can't sing or dance."

Joshua hit Seokmin on the shoulder and frowned. "No, as the amazingly talented singer, dancer and visual that everyone knows you as."

Joshua saw a blush spread across Seokmin's cheeks. He smiled because awww that was adorable. Seokmin leaned up and kissed Joshua, on the lips this time.

"You're the best Shua."

"I know." He teased.

Seokmin pouted, causing Joshua's eyes to from half crescents. Joshua kissed Seokmin's nose. "You feeling a little better?"

Seokmin nodded. "Yeah but I don't really feel like going out tonight. But you should still go. I mean its our day off after all."

Joshua scrunched his nose at the thought of third wheeling Soonyoung and Chan. He would rather die in all honestly. "No way in hell. I'd much rather hang out with you."

Seokmin's eyes lit up. "Really?"



Joshua had walked out to room to go tell Soonyoung and Chan to tell them to leave but they weren't there. Instead there was note on the fridge that read:

Sorry we left without you guys please don't be too mad

Soonyoung <3

Joshua smiled before crumpling up the note in his hand and tossing it in the trash. Suddenly the idea of hot chocolate seemed really appealing to him so he grabbed some milk from the fridge and the instant hot chocolate packets then two mugs. A yellow one with hearts and stars on it for Seokmin and a white L.A one for Joshua.

He returned to their room where Seokmin was waiting on the bed, swinging his legs back and forth. He had changed out of whatever he was wearing into some pajamas which opted Joshua to do the same. He placed down the mugs and walked to his side of the room and began to change ("Seok, stopping looking" "Sorry Shua")

Once he was done he took a seat next to Seokmin, handing him his mug. Joshua grabbed a blanket and wrapped around both of them. They mindlessly turned on some anime movie on Joshua's laptop. Seokmin's head was resting on Joshua's shoulder.

Half way through the movie Seokmin turned up to face Joshua.

"Thanks again for everything Joshua."

"You've already thanked me four times Seok." Joshua smiled looking down at Seokmin's face.

"I know put I just wanted to make sure you knew for sure." Seokmin wrapped his arm around Joshua's. "So thank you."

Joshua interlocked their hands. "No problem," Joshua sighed. "I just hope one day you'll love yourself the way I love you."

Seokmin nestled himself further into Joshua's shoulder. "And what way is that?"


low quality fic high quality ship lmao

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