《Chapter 22》The Trap

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Soviet Union brought the suitcases through the hallway. Reich also came to him with another suitcase, but it was lighter because the bigger one of them had carried the heavier ones.

The smaller of the two was still a little blushing.

"Your white has gained an astonishing amount of color!", Soviet said cheekily. Reich said jokingly: "That's your fault, live with it!"

Soviet Union laughed at his statement and said: "I'm happy to live with it, it suits you!" This only made Reich blush even more and said: "I think my normal white suits me better, otherwise I would have to dye my white fingers too!" "They look beautiful the way they are!", said the big Countryhuman.

"Can you stop! If it keeps up like this, you'll be making pick-up lines!", Italy said and both laughed, which made him giggle.

After they had calmed down, Italy said: "We haven't listened to the radio for a long time, how about if we hear what the media is saying about us, so that we can follow our friend's advice." "That's a good idea!", agreed Soviet. Reich, however, was less certain: "You're right, but what if they're talking rubbish again!" "Then we'll laugh about it!", said Italy.

They sat down in the living room, where Duke was lying on his mattress. He loved his soft mattress. Third Reich turned the radio on and on the right frequency.

The three Countryhumans chatted for a short while and Reich gave his traveling friend a book for the trip. Italy didn't read books very often, but he liked them to pass the time.

The important news came and portrayed Reich as an autocrat driven mad by power. They laughed about it. It was also reported how the Countryhuman had repealed the punishment of Jews, homosexuals, communists, etc. and that the judges who no longer sentenced them as equal to normal people would lose their jobs and would never be allowed to work as judges again.

They did not mention anything more about Reich's actions, except that they said that this was a huge danger. But these people were not criminals for the most part. But the criminals among them had to be re-sentenced while they were in custody. Better safe than sorry!

Reich also had to do something so that people somehow got more justice, but this was more difficult than expected.

The news claimed that a takeover of power was to take place in the USSR through another revolution, but Soviet just laughed loudly because nothing like that happened in his company, because everything was quiet.

Slowly the media tried to portray America as the good guys, but it was far too obvious, so everyone laughed.

Next, the war was discussed, that the Third German Reich was advancing ever deeper into the interior of North America and that the Japanese Empire was also a great help.

Then more local things were reported and it became less interesting for the two foreign Countryhuman.

Suddenly, something very unusual came on the news. "In addition, two people were killed and others were seriously injured in riots in an office this morning. A group of four Jews and a large number of men from the Nazi Party had an altercation in which a German man and a Jew was killed. The Jew was even hung like a flag from one of the buildings in the city center.

Another German and a Jew were seriously injured and another Jew was only slightly injured. We have also been able to identify who these people were. The deceased Jew's first name was A-... and his last name was Ro-... he recently came here from the United Kingdom...", Reich heard on the radio.

With each sentence, he became more tense, down to the first name, after which he blocked out almost everything, down to what assured him who it was and where his body was.

The two Countryhumans noticed less and were surprised when Third Reich jumped up and ran frantically out of the apartment. Both Countryhumans stood up in shock. Soviet ran after Reich and Italian Kingdom put the pieces together and made a phone call.

Reich ran out in a panic. He was in such a state of shock that he had only one goal, he had to get there! He asked someone to let him in the cat and travel there. Soviet Union lost him, but got a taxi to him.

Luckily, Soviet had his hat on because the weather had gotten colder, but he was not particularly warmly dressed because he was missing his coat and boots. Meanwhile, the panicked Countryhuman had nothing at all to protect him from the cold.

Reich only had to change trains a few times before he ran over and found the police and barriers.

"Where is the man who was hanged?", he asked the officers. They answered him: "He is on the highest floor of the building! He was just taken down from the flagpole."

Reich ran inside in a panic, but the police did not stop him.

Reich ran up the three floors, panting. He ran along the hallway to the room where he thought he would find the body and sure enough, there it was.

Reich ran to him and saw how badly his friend had been mutilated.

There were cuts everywhere and he had been stabbed several times.

Reich was shaking all over.

Then he heard a loud shot, which made him jump and whimper. All of this was too much for him.

Someone ran to him and he crouched down in fear of being killed, but the voice of the big Countryhuman only told him: "Reich, I'm here! You don't have to be afraid anymore. I'll protect you!"

The frightened Countryhuman looked up at Soviet, who looked worried as he crouched down and gently stroked his back. He slowly and gently put his arms around him, with Reich hugging him tightly and squeezing him tightly. Soviet hugged back and stroked his back.

Meanwhile, Reich's shock turned to grief, so he started crying on his friend's shoulder, who gave him his time and let Third Reich let it all out.

Soviet told him reassuringly: "I'm staying with you! You're safe!"

"Why does it have to be so hard to kill a single little Countryhuman?!", a woman grumbled in the background.

Soviet let go of Reich, although he still needed it because he was protecting Reich behind him and pointing the gun at the door.

Reich cried more in fear and tried to keep quiet, but nothing came of it as he started to panic again and was shaking violently.

Poland reached her arms out into the room with the gun and shot the large Countryhuman. But the shot wasn't that accurate.

A cry of pain was heard from Soviet, who then grabbed Reich and hid behind the cabinet he was moving to protect himself and him.

Soviet was extremely tense. Even with the pain on the side of his body. Luckily it was only a graze.

Meanwhile, Third Reich was absolutely useless when he was so panicked. All he could do was hide behind whoever was trying to protect him.

There were then noises from outside, whereupon Poland rushed into the office with the two Countryhumans and tried to attack Soviet with her gun.

Reich was pushed into the corner while Soviet defended himself.

The poor Countryhuman in the corner couldn't look and flinched with each of the three shots, two of which were cries of pain from Soviet.

Then Soviet was again screaming in pain.

Third Reich whimpered in fear. He was afraid for Soviet, but he was frozen.

But with the third shot, someone fell to the ground.

Third Reich looked up in fear and saw Poland lying on the ground. Her eyes were lifeless and she was bleeding from her head.

Only a few meters away was France, who had been shot by Soviet before Poland.

Soviet was not far away from her and was panting heavily while holding the worst of his bloody wounds, on his left upper arm. Reich could see that Soviet was bleeding heavily from his left arm.

Soviet was in great pain and leaned against the cupboard.

Reich crawled over to him and hugged him very gently.

Then policemen came and took care of the two leaders. Soviet was taken away. Reich remained shaking and distraught on the spot until he was lifted up and transported to the nearest hospital.

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