Reich and Italy picked up their third companion. Soviet was happy to see his new friends.
He sat next to Italy, as he was sitting in the middle. He would have loved to sit next to Reich, but Reich enjoyed always looking out the window and Italy sat next to his good friend.
Soviet had to stop himself from looking at the person he had feelings for. During the ride, Italy and Reich mostly talked, while Soviet remained silent.
After this short ride, they arrived at the apartment and were soon ready to go for a walk with Duke, who was excited about it. Soviet and Italy accompanied Reich and his dog after the three of them changed.
They drove out of town and onto a small gravel road surrounded by fields and trees.
The small group walked happily along the road.
Duke sniffed the side of the road. To be on the safe side, Third Reich had his dog's leash with him in case someone came towards them, but otherwise Duke was well trained to be off leash while walking.
Third Reich was talking to his friends: "We really should go out for ice sometime!"
Soviet Union said: "It hasn't snowed yet and I don't know if eating ice would be the best idea!"
"Soviet, Reich means ice cream!", Italy explained to him. The big Countryhuman immediately apologized: "Sorry about that!"
"It's fine!", said Reich. "But I've never had ice cream either!", answered Soviet Union.
Duke quickly walked between them while Reich said: "Then it's really time you tried it!"
They walked to a pond. Part of the bank was raised, but the three of them didn't notice this until Duke was of his leash and was bathing.
Reich just sighed at his playful dog. They watched him until Duke was finished because the water was getting too cold for him.
Duke tried to push himself out, but it was too hard for him, so Soviet came to him, held him by his sides and pulled.
Soviet used his strength to pull Duke up. After that the dog ran off and the Countryhuman walked smiling to his two friends.
He stood next to him and smiled at the relieved dog, who was being petted by his rescuer.
Reich looked at Soviet, who smiled at the dog.
This man had just saved his dog without hesitation and Duke was also delighted about it.
Soviet was mostly quiet and always there when he needed closeness and he was always there for him and also when he told his ideas. Soviet had done so much for him!
Soviet risked his life to save him and even though it wasn't his best moment, he did it for Reich.
Now Reich also got butterflies in his stomach. He smiled over at the big Countryhuman, who was petting his dog and was so happy to have Soviet Union with him.
Soviet didn't notice his friend for a moment because he was focused on the black and brown wet dog, which shook itself off and caught each of the three.
Italy sighed in annoyance and Reich laughed. "Yes, yes, just laugh! You're lucky to have more clothes with you than I do!", said Kingdom of Italy.
"Only your jacket is wet Italy, it will dry quickly!", said his friend. Then he was reminded: "And my pants?" "I'd be happy to borrow one of mine!", offered the slightly bigger Countryhuman.
Soviet, on the other hand, had no problem with being splashed with water, but didn't find it quite as funny as Reich. The dog shook itself again, but everyone paid attention and went away.
Shortly afterwards, the three of them walked back along the path to the car, where they got in and drove back.
On the drive back, Reich often had to look at Soviet, as he was curious about what drew him to Soviet.
Soviet Union also looked at him from time to time, before they awkwardly avoided each other's gaze, while Kingdom of Italy sat confused in the middle. Now both were behaving strangely and he didn't know how to react, nor what was going on in his friends' heads.
"How about we go out for ice cream?", asked the Countryhuman, who was sitting in the middle. Reich looked at his old friend, surprised but also smiling happily and said to him: "That's a great idea, if there's still an ice cream café open!"
The driver took the three to an ice cream café that was only open for a few more days and they went in, Duke coming with them.
The dog sat under the table while the three sat down. Hardly anyone was in the café, but the Countryhumans enjoyed that.
"I'm looking for someone to serve us!", said Kingdom of Italy, stood up and set off.
Meanwhile, the two lovers were alone and not far from each other. Both of their hearts were beating strongly in their chests as they looked at each other and smiled.
Soviet was also calm and excited, while Reich was much more excited and needed more movement, so he started playing with his fingers.
Then Italy came back and they ordered. Reich and Soviet no longer had such interaction because they were focused on Italy or their ice cream.
The three Countryhumans spent a lot of time together over the next two months. Reich now had to manage the war against any country or company that was not part of the Axis powers and Ireland and USSR were not against him either, but in the USSR as well as in Italy and the Third Reich they attempts were made to incite people to a civil war or a change of power, but only in Italy did this have more effect.
Reich encouraged his people and with Soviet everything remained pretty much the same, except that he sought more cooperation with other companies, but Italy no longer had as much, lost more of the territory he had once won and did not accept any help. He was no longer portrayed as well by his company's media either.
Reich, Soviet and Italy were managers, but their companies did not belong to them. Nevertheless, they had their means and ways of maintaining control, since no one was allowed to see who really owned these companies.
Reich had restructured a lot and was increasingly destroying the socialist construct. Now everyone should slowly be treated fairly again and he did not allow anyone to work against it.
Italy was planning a short vacation to the east, to Asia, which he had not been able to do for a long time, but with the help of Soviet Union he was finally able to go there again.
"How long are you going to be away?", asked Soviet, who was watching him pack. Italy and Soviet were once again with Third Reich, who had already found new accommodation.
"About three weeks!", came from him. Soviet Union remembered the conversation not so long ago when Italy had cornered him and said: "Are you visiting your girlfriend?"
"No!", he answered quickly, "We're friends and I want to surprise her!" "Will she throw herself at you or you at her?", asked Soviet and grinned cheekily as Italy turned his head to him annoyed and repeated, "We're just friends!"
Third Reich came into the room and said: "Don't forget your toothbrush!" Happy, but also a little sad, Reich handed him it. "Thank you!", said Italy, "Soviet, you should be just as helpful as our Reich!" Both giggled at his statement.
Reich then hugged Italy happily and Italy hugged him back briefly and said: "You know that I'm not leaving now, I'm just packing and I'm leaving tonight?"
"I know that, but I already miss you!", said Third Reich. Italy sighed and smiled.
Soviet Union watched them and wished he could be part of the embrace, but he wasn't someone who hugged others so easily and if he did, he didn't hug them like Reich did with both arms around someone.
Reich was so gentle and loving and warmed Soviet's heart. He was now sure that he was in love, but still too insecure to tell anyone, especially since he only trusted the person he was in love with enough to tell him as a friend, but that wasn't possible because he was in love with him too.
Meanwhile, Reich was trying to satisfy his feelings by spending time with Soviet, by reading with him or by drawing and Soviet tried to watch secretly, but Third Reich didn't fall for it and knew that he was watching.
Both were wondering if they really wanted this relationship. They enjoyed each other's love, attention, character and talent, but imagining a life with someone was difficult. Countryhumans rarely hung out with their own kind and the two were men by human standards, so it was better not to do anything public, but if one of those fighting them found out, the two would probably have big problems. They both wanted each other's closeness and love.
Third Reich broke the embrace and Italian Kingdom let go of him as well.
Reich tried to carry the first fully packed suitcase, to which Soviet Union asked: "Shall I help carry it to the door?" "That would be very nice!", said the traveling man. Soviet stood behind Reich and grabbed him by the waist with a smile before lifting him up without any problem.
Reich immediately blushed and looked wide-eyed at the large hands on his waist. "Not Reich!", said Italy with a sigh, "My luggage!"
Soviet Union said: "Sorry for the mix-up!" He wasn't sorry, because he could finally be closer to Reich and see that he was clearly the one with more control. The smaller Countryhuman was put down and Soviet packed the suitcases and carried them to the door. Reich looked after him. He had liked being lifted up like that.
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