Soviet Union and Third Reich were almost at the apartment.
The big Countryman was happily remembering Reich's speech. How he had spoken so full of energy and passion about love and what it meant to him.
He had to remember Reich's facial expression, which was full of hope and joy. The light in his wide open eyes, which were full of gentleness and compassion. And his sweet, irresistible smile. He felt a nice tingle as all these memories floated around in his head.
Unfortunately, his feelings were also transferred to his body and the person sitting with him in the car noticed: "Soviet? Your face is turning blood red. Are you okey?" When he said "Soviet?" the man looked at him.
The blushing became embarrassing and he turned redder out of embarrassment while he tried to come across calmly and play it down: "I'm fine! Don't worry!" Unfortunately, Soviet Union also lied: "It's probably just the warm temperatures here!"
"But today is not such a warm day and you didn't have any other problems here. Are you angry?", asked Third Reich.
Soviet Union lied to somehow escape the situation: "Yes, I am! I am so angry about this whole situation we are in!" Reich said: "I can understand that, but please don't let your anger go to your head, because we still have a lot to do. Maybe reading will calm you down a bit!" "Yes, I also think that reading could help me!", he agreed.
They arrived at the apartment shortly afterwards. Third Reich saw the door slightly open and froze. "Duke?", he asked louder. Soviet quickly realized what was going on. Someone must have broken in.
Fortunately, Duke came out of the apartment wagging his tail. Reich immediately stroked him and said kind words to him, saying how brave he was.
Meanwhile, Soviet Union went to the chauffeur and asked him to call the police.
The Countryhumans and the dog waited outside the house and when the police showed up they searched the apartment.
"I didn't want to cause so much excitement in one day!", said Reich, giggling. To which Soviet replied: "It's fine! It wasn't your fault! The main thing is that we're fine."
The police came out and said: "Nobody is here and nothing was destroyed, but yes, someone broke in and probably wasn't expecting your dog. They probably didn't even know beforehand that it was there, so it shouldn't happen again."
"Thank you!", said Reich, thanking him and standing up with his companions. They said goodbye to the police.
"Should we calm down and then maybe go to an restaurant? I'm getting pretty hungry.", said Reich, giggling at his suggestion. "Gladly!", said Soviet Union.
Shortly afterwards, the two men were sitting on the sofa and calming down from all the excitement by reading. Meanwhile, the dog was lying next to Third German Reich on his mattress.
Reich asked Soviet Union: "Soviet? Are you going home today?" "I don't think so!", he says before asking, "Can I sleep in the guest room again?" "Yeah, sure!", he got as an answer. Soviet Union said: "Then I'll just go to the Russian embassy tomorrow." Third Reich nodded and focused on his book again.
Soviet Union wanted to go to the embassy because he was still working as a Countryhuman and the embassy was sending his work to the USSR. They knew he was in the area.
The tall Countryhuman looked up from his book and saw Third Reich staring intently into the book. He was almost staring, so this scene must be exciting or it was just a good book.
Soviet's body warmed up again and his feelings for Reich bubbled up inside him.
An hour later both Countryhumans were ready and walked down the street with Duke.
It was already dark and the streetlights guided every traveler.
The two Countryhumans and the dog walked quietly down the street. A few people came towards them on their way.
Of course, there were, as always, enthusiastic people. But there were also people who felt uncomfortable seeing the two leaders, but Reich and his guest paid them no attention.
The two went into the restaurant together. It had a large wooden door with a pretty pattern.
Soviet Union held the door open for Reich, like a gentleman and of course he thanked him.
Shortly afterwards, a few more people came, which Soviet saw, but he did not hold the door open for them, as he still felt a little uncomfortable holding the doors for humans up, even though he wanted to get rid of that feeling.
At least he now had the right idea. Carrying it out was another story.
The three walked down the white-painted hallway, which had an arch in the ceiling. There were two chests of drawers that told something about the inn. Old pictures and quality certificates hung on the walls.
The tiles had a pretty pattern, which were large squares with smaller squares between them. It was clean, but this was definitely not an exclusive business. This was a normal family business, like almost every other restaurant that Third German Reich had already seen.
There were several ways. A double door near the entrance on the right led to a banquet hall. Another door, but on the left, led with a small step into the normal guest room. Then, on the right, were the toilets and in front of them was another double door.
Unfortunately, since the place was not well labeled, they went straight through the wooden door. Once again, Soviet was a gentleman to Third Reich, who was pleased about this kindness.
Now they were in a larger room. To the left was the bar and to the right were tables and chairs, but no one was sitting there. In front of them was another door and next to it were windows.
"I think we're in the wrong place.", said Third German Reich. Soviet Union confirmed: "I think so too!" Unlike Reich, he looked out the window and then said: "Maybe we'll take a quick look out!"
They went through the door where a woman was smoking. The two Countryhumans and Duke walked past her. They didn't even really see her.
Soviet led the two to the castle walls. They were on a hill and from the castle walls they could look at the city below.
Reich was immediately amazed by the wonderful view they had. It was possible to see most of this industrial city and a few lights in the distance. You could certainly see quite far into the distance during the day.
The city glowed and lived in front of them. Cars and trains passed through the small town. It was so beautiful to watch.
It didn't smell as bad as you would think. But it was already a little cold, as it was autumn and winter was approaching.
Stars could be seen above them, but the moon was not visible. Soviet was able to quickly locate the constellation of the Great Bear.
Both Countryhumans admired the scenery of the night city for a while before they went in.
This time they found their way to the bar and Third Reich entered first with Duke, followed by Soviet Union.
Inside, on the right was the bar and on the left were the chairs, benches and tables, both of which were made of wood. Seat cushions were attached to the chairs. The benches had red upholstery and the tables had two table covers, the large ones white and the smaller ones red.
The ceiling was supported by wooden beams and there were thinner boards above them so that the ceiling looked nice.
A pleasant woody smell could be smelled in the room and also the smell of fresh food and it was pleasantly warm in the room thanks to the tiled stove on the wall. The tiles of the stove were clay colored and had vine decorations on them.
The windows had an arch at the top and on the side that you first see when you enter, there were recesses in the wall that were also semi-circular and in the middle of these recesses, there were drawings of Christianity. Around the recesses and windows, old bricks were built into the wall.
The lamps were nothing unusual. They consisted of a cable from the ceiling, a lampshade and the light bulb.
At each table there were candles, some decorations, salt, pepper and a jug that contained a fork, knife and napkin.
Some tables, especially near the window and the stove, were occupied. Mainly men were there to enjoy their well-earned evening after a long, hard day at work.
Reich also quickly realized that there were a few who actively showed that they were part of the Workers' Party.
He ignored this and sat down on the bench of an empty table in the middle of the room, on the right side. Soviet sat down next to him on the other side and Duke lay down under the table.
Both were already very hungry, especially Reich, since he had given a speech a few hours ago.
The two unusual guests quickly attracted a lot of attention. Soviet Union was a little annoyed by this, but they were in public and there was nothing he could do. It would be exhausting for Reich to interact with so many people now. All three longed for peace or at least quiet company.
The waitress came over and brought the Countryhumans the menus. She was very nervous as she handed them the menus and greeted the guests. "You can relax!", Reich said, "We're just having a decent day, my dear and we're longing for a good meal." She nodded.
She was still not that relaxed, but asked: "W-What can I offer you to drink?" "A glass of water, please!", asked Soviet. Third Reich said: "For me too, please!" She nodded and left, giving her Reich a polite smile.
Soviet didn't like this very much, however and you could see it, as his eyebrows dropped and a few wrinkles appeared. His companion noticed this and asked: "Are you OK?" Soviet noticed this, smiled at him and answered him with a slight smile and a friendly face: "Yes, everything's fine!"
This calmed Third German Reich and he looked at the folder in which the dishes were.
First there was the daily menu, which had nothing for him. Fortunately, the other page had vegetable cream soup, pretzel soup, bread soup, asparagus cream soup and pancake soup. He liked all of these dishes. It was a pity that there was no tomato soup on it, otherwise this restaurant would also be something for Italy.
Just thinking about these soups made his mouth water. The beautiful taste of the soups in his memory made him even more hungry.
He didn't find pretzel soup that often and loved the taste, so he had that as a starter before turning the pages.
There were mainly meat dishes on the next pages, but he had picked out three dishes that particularly appealed to him, which were cheese spaetzle and dumplings with cream or mushroom sauce. Even though he liked dumpling dishes, he needed variety today. He wanted cheese spaetzle.
Soviet Union decided to eat something vegetarian out of respect for Reich. He had a small salad without tomatoes and meat plants also without tomatoes.
Shortly afterwards, the two men got their water and ordered. While they were waiting, they talked a little more.
After about an hour, they were finished and started talking to each other again and other people came over, talking to the Countryhumans and Reich was given one alcoholic drink after another. Of course, he didn't want to say "no" and got drunk.
With a red tint where his nose was, he showed Soviet by his appearance that he was drunk.
Third Reich laughed and couldn't think properly anymore, which is why Soviet Union had to look after him and had to take him home.
He carefully put Reich to bed and he just made himself comfortable and fell asleep.
Soviet watched him before leaving his room and going to Duke, from whom he took the leash.
The dog lay tired and stretched out in his bed. A little disappointed that he hadn't had any of the food in the restaurant.
The Countryhuman, still awake, went into the guest room and sat on his bed. The evening with Reich was very nice and he kept thinking about how loving Third Reich was. Even if he didn't want to think or believe it, the bubbling feelings inside him were his love for Reich and this was not just normal love, he was in love.
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