Chapter 22 Waking Up

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Austin called my name as I ran at Alicia then it all went black. Someone's hands were on my face they moved to my shoulders shaking me.

"RILEY..... RILEY...... RILEY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!"

It was still black as I was shook hearing my name called over and over again.


My eyes shot open seeing Austin looking at me worried. I jumped up into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist my arms doing the same around his neck I buried my face into his shoulder and neck.


It was Jonny he set his hand on my back and rubbed it slowly.


"What do you mean? she's in her room sleeping"

I breathed in a big and loud breath startling the boys "oh god"
I breathed my words back out into Austin's shoulder.

"What happened baby girl?"

I flinched bringing my head back up fast looking at Austin scared. He looked back at me confused and scared at what he had just done.

Austin's point of view

"What did I just do to you?"

She shook her head putting back down into the crook of my neck. I looked over to Jonny confused he shook his head at me and walked out of the room.

"Ri are you ok?"


She didn't answer just made a noise her face still buried into my shoulder. I turned around still holding her and walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I walked to my room closed the door with my foot. I walked to my bed laying down onto it Riley still wrapped around me. A jolt shot down my back from felling Riley smile and then kiss my neck.

"G-God Riley n-no stop"


Her grip around my waist tightened making my breath hitch. She pulled her head back looking at me a grin plastered across her face.


Riley spun me to my back her sitting on top of me I set my hand on her tan leg, she was wearing black shorts witch I didn't understand why because when I saw Jonny take her to her room she had on jeans. I let that thought role out of my head not wanting to think about it.



Her voice sounding suducive. She then crashed her lips into mine running her hand down my bear chest stopping on my abs. I moved my hands that were on her legs up one on her ass the other in the middle of my back. I ran my higher hand back down to her waist then under her shirt resting my hand on her side. I pushed her back some off of me to look up at her.

"Riley what's wrong with you?"

She flinched at my words her eyes changing to sadness and confusion. She got off me moving to the end of the bed. She pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her head down on her knees.

"No Riley I didn't mean it like that"

Panic clearly in my voice. I jumped up and ran to the end of the bed. I kelt down looking at up at her.

"I meant what's going on lately?"

She tilted her head slightly peeking at me.

"Come on baby girl"

She looked all the way up at me.

"I see bad things that have happened to me sometimes and they aren't like normal bad things there 10 times that"

"So like ummm....."


She answered not looking at me.

"Yeah, do uh do you have that?"

Shrugging her shoulders she sighed letting a gust of air hit me in the face. She giggled at me her face turning a light shade of pink.


She asked looking at me blankly

"You wanna get back to what we were doing?"

I smirked at her hopeful she would say yes. Instead of answering she tackled me to the ground pinning me. She smiled down at me she looked so damn cute god I love her. She was jokingly holding me to the ground so I shifted my hands up to my head and promptly started flexing my arms a smirk plastered across my face. Riley rolled her eyes at me her face now inches from mine. Her arms weren't long enough for her to sit on my waist and reach up a little past my head.

(He's taller then six feet)

"Austin you little-"

"Yah love me anyway"

She rolled her eyes once more a smile.

"Ugh sadly your right"

I laughed at her again.

"Riley what was your dream?"

Her smile dissolved away from her face.

"Umm... You have to promise not to get mad"

"Why would I get mad?"

"I don't know you just have to promise me ok"

"Ok fine I promise"

Riley's point of view

So I told him. I told him about the darkness I told him about them calling for me to help them I told him about the deal I told him about being chained to the floor and the chains breaking even about Andy being knocked out. He just sat there looking at me his jaw clenched it was obvious that he was mad but he would never admit it.

"He.. He did what?"


"They jumped us and chained you to the ground"


"I'll... I'll..... ILL KILL HIM!!!!!!"

"For a dream?"

He stopped his rambling and looked at me.

"Damn it your right"

"I know I'm right and you also said you wouldn't get mad"

"Well what do you expect?"

He grabbed me and pulled me over on to his lap.

"I don't know"

"Look babe I got some stuff to do I'll be back later ok"


"Riley promise me your not going to find them"

"I... I..."

"Riley please"

"I can't"


"Because I would be lying to you"

"Then at least bring Jack with you"

"Ugh fine"

"Thanks baby girl"

He set his hand on the side of my face rubbing his thumb over my cheek. He pecked my cheek then grabbed a t-shirt and left.
Short chapter sorry

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