Chapter 2 the girl

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Austin and I headed to our own hide out that we found and fixed up in case shit got real we where loaded.
We painted our hide out to camouflage into our surroundings we had weapons, food water coolers electricity, and we would have pluming but we couldn't buy sinks and stuff but we have the pipes, we had furniture, clothes, guns, phone lines, heat, and Internet and we didn't have to pay for any of it.
We headed inside and switched on the power and turned up the heat we started setting up shop. When all of a sudden I heard a noise, it became more and more clear as it continued. It was yelling not a scream and not from fear just yelling like someone was mad.
      Austin and I looked at each other for a second before going outside. We walked out and clear as day we saw a girl being followed by two guys about twice her size. One was white and the other black the white one which seamed to be in charge of the two boys was smaller then the other with brown hair and pail skin. The other boy was bigger but for some reason not in charge of the two, he had dark skin and a shaved head. The one in charge had walked up in front of the girl grabbed her waste, dipped her backwards kissed her and grabbed both her ass and her boob.
     She looked in raged after words. She started yelling and cussing again he then punched her across the face and she snapped. She smashed him up agents a tree with her arm across his neck and beat the living shit out of him. I got to 100 punches and lost count the bigger boy then ran over and started yelling.

"Ray get off him!"

     She then swung at him and hit him square in the nose he fell to the ground, after that Austin and I had diced that we had seen enough and we started towards them we grabbed the girl and carried her a few feet away. I checked the guys and they where busted pretty bad I walked back over to Austin and the girl we carried her back to our hide out and took her inside

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
She yelled in a demanding voice

"I'm Jack and this is Austin"

She looked at us hard as if she wanted to know if she could trust us. She seemed like she wanted to but wasn't sure if she could.

"I'm Riley but people call me Ray"
She replied. She had long blond hair that was dyed red at the tips, brown eyes, a leather jacket, leather gloves, and sunglasses

"You did some serious damage to those guys"

"Yeah I know they can't fight John thinks he can though but they are both just wimps"

"Which one is John?"

"The first one I pummeled"

"Who was the other one?"


"Why where you mad at them?"

"Well I was mad at John really but it's because he's a good for nothing dumb ass perv"

"So enough questions for me, what are the two of you doing here"

     Austin and I looked at each other for a second trying to diced what we should and could tell her. Then I looked her in the eyes and wondered how trust worthy she was, she seamed trust worthy she had the act and look of someone you could trust so I decided I could say a little bit.

"We are trying to figure some shit out"

"Oh y'all are too well dang seems like we got something in common, what's y'all's problem?"

"Well..." and then I stopped thinking it over for a second and then I started again "Well we aren't quiet sure yet"

"Haha well that sounds important"

"Well it's stuff with my sister and some dumb ass"

"Oh it's about your sister I get it dude people don't even try to fuck with my sisters anymore"

I looked at her for a minute she was pretty and seemed to be nice until she got mad anyway, but there was something about her that I liked she wasn't a normal chick.

"So what's y'all's story?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like y'all got a gang, drink what?"

"Oh well yeah we got a gang I'm the leader pretty much"

But Austin cut him off and started singing like a canary.

"Yeah we drink and some of us smoke pot and get in really bad fucked up fights"

"Cool sounds like my gang, so what's up with this place?"

"It a hideout for when shit gets real it's off the grid"


"Yeah why?"

"Do y'all think I could chill here for a few days?"

"Umm"... I paused and looked over at Austin he just shrugged at me I looked back to Ray waiting for me to answer her. Finally answering I said

"Why? don't you have a house?"

"Well yeah in sorts but I would have to stay with those two dumb asses"


"It's complicated, you see I don't have a family other then my sisters we live in a fucking foster home and yeah..."

I felt my chest start to feel hollow I looked at her with sad eyes I spun my head fast looking at Austin. He looked back at me he had a look on his face that 'read holly shit'.

"Oh... I'm. I'm sorry"
I said that wondering if that was the right thing to say.

"Nah it's cool man it just means I have those two punching bags"

Ray got up and walked over to Austin she put her arm around his shoulder and said.
"And plus I can hang out with y'all when you come here and I can help y'all fix stuff and figure shit out"

Austin smiled at me like he wanted her to stay but u still wasn't sure about it.

"Austin can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Umm yeah sure dude"

We walked outside back into the snow.

"Jack come on let her stay she seems cool and she's pretty hot too and we could use that help"

"I dont know man it could turn out bad"

"I dont know about you but I'm pretty sure that we can handle her I mean I couldn't by myself but I'm thinkin that the two of us could handle her"

"Yeah I guess your right"

I glanced through the window she was just sitting there waiting on us to come back inside. Maybe Austin was right, maybe it would be ok I turned to him and nodded saying she could stay.


He celebrated and we walked back inside. We told her it was cool if she stayed then she started to celebrate.


She yelled jumping in the air she walked over to us and gave us a hug.


She looked around I guess looking for a place to sleep and keep her stuff

"So I guess I'll go get my stuff is that ok with y'all?"

Austin reapplied almost automatically.

"Yeah have at I can help if you want"

She smiled at him and made her hair fall in her face trying to hide the fact that she was blushing a little bit. I guess Austin thought that was cute or something because he smiled at her again.

"Do y'all mind if I move this stuff somewhere else"
she pointed at some tools and and boxes under a bench that was by a table

"I could sleep under here and no one would notice me if they found this place and broke in"

"Yeah it's cool"

"Damn girl your pretty fucking smart"

"Well Austin you can say I'm smart but that don't make it true"

Riley bent over to start moving the boxes and when she did Austin's eyes almost popped out of his head.

He leaned over close to my ear and whispered to me.

"Dude I think I get why that guy grabbed her ass"

At that time I had been fixing my shoe and I looked up at Austin like he was nuts then looked at Riley and sure enough he was right.


I said meaning to whisper but yelling at that top of my lungs. Riley stopped and spun around to look at us Austin looked at me amazed and in shock.

"Umm what?"
Riley asked looking confused

"Oh sorry I cut my arm open on my knife and it spooked me"

Riley gave me a yeah right kind of look mixed with a smile. Austin leaned over by my ear again and said

"I told you so"

"Holy shit man I didn't think that it be that nice"

"Well you obviously thought wrong player". Player the word ran over and over in my head each time making me more and more mad until I stood up looked at Austin and punched him in the nose he stumbled back and tripped on a plastic crate and then he fell to the ground smacking the back of his head on the floor Riley had already spun around and looked at me but by now she was making her way over to me she stepped in front of me her black combat boots clunking on the floor her legs that where covered by her shredded black tights leading up to her cut off jeans followed by a two inch gap between her belt and tight navy blue cropped shirt was a belly button ring the top of her leather jacket covered the low cut caller on she wore her fists covered by her leather gloves and clinched tightly they where hiding behind the sleeves of her leather jacket her dog tags rested right below her chest and she didn't wear ear rings but i could see only one ear pierced the red in her hair looked like fire which work for the situation because she was pissed off but she looked so hot when she was mad I noticed all of this while I was pined up on the wall I looked at her eyes they looked black she yanked me forward and slammed me back into the wall I smacked my head hard on the wall everything went black. I guess I was nocked out cause when u woke up Austin's nose had been cleaned up and only had a little of blood on it he was siting on a couch on the far wall with a bag of snow on his head Riley walked over and looked at me I could tell she was mad at me she swung out a arm to help me up and damn my head hurt like hell I sat next to Austin on the couch my head aching Austin handed me his bag of snow I put it on my head and I completely understood why they used snow and not ice

"damn she is really fuckin good at slamming heads on walls"

"Why didn't you fight back"?

"No reason dude"

I groaned in pain wishing I never punched Austin and never got cot up looking at Riley

"Hey Austin if your still your for it I'll take you up on your offer for help"

"You got it Riley"

Austin walked over to Riley as she was leaning over and picked up a empty box he had to hold his hand back from garbing her ass but he then let go of his hand and set it on her back she paused for a minute she knew what was going on but she decided that she could trust him about it she stood up looked at Austin and smiled he smiled back his hand was now set on her wast she looked pretty short next to him I mean he was almost 6 feet tall they started towards the door and all of a sudden Riley stopped she seamed dazed she was breathing weird she dropped the box and slammed her hand on the wall her knees almost fell out from under her Austin grabbed her sides to make sure she wouldn't fall he turned her around and picked her up I had already shot up onto my feet Austin set her on the couch

"Yo Riley are you ok"

She answered stuttering slowly

"Ya ya yes"

"What happened"?!? Both me and Austin said in the same panicked and confused voice and we spun our heads looking at each other

"I don't know why it happens but it happens all the time and it's terrible I get light headed and weak I can't see very well my heart beats really really fast and I can't really do anything"

"Austin go get some water"

"Ok but since when where you in charge of me"

"Austin shut the fuck up"

Austin brought me the water and I gave it to Riley she seemed kind of pail after a little bit her skin color came back she could talk much better her heart rate went down but she was still a little weak and she said she wasn't light headed anymore but I know people like her they're head strong people and refuse not to work and refuse to say something is wrong

"No really guys I'm fine"

Austin and I both told her no and Austin put his hand on her shoulder like he was lightly holding her down and then he let up

Once Riley was ok I went home and Austin said he would stay the night there with her just to keep an eye on her.
So Riley friend or foe?

What's gonna happen next and what's up with Austin and Riley?

I also added a picker of Riley at the top.

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