Reich woke up in the morning and looked at his dog, who was still sleeping. Duke was stretched out in his dog bed.
Third Reich was fine. Fortunately, he hadn't drunk too much and his body was able to recover during his sleep.
Nevertheless, he decided to lie in bed a little longer.
However, someone thwarted his plan by knocking on the door.
Of course Duke got up and barked as he hurriedly get up.
Meanwhile, the Countryhuman put something on before trotting to the front door.
Shortly afterwards he opened the door. And found none other than Italy in front of him.
The dog squealed excitedly and Kingdom of Italy greeted Duke, who was wagging his tail excitedly and tried to lick the giggling visitor's face.
"Come in!", said Third Reich and let him in.
Italy said: "It's so good to see you again!" Then Reich was hugged by his best friend.
"I'm very pleased too!", he said, "Soviet is here too! But he probably has to go to the embassy soon. I'd have to leave then too."
"Then I can actually go to my embassy and do some work, like you two.", said the visitor.
Reich thought: "That's a good idea, but come in first!"
They went in and Soviet Union was sitting at the dining table with a coffee. The sight made Italy joke: "Hello Soviet! The way you're sitting there, you look like you could live with Reich!"
Soviet giggled jokingly, but inside he liked the idea of living with Third Reich.
Reich giggled too and said: "We're so comfortable here!" "Without me!?", said Italian Kingdom with a little too much drama, which earned him laughter, which he joined in.
Everyone sat at the kitchen table and while they enjoyed their breakfast together, they told Italy about the previous day, with Italy listening attentively.
Soviet Union mainly looked at Reich, who was telling the story, but he didn't just look at him because he was telling the story, but because he liked his voice, which he found angelic and he got a good look at him.
The tall man looked at his healing wounds and the way Reich's face moved. The stitches were slowly disappearing. He also had bruises around his head.
Suddenly there was another knock on the door, which interrupted Soviet's thoughts with Duke's barking.
Third Reich stood up again and went to the front door, where an old familiar man was standing in front of him.
Reich said happily: "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in a while!"
The man in front of him said: "It's just a bit difficult to do my work." He briefly looked more closely at Reich's head and added: "It doesn't seem to be easy for you to do your work either." Third German Reich had to giggle at the comment.
"Come in!", Reich said to him and made room for him before he went in.
Italy and Soviet looked at the man. When Italy recognized him, he stood up, went over to him and joked: "The new beard suits you!"
This familiar man always had to change his style for work, which he didn't particularly like, so he just rolled his eyes and made Italy laugh.
"Don't joke about my beard!", he said in a tone that was not serious, because he could live with being annoyed like that before he said, "I hope I can shave off that scratchy thing soon!"
Soviet Union, on the other hand, was unsure whether the man was not faking something and was actually a bad person.
The human had now also noticed the big red Countryhuman, who was throwing him suspicious looks. "Don't be like that, Soviet Union!", he said, "I'm on the good side!"
"There is no good side with the Illuminati, unless you mean the bad one!", the Countryhuman whispered.
The man smiled more and said: "Don't think in such black and white terms as they do! Then at least I don't have to introduce myself, but no, I'm on the side of the liberators and not the enslavers. Your good colleague Reich here was a great enlightenment for me! His colorful character only had to convince me that every living being is equally valuable and I was on board!"
Reich asked: "Why don't you ever warn me when something happens?"
"I only found out about the plans to kill you afterwards. I think they know about my contact with you.", the man answered and sat down, "I'm here because I think I won't be with you any more soon-"
"Excuse me?", said Third Reich, shocked.
"I'm probably going to die soon and I wanted to come to you one last time and try to help you before I go back.", he replied, before saying, "It's not that I didn't want to."
Reich said him: "Don't say that! I don't want you to die and stop wishing that! It's terrible to have to hear that!"
Soviet didn't quite know how to react to that, but it seemed genuine. He distrusted the man very much, but it didn't seem fake, even if it was strange that he wanted to die.
"Reich, I've worked for them for far too long and there's no other way away from them. They could find me anywhere and they'd easily walk over dead bodies.", he said, "Please let's just sit down and talk about the information."
Third Reich didn't sit down and stepped back a little before saying: "Fight with us for freedom! We need you!"
"I'm sorry. I'm too deeply involved in this.", he said, "We can talk about it later, but first we'll talk about my information, otherwise I'll leave right away." He threatened this to convince Reich to sit still.
Third German Reich gave in and sat down with Italy.
The man began: "So USA is planning to launch a major bombing attack on all major cities and these attacks are to last for a week next month. Soviet Union is to be replaced by one of its clones. Canada will also take part in the war and should take back Great Britain. Japanese Empire is to have two major bombing attacks and it is to be shown that it is a completely new technology, even though it is just more bombs. And you, Italy, are to be locked up and killed."
Reich nodded, but his agent was not finished yet: "Reich, you are to be made afraid and the media is to be incited against you. You have to defeat the media and then the system. And they are planning to do something to get you to come to them, but that is only something I overheard."
Reich nodded. He didn't quite know what to say.
The three of them talked to each other about the statements while Third Reich just sat there quietly. Soviet especially noticed this while the human and Italy were talking.
The big Countryhuman stood up and sat down next to Reich on his chair. He wanted to show somehow that he was there for him and put his hand on Reich's left shoulder blade.
"Was all of this a bit much for you?", Soviet Union asked him sympathetically. His friend nodded and tears formed in his eyes. Without hesitation, Soviet took Reich in his arms.
Third German Reich started to cry while Soviet Union held him close. He just wanted to see his friend happy again and to achieve this goal he had to calm down first, which is why the big Countryhuman stroked Reich's back with his big hand. Very gently and lovingly he treated the smaller one, who put his arms around Soviet's chest and to his back.
They hugged for a while and Third Reich managed to calm down. Soviet raised his head slightly to look at the one he was in love with, who looked up at him with big, tear-filled eyes. The taller one said to him gently: "Nothing is certain and he is still here, so maybe you should make the most of this time."
Reich smiled at Soviet's words, nodded and said: "Thank you Soviet!" The one addressed only smiled more.
They broke away from the embrace and when Soviet tried to sit back, he noticed that all the attention of the other two, Italy and the human, was focused on him and Reich.
"What is it?", asked Reich in surprise. Kingdom of Italy said: "It's fine, you were just so close when you hugged."
"It doesn't make any difference!", thought Reich, "Hugs are always close and very good!" Soviet was happy and blushed slightly.
Italy noticed this, but he was unsure whether this reaction was out of embarrassment.
The four talked a bit before Italy ambushed Soviet Union after he was in the toilet and blocked his way.
The taller one was visibly confused and asked Italy: "Could you please move aside?"
"Why did you blush after hugging Reich?", he asked him seriously.
Confused, Soviet asked him: "I'm blushing? I'm already blood red and have been since I was born!" Kingdom of Italy looked at him unimpressed.
"If I find out that you're one of those homosexuals, you'll have big problems with me!", threatened the protective one.
Soviet Union tried to calm him down: "I'm not! I like women! I don't like men, but whatever woman gets Reich must be incredible!"
Italy calmed down and nodded in agreement: "He's something very special and I think he could use a woman who can understand his chaos and get him under control."
Both smiled again. Soviet asked him: "And do you already have someone?" "Well...", he said uncertainly, "I've already had my eye on a hot woman, but she hasn't been visiting much since the war and she's pretty, but so seductive and likes to be in control-", Italy interrupts himself and blushes.
"Then good luck with her!", Soviet says and walks past him.
The big Countryhuman sat down again.
What if Reich reacted to his feelings the same way Italy had just now. He wasn't gay, but Reich still attracted him more than anyone else. Was it really romantic love that he felt or was it just his admiration? How would he find out?
What could he do to find out if he really felt that way? And would Reich hold it against him? Was Reich even interested in him in that way?
He felt a hand on his shoulder and Reich asked him: "Soviet, is something wrong?"
Then the man looked at him, smiled and said: "No, everything is fine!"
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