Pt.12 Magic of the Wolf

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Ozpin's office was quiet, if you didn't count the turning of the gears, as I sat on the floor looking at the still passed out Ruby as she laid on a sofa, one of which I don't ever remember seeing in all my times of being in here.

Despite all that happened, she seems to be resting somewhat peacefully as she lays on her side facing me. I try to think of what to say to her when she wakes up and whether so should thank her for saving me or yell at her for not leaving and getting hurt.

My thoughts stop however as she begins to twist and turn as if she was having a bad dream, I look at her for a moment and decide to gently brush my hand across her face which seems to calm her as her hand suddenly reaches for mine.

"How is she?"

I just up quickly as I turn to see Ozpin smiling at us as he walked in.

"She's good, really good." I say almost immediately feeling myself blush as he simply chuckles at my embarrassment, but as he gets to his desk, I look behind him towards the door for a couple of seconds before turning back, "Where's Lana?"

He sighs as he sits down in his chair interlocking his fingers together,

"Ms.Viridian has...decided to go back to Atlas."

"She WHAT!?" I yelled, "and you just let her!?"

"It was her decision to do so, I had-"

"CUT THE CRAP!!",I interrupted, "you really expect me to believe you, the guy that specifically chose us to be on this team, just let one of the only two on his special team go without a fight?"

"Try to understand that while I can work around certain angles when it comes to you, Lana is a different story."

"And just what exactly makes me more workaround then her!?"

As I say this he leans in and begins,

"What makes you more flexible than her in the simple fact that you were chosen by me and your circumstances involving your past crimes you'd rather not go to jail for, making you more workable with. Lana, on the other hand, wasn't chosen by me, but chosen by General Ironwood."

"The guy in charge of the Atlesian army?"

"the very same." he as he gets up and looks out his window for a moment giving me a moment to remember Ironwood.

In my past, his name was constantly thrown my way when I dealt with Atlas personnel before, hearing rumors about how cold and "professional" he is, though with a guy like that there's just as many bad as there are bad. Ozpin interrupts my thoughts as he continues,

"As you know, the last known team SLVR was from Atlas and as such, I ran by my plan to initiate such a team again for Vale and asked for his opinion. As we spoke, he mentioned a soldier who was the younger sister of one of the former members who's skills that surpassed even those with years of experience and allowed her to join, with the condition of team SLVR being able to work for Atlas as well in the circumstances if they need be and they have said so on her later endeavors, in which I agreed."

"So...she's basically here as a loan?"

"for a lack of better terms, yes."

"Okay, putting aside you guys treating her like a trading card, I still don't see how you don't have any control over her going back...unless..."I stopped and thought for a moment," she was asked to come back by Ironwood himself?"

"Correct," he says turning to me, "from what I assume from our brief conversation, Ironwood discovered some experimental projects were sent to Vale, in a way we still haven't figured out, and after finding you three, I was to assume she had them sent to her."

Lana said she was given a mission to take me down, but...she was just doing it to avenge her brother...

Lana was one of the most by the books person I ever knew, and for her to put everything on the line just to kill me made my stomach turn at the thought of the pain I put her through when all these years...but I then her words echo in my mind...

Out of all the people in the world...Why did it have to be you?

"I know what you're thinking,"'Ozpin says gaining my attention, "I know you wish to help her, or even take the blame for her doing all this, but it won't help, especially now as she's currently on her way to Atlas now...sorry..."

"yeah...of course you are..."I say bawling my fists up at the thought that I can't do anything for her.

"I know this isn't the best way to bring this up, but I wish to bring up one more thing to you."

I sigh reluctantly,

"What now?"

"I wish to bring up what happened in the forest," he says seriously, "specifically about your Silver Eyes."

"My eyes?" I say confused," one of my friends is off to no doubt get jail time, or even worse, and the other is passed out and you wanna know about my eyes?"

"I do. Tell me, do you remember what I asked you when we first met?"

I think for a second until realizing,

"Yeah, you asked me about eyes even then, why?"

"You saw why," he says as he walks to his desk again putting his scroll on it as a screen pulls up a video of Ruby jumping between us as a silver light goes off until we show up again as Ruby passed out in my arms as my wounds close from the silver energy around as my eyes glow as well, "you seem to have unlocked a powerful magic."

"Magic," as I say this I look at him and begin to chuckle after awhile, "okay, now I know you're messing with me, magic isn't real. It's a thing parents tell their children at storytime to make it for fun."

"After being apart of that, are you able to truly explain what happened?"

My chuckling begins to die down as I think about it more, looking more at the video as Ozpin speaks,

"Silver-Eyed Warriors, That's what they were deemed. They are a lineage of people whose origins, stories, and exploits predate even before the establishment of both Huntsmen and Kingdoms. Not much is really known about them, but according to legend, those born with silver eyes are said to be destined to lead the life of a warrior. Of course silver eyes themselves are a very rare trait in the modern world, so of course you would imagine my surprise to meet not only one, but two in one night."

I then look to Ruby, I admit I was surprised myself to see someone with the same color eyes as mine when we first met, but I still had questions,

"Okay, so...we're these Silver-Eyed Warriors, right? That still doesn't really explain...that," I say pointing at the video that's playing on repeat," or how it's "magic"?"

"Tell me, what did it feel like when that energy was around you?"

I think back,

"It...was cool and felt like I was going through water, like it wasn't my energy being used, but it was still apart of me..."

"Fascinating," Ozpin says with interest in his voice, but it makes me feel differently as he continues," according to old theories, what makes aura and magic different is that while aura is an extension of one's soul, magic is more as an extension of the gods."

"Okay stop, "I say pinching the bridge of my nose," throwing a lot of confusing exposition at me right now and adding gods to the mix doesn't help so we're gonna skip that part, but from what I get is that we've unlocked some magic eye ability."

"Well, I believe it's more like you unlocked your abilities, as Ruby merely jump-started them."

"Jump started?"


Ozpin then taps on his desk again to show me in my room and after looking for a while I notice it's a couple of weeks ago when I was locked into my room.

"You were videoing me!?" I say pretty angrily about that fact I've been watched for who knows how long.

"Yes, though it was only to watch your progress and while I do apologize, of course, I assure you I had a good reason,"

I was about to say something, but he stops me as he raises his hand, taps his desk again, and another screen comes up showing a human figure in the middle as something radiates around it, and my face in the top,

"Weeks ago, we sensed high energy that seemed to appear and disappear randomly, that is until your fight with Cardin Winchester."

"So the confiding me to my room was..."

"keeping a close eye on your power and to make sure you didn't cause harm to yourself as well as the other students around you,"he says looking at the video, causing me to look back at myself on replay as I'm asleep in my bed, until one moment where I suddenly disappear, but return seconds later,"like I said before, little is really known about them and their abilities, other then that their gaze could destroy a Grimm just from a glance, but each was known to have their own special power and after watching this,"

The video changes again to a split-screen to my room on one side and one of me and Ruby in front of her room door.

"Wait, so you guys-"

"knew about you two breaking into the cafeteria and using up school supplies? Yes, but don't worry, the money for the items you two ate were already taken from your last check." Ozpin says casually.

Is that why my last check was so low? How much was that food!?

My thought changes however as I see myself hug Ruby and she rushes in her room when another flash of light disappearing only to reappear in my room the next second.

"I...I'm sorry...did I just teleport?"

"I thought so at first too, but after putting the videos together, I noticed something I wished to test." He then pulls out an apple from behind his back out of the nowhere.

"Wha...where did you even get th-"

My ears twitch as however as I quickly catch the apple he tosses to me.

"would you mind, concentrating on the apple for me."

"...I assume I'm not gonna be told until I test this theory?"

"More or less."

I sigh again, not surprised at this point as I look at the apple within my hand and, not feeling anything from last time. I stare and stare at this apple, feeling stupid as each second passes, only making me angrier.

"I'm not feeling anything...Gods, I feel stupid doing this!"

"Calm down," Ozpin, says calmly, "look at the apple, calm your mind, and try to focus on the feeling you had when you used it."

I looked at him angrily, but take deep breaths as I look at the apple again trying my best to end this quickly, thinking back to just a while ago.

What was I thinking about?

Everything happened so fast, my thoughts were jumbled, and I felt so useless as I watched and Ruby was forced to protect me and...then all I could think about was protecting her...

I then feel a spark around my eyes again until I feel the cool silver energy around them that begins to envelop the apple in my hand, and as I focused more on it, my grip starts to cave it in slightly as the apple begins to feel soft and mushy. I quickly drop the apple only for it to fall quickly to the floor.

I look to Ozpin, the energy disappearing, to see if he saw what I saw as I try to find the right words.

"I...what was...what did I just do?"

"Isn't it obvious? You sped up the time on the apple causing it to go rotten."

"I sped up time?"

"yes, I suspected as much when I saw you hold Ms.Rose. I noticed that each of your wounds, though appearing to simply be healing, they seemed to rewind back from where they were inflicted. It's quite the ability if I must say myself."

I don't say anything, I mean...Time Manipulation? It would seem crazy If I hadn't seen/done it myself.

"So...what happens now? Do I have to take special training or something?"

"No, unfortunately since like I said, silver eyes are rare so there's really no training for it, although we will continue to watch you and your progress, there is also the mystery of your Beowulf transformation."

"I was starting to wonder when you would ask about that...let me guess, it's another ability of my silver eyes-"

"Actually, I wanted your opinion on this as the energy doesn't seem to spike when your in that form, though I notice your eyes have allowed you and Ms.Rose to control it to some extent."

I take a moment, thinking about it before I start," I...can't really tell you, I've been able to do that as long as I can remember, but I haven't wanted to use it after..."I stop, not wanting to bring it up, "I didn't know how I could do it, I just could so sorry if that doesn't really help your curiosity."

"No, it's quite alright," he says," I do apologize for dropping all of this on you, I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm sure we will be able to figure it out one day as you know doubt learn to master it."

"What about Ruby? You said she's one too right?"

"She is, but as I said earlier Ms.Rose's power seems to have only surfaced momentarily to jumpstart yours and while I would like her to know what she truly is, I made a promise not to inform her until she's ready and would ask if you would do the same."


I'm interrupting by Ruby yawning as I and Ozpin turn to see her slowly lean up to rub her eyes as she begins to look around.

"Ruby!" I can't help, but say excitedly as I rush over to her leaning down as she looks at me for a moment before her eyes going wide.

"[F/n]! You're okay!" She then tightly hugs me before quickly releasing showing blush on her face," um sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Ruby, it's fine I'm just glad you're okay," I say smiling.

"Glad to see you're up Ms.Rose, you gave us quite the scare."

"Yea, sorry about that," She smiles back, but soon realization shows on her face, "Wait! What about Lana!? Where is she!? Is she okay!?"

I and Ozpin look at each other.

"Let's get you to your room and I'll explain on the way," I say to her as I get up and reach my hand out to help her up.

She looks for a moment, but thankfully takes my hand as we get ready to walk out, but before we make it out Ozpin causes me to stop as he says,

"Goodnight you two, and [F/n], please do think about what we discussed."

After a moment I then continue out.

*Minutes Later*

"She going back to Atlas!" Ruby yells, but covers her mouth.

I told Ruby about what I and Ozpin discussed about Lana, leaving out all the Silver-Eye warrior stuff for now and told her I healed her with my aura, though I'm she even if I did it would be the last of her worries as we walk down the hallway talking silently.

"But she can't leave, I mean she's...our friend!"

"I know..."

"She's apart of your team!"

"I know..."

"Why are you so calm about this!?" She says loudly before covering her mouth again as she looks at my expression.

"I guess because...want to do something, but I don't know what I could do to help...I was thinking of ways to help: go there and defend her case, try to get Ozpin to act, anything, but...I'm powerless in the position I'm in and I hate it..."Ruby doesn't say anything as I continue,

"Right now I have no cards to play, not only because of my past, but the fact that she's already on her way To Atlas, I can't even intercept them and I just feel so...useless, even when you and her were fighting I could only watch as she cutthroat and I hate this feeling-"

"[F/n]," Ruby says cutting me off as she stands in front of me, "it's fine, I'm fine. That feeling you have is just how everyone feels when they care about someone and want to help.l and just because you don't see a way to help right now, doesn't mean your useless, so no more of this "I'm useless" stuff. Honestly your probably the most powerful person I know."

"Really?" I say surprised at her saying that.

"Yeah!... I mean besides Yang...and Nora...and Pyrrha is kind of strong as well..." she then realizes what she's saying and quickly tries to recover, "but I mean you're definitely the strongest guy I know by far, and-"

"I get it, Ruby," I say laughing as she still tries to explain as we get to my door.

"You sure you're good? You don't need me to walk you to your door?"

"Yes, I'm fine," She then shows me her neck," thanks to your healing, it's like the bruises and scars were never there."

"Anytime Rosie Red, but next time maybe next time be more careful, I'm not worth you getting hurt over after all."

"You are though [F/n]," she says punching me in the shoulder playfully, or I assume because although she had a serious face her punch felt like being hit by a pillow, "that feeling you feel right now about feeling useless is how I would have felt if I didn't help you out, which is why tomorrow, we're gonna see if we can come up with something to help, okay?"

"I-"I stop as she looks at me seriously and crosses her arms, "alright alright, I know when I'm beat. See you tomorrow then?"

"Yep, well goodnight." she then leaves as I wave her off and begin to enter my room.

I close the door, finding myself unable to stop smiling, that is until my ears twitch and I hear,

"Salutations, I am so glad you finally arrived!"

I then quickly turn to see a girl with short curly orange hair with had bright green eyes, light skin, and freckles. She wore a pink bow on the back of her head, a whitish-gray blouse, gray overalls, and a black and green collar with a matching pair of stockings.

" I know you?" I say feeling uneasy I she something about her doesn't seem right, especially when I can't really get a smell from her.

"No you don't, but I know you. Well, actually I only know you from your files and what Lana has told me about she didn't tell me you were so tall though, I mean I know she had said you were tall, but seeing it in person is-"

"wait wait wait, you know Lana?"

"Oh my, I seem to have started rambling," she says covering her mouth before seeming to reset as she put her hands down and her tone seems to change, "yes, I know Lana and I'm afraid it's my fault she's in trouble and I wish to rectify it with your help ."

"Okay slow down, uh..."

"Penny Polendina! A pleasure to meet you!" she says smiling and saluting.

"Right, I actually need you to explain  what you mean."

"Of course,"she says casually,"weeks ago I was contacted by Lana who asked me to send specific technology that was to be used to go against a criminal known as "The Big Bad", but as that technology was highly untested and prohibited For low ranking officials, I tried to persuade her against it."

"Something tells me you didn't succeed."

"No I did not, in fact, quite the opposite happened as she was able to talk me into sending them without the scientists and Ironwood knowing as I was to be sent here for a special assignment."

"Wait, you're who smuggled the weapons to Lana?"

"Yes, It was rather simple to do, but I soon realized my mistake as she was found out and was asked to be sent back to Atlas for dishonorable discharge."

She stops to let what she said sink in, I knew there would be consequences for this, but to think they would actually kick her out of the army...

"Wait, "I say suddenly realizing, "if you were trying to help her, why not just stay in Atlas since that's where she was going?"

"I'm afraid while it's true she was picked up to be taken to Atlas, the ship she rode on was intercepted by mysterious assailants who were led by a man in a hat, which is why I need your assistance in her rescue."

"A man in a..." I trail off as my mind immediately goes to one name:

Roman Torchwick

I then begin to smile as the feeling of uselessness goes away given the circumstances, because though my friend is in more trouble then I, and no

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