Chapter 23 Brothers?

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"Yeah Riley"

I walked into his room only to find him laying in his bed Scarlet next to him asleep using him as a pillow. I cocked my eye brow up at him shooting him a disapproving look.

"Uhhhhhhhh, hey Riley"

"My sister"

"I... I umm"

"Wait aren't you dating Jet?"

"Well umm uhh yeah you see"

"Ok well I've have bigger fish to fry and you have to come with me"

I sounded irritated when I said "you have to come with me"


"Because it keeps Austin off my back"

"Can Scarl-"


I cut him off dead panning him

"Now come on"

I walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind me.

Jacks point of view

I slipped out for under Scarlet leaving her to sleep. I grabbed my black skinny jeans tight white shirt with black trim and my high tops. To top it off I grabbed my leather jacket and sunglasses.

"Yo JJ what are we doing?"



"Don't call me JJ"

She turned around laced up her combat boots slipped on her fingerless leather gloves followed by her leather jacket and sun glasses.

'Wow we have a very similar choice in clothes'

She looked at herself in the mirror for a minute a straight face that I could see strait through. It was clear in her eyes that she was disappointed in herself she would just never admit that. Her head dropped looking down at her black boots.

"Is Scarlet ok Jack?"
Her voice empty no emotion in it at all

"Yeah why?"

She didn't answer she just kept her head down eyes locked on her shoes.


She still didn't move. So I did the only thing I could think of........ I kissed her.
I walked over to her spinning her around to look at me and when her head never came up I put my hand under her chin pulling her head up and kissed her. Pushing her onto the wall bumping her shoulder into the mirror. When I moved away she looked at me her eyes wide and slightly fogged over.

"W- what was that for? W- what's wrong with you!?"

"What's wrong with me, what no, whats wrong with you Riley what's going on with you lately?"

"Nothing Jack, just come on"

She tried moving off the wall where I had her held but I tightened my grip not letting her loose.

"Not till you tell me"

"Let go"

"I'll let go but I won't leave with you until you tell me"

"I don't need you Jack"

"Austin seems to think you need me"

Her eyes went black an angry glare replacing her once brown eyes.

"I don't need you, Austin, Jet, or Jonny"

"Now now, you wouldn't lie to me would you?"

Anger growing on her more and more her calm beautiful face going mean and hatful.

"I'll do what I have to"

"I believe that you will but, I don't think you want to"

Her face went confused for a just a second before snapping back to glaring at me.

"I don't need anyone"

And with that she ripped out of my hands pushing me back with a lot more force then I expected. She walked by me without another word pushing out the door throwing it back hard.

Riley's point of view

I slammed the door behind me. Austin had already taken his motorcycle leaving Jacks behind making it the only ride I had. So I took it.

I clamped my hands around the breaks shifting my weight to the side shooting up a wave of snow. I cut off the bike and propped it up. I looked at my old hangout some of the windows now cracked and broken. I walked to the door throwing it opened slamming it into the wall. Everyones heads spun around looking at me. John pushed a girl sitting on his lap onto the floor before walking over to me a smirk on his face.

"Hey sweetheart"


I spun him around pushing him into the wall my left arm other his throat right arm thrusted back.

Danny's voice yelled to me begging me not to hurt his step brother.

"Do it"

John whispered to me a challenging look in his eyes.


"Come on show us what your made of" he brought his voice to a whisper saying "let us see the monster that you truly are"


I yelled in anger as I threw my fist forward into Johns face. His head smacked on the wall before his head dropped followed by his body hitting the floor.

"Who's next?"

No one stood up they just looked at me in astonishment. Until Alicia stood up a smirk on her face.

"What's wrong with your face bitch?!!"

"Oh nothing Riley just that I know whose behind you"

My face darkened as I prepared for what came next.

"Hey Riley"

The Heart brothers but this time it was all four of them instead of just the two. I shot an elbow back into one of there guts they gasped for air telling me it was Jeff Jonny's least favorite out of the four. I spun jumping farther away from them at the same time fists held up. I looked up at Jeff, Will, Alex, and Jared. I sent a kick into Wills jaw making him grab it and fall to the ground in pain. Jeff stood up to join Alex and Jared the three of them looking down at me I sent an excruciatingly painful blow to Alex's temple he yelped falling back into the snow not moving afterwords. Now I looked up at Jeff and Jared.

"You two gonna stop or are we gonna keep this going?"

"Look Riley we don't want any trouble"

I looked at them confused but I nodded slowly. I eased as they did the same. Then I heard it a voice that made me cringe at the sound of it. A hard chest bumped into my back.

"But I don't mind some trouble"

It was the voice of my brother. I turned to look up at him his blonde hair done at an angle across his face pointed downing some. He had a black V-neck under his army green jacket blue jeans with wholes in the knees and a wallet chain hanging just above his knee.

My voice empty standing eyes wide opened

"Yo Munster who dis?"
Junior one of his side boys spoke up in a voice of slight confusion

"Oh this wonderful girl here? this is Riley..... My kid sister"

His smile was crooked and twisted as he looked down at me. I hadn't seen him in years; not sense we were all sent to foster homes after what happened with my parents.

"So baby sis how are Scarlet and Andy?"
As much as his question wasn't rude the way he said their names angered me.

"First off don't you dare say their names like that. But they're fine what about Seth?"

"Don't worry your twin knows all about how terrible a person you are"

I slammed my hands shut looking up at my 18 year old brother. He had always been mad for what happened with our parents and chose to blame it on me of all people.

"Where is he?"

"At my house. Are Scarlet and Andy at your house?"

I didn't answer knowing what was coming next.

"Oh don't tell me you don't have a house and that you still live in that foster home"
His voice mocked me sounding exasperated.

"Shut up Vic, we have a house now"

"Yo Mun-s-t-er"

I sucked in a breath of air holding it as I looked at the once love of my life. James. I looked at him arms crossed as I leaned back on my right leg.

"R- Riley"


James looked me up and down wide eyed mouth gaping opened a little. I cocked an eye brow up shaking my head. Junior didn't take my reaction kindly and pushed me slightly and without a thought I went 0 to 100 real quick. I dropped him to the ground. I started to lean over to say something when Vic kicked my left knee. He knew my knee was fucked, it was because of him to; he smacked my knee with a baseball bat when I was 12 and he was 15. I dropped like a rock in pain and agony. I landed on the old wooden floor holding my left knee balancing myself with the other. I rolled onto my back slowly putting my knee down. Vic sat down on my torso looking at me with fake shameful eyes. He punched me in the nose followed by my eye and check bone. I flipped us over so I was on top and started whaling on him blow after blow hitting him square in the face. Then he flipped is back again continuing to hit me in the face this went on for awhile in a pattern him on top, me on top, him on top, me on top.
The last time he flipped me he punched me in the jaw then he stopped, looking down at me with a sad face so I took him being off guard as an advantage spitting in his face blood coming with it.


I glanced over slightly my eyes landing on none other then.


I flipped us once more throwing one last hard punch into Vic's nose before standing up.

"What do you want?"

I said it quickly without any hatred in my voice at all.

"I came to find you"


I was taken off guard talking to Jack leaving myself open for attack witch was taken advantage of. I was kicked in the knee ones more then my bad shoulder locked back I was pushed on a wall I came face to face with James.

"I still love you Riley"

I heard Vic and Junior crawl back up into their feet. They walked to the sides of James ginning evilly at me they then grabbed my arms painfully popping my shoulder out of its locked position. They slammed me up on the wall their hands curled up into fists their knuckles turning white pulling there arms back to punch me in the stomach I tightened my abs anticipating the pain. It never came when I looked up I saw Jack holding their elbows one hand each he ripped them away from me throwing them on the floor they dropped me like a rock I hit the floor my knee not willing to hold up my body weight. I heard Jack throwing hit after hit onto them they grunted in pain then it went quiet. James looked at me amazed at what Jack had just done, he beat to his closest friends senseless.

"Riley whose this?"


"H-hi j-Jack"

"Riley did this guy hurt you too?"

"Well" I looked at James, fear in his eyes "not intentionally"

Jack gave me a unbelieving look then nodded it off he then sent James a 'I'll kill you' look.

I rolled my eyes starting to get up my knee dropped me once more. I let out a breath in annoyance getting ready to try again I saw Jack holding a hand out to me. I contemplated taking his hand thinking it would make me look weak I quickly got rid of that thought taking his hand trying to get my balance.

"You good?"

"I'm fine Jack"

"Yo James or whatever the hell your name is you got away to get out of here?"

"Y-yes sir my dirt bike is out back"

Jack nodded at him then turned his attention back towards me leaving James to scramble to his feet and out the door. Jack stuck his hand out expectantly looking at me.

"Can I have my keys back now sweetheart?"


"Uhh yeah"

I slipped my hand into my front right pocket pulling out his keys that were decorated with a Marien key chain. I examined them for a moment looked back up at Jack and threw him his keys, he caught them almost without turning to look at all. Jack turned to walk out the door stuffing the keys in his pocket when he was stopped by a flirty whistle.

"Haha oh Jack wasn't it"

Jack tensed looking at none other then Alicia as she leaned on the back of a couch with a strange look on her face.

"So why spend so much time with her when you can spend all that time with me making her life a living nightmare?"

"Fuck off Alicia"

'Jack knows her?'

Jacks voice was full of hatred as he spat out the words each one sounding a little worse then the last.

"Oh but sweetie you know you want to join me in this"

She walked to Jacks sides setting one hand on his impeccably large toned chest the other on his abs. Jack looked at her in discussed before pushing her off of him.

"Come on Riley lets get the hell out of here"

"With pleasure"

I checked my balance happy that I didn't fall again, I continued walking towards Jack taken by surprise when he grabbed my hand and pulled me the rest of the way out of the old building. Jack quickly dropped himself onto the seat of him motorcycle then spun around to look at me.

"You comin?"

I flinched a little when he said that. Then I shook my head and blinked as I made my way towards Jack.

The picture up top is Vic his real name is Victor by the way to those people that didn't figure that out

So Jack knows Alicia how strange

What's up with the new nickname sweetheart from Jack?

And a brother of all things and not just one but two and one of them is her twin

And why do they blame her for whatever happened to their parents?

And what happened to her parents?

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