We swiftly left the dorm room as I secretly eavesdropped on their questionable conversation. Dish soap-infused orange juice? Is that some kind of inside joke, or are we just spiraling into madness? Shaking my head, I followed the group to Lee Know's fancy smantschy (a/n: yeah, we're keeping this spelling) sports car. The thing was so shiny it looked like it could blind you if the sun hit it at the right angle.
I climbed into the backseat with Jisung, who immediately started pressing buttons like a toddler on a sugar high.
"PLAY 'CHANDELIER' BY SIA!!" Jisung demanded like we were on a karaoke road trip.
Lee Know groaned, visibly restraining himself from slamming his head into the steering wheel.
"Fine. But if you break something, I'm throwing you out."
The song hadn't even hit the first verse before Jisung unleashed pure chaos. "I WANNA SWIIIIIING FROM THE CHANDELIEEEERRRR~~! FROM THE CHANDELIEEEERRRR~~!"
But this wasn't just singing—it was a full performance. Jisung grabbed the seatbelt like it was a microphone, dramatically leaned back, and somehow managed to kick Lee Know's dashboard.
"JISUNG STAWWWWP!" I yelled, frantically searching for something—anything—to stop him. But no, Lee Know's car was so spotless it looked like a sterile operating room. "LEE KNOW, WHY IS THERE NOTHING IN YOUR CAR? WHERE IS THE EMERGENCY AIR FRYER?"
"IN THE TRUNK, YOU ABSOLUTE MENACE!" Lee Know yelled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.
"WHY IS THERE AN AIR FRYER IN THE TRUNK?!" Hyunjin shouted from the passenger seat, half-laughing, half-screaming.
"For emergencies," Lee Know deadpanned as if this made any sense.
Meanwhile, Jisung was scaling the backseat like an actual chandelier was in the car. "I'M GONNA LIIIIIVE LIKE TOMORROW DOESN'T EXIST~~!" he bellowed, arms flailing like he was auditioning for a circus.
"IT WON'T EXIST IF YOU KEEP THIS UP!" I screeched, lunging at him but missing entirely.
"Jisung, SIT DOWN!" Lee Know snapped, swerving slightly as Jisung's foot smacked into the window."
I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF ART!" Jisung howled, ignoring everyone.
"Is this what happens when Pabo Racha plus Jiyoung get in the same car?" Hyunjin asked, laughing so hard he was practically wheezing.
"Yes," I gasped, clutching my sides from laughing too much.
And then, as if the universe decided we hadn't suffered enough, Lee Know slammed on the brakes at a red light, and Jisung actually swung forward, face-planting into a box in the backseat.
He emerged, holding the air fryer. "WHY IS THIS HERE?!"
"I TOLD YOU IT'S FOR EMERGENCIES!" Lee Know shouted back, his face red from both anger and uncontrollable laughter.
"IT IS NOW!" Hyunjin yelled, doubling over and pounding the dashboard as Jisung tried to shove the air fryer back into the box, all while still humming 'Chandelier.'And then, just to top it all off, Jisung's phone went off, blasting 'Never Gonna Give You Up' at full volume.
Because, of course, it would.
We arrived at Apgujeong a little after the chaos subsided, though honestly, with our group, chaos was always on standby, ready to pounce.
"WELCOME TO APGUJEONGGG!" Jisung bellowed as soon as we stepped out of the car, throwing his arms wide open like he owned the place.
"Geesh, Jisung! We're idols!" Hyunjin hissed, yanking him back by the collar before he could dart into the street. "Can you please act normal? Just for once? For five minutes?!"
"Sorry, Hyung! But normal is boring! I was born to be that—" Jisung suddenly broke free and sprinted into the street like a caffeinated squirrel that had just seen its long-lost acorn.
Lee Know, who had been silently locking the car, turned to watch Jisung flailing in the middle of the crosswalk. "Why does this keep happening? Why is he like this? Did one of you break him?"
"I ASK MYSELF THAT EVERY DAY!" I shouted, storming after Jisung.
"LOOK AT ME! I'M A FREE SPIRIT!" Jisung yelled, spinning in circles like he was auditioning for Grease: Apgujeong Edition.
Lee Know sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I swear, one day, I'm going to leave him in the middle of nowhere and let nature decide what happens."
"JISUNG, STOP IT!" I screamed, grabbing him by the back of his hoodie and hauling him toward the sidewalk like a disobedient toddler. "We don't have ANY bodyguards with us, and if you keep acting like this, we'll have every ajumma in a five-block radius chasing us down for selfies!"
"Yes, Noona," Jisung mumbled, smiling sheepishly.
I glared at him. "Don't smile at me like that. I will shove you in a taxi and leave you."Hyunjin was already laughing. "Jisung? Acting normal? Yeah, good luck with that. Even if he tries, his brain won't let him."
Jisung scowled, puffing out his cheeks like a kid who just got told Santa wasn't real. "I can be normal! Watch me!"
"Sure," Lee Know deadpanned. "And I can be the president of South Korea. Both are equally realistic."
Jisung straightened up, sticking his nose in the air. "I'll show you all!" He started walking down the street with the stiffest posture I've ever seen, his arms swinging like he was a malfunctioning robot.
Hyunjin snorted. "Wow. Incredible. Look at him go. The picture of normalcy."
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Jisung yelled, turning around with a twitching eye.
Behind us, Lee Know leaned against a lamppost, sipping his iced coffee like this was all a comedy show for his entertainment. "This is the most fun I've had all week. Please, carry on."
Jisung mumbled under his breath as he kept walking, "This is harder than it looks... Like how do normal people do this every day? Walk straight, don't yell, no sudden bursts of energy... what's the point? Is this even living?!"
"Jisung," Hyunjin said, barely holding in his laughter. "You've been walking normally for thirty seconds. Calm down before you have an existential crisis."
"But Hyung," Jisung whined, spinning around dramatically, "I feel like I'm losing my spark! My essence! My chaotic soul! What if I blend in? What if people don't notice me anymore?! WHAT IF—"
"WHAT IF I THROW YOU IN TRAFFIC?" Lee Know interjected, casually sipping his drink. "Because that's starting to sound like a good idea."
I grabbed Jisung by the shoulder before he could spiral any further. "Stop it right now, or I swear I'll leave you with Lee Know. Alone."
Jisung gasped like I'd just threatened his very existence. "You wouldn't!"
Lee Know smirked, eyes narrowing. "Oh, she would. And I'd enjoy every second of it."
Jisung went pale, immediately plastering on the fakest straight face I've ever seen. "See? I'm behaving now! Look! Look at how normal I am!" he said, his voice unnaturally high-pitched.
"Wow," Hyunjin said, pretending to be impressed. "He almost looks... normal. Is this a miracle?"
"I WILL THROW THIS COFFEE AT YOU," Jisung snapped, breaking character entirely.Lee Know burst out laughing, finally dropping his cool composure. "This is comedy gold. You're all idiots."
"And yet," I said with a sigh, "you're stuck with us."
Lee Know sipped his coffee again, smirking. "Unfortunately."
- - -
We walked a few blocks, tamed Jisung down for the millionth time, and finally arrived at my favorite place: THE ICE CREAM STORE. It was packed to the brim with customers wanting their soft serve, ice cream, frozen yogurt— you name it, and they had it.
"You sure you wanna wait for their ice cream in...this long of a line?" Hyunjin asked, a little concerned.
"Yes. It is definitely worth the wait, Hyunjin! It's like the BEST!" I gleamed with awe. The ice cream flavors were popping into my brain, giving me a taste of it before I even got to decide what I wanted.
"I've gotta agree with her, this ice cream is fire!" Lee Know admitted, "ICE CREAMMM!"
"Hyung! Now you're gonna draw attention to usss!" Hyunjin hissed, shaking his head at my brother. Well, that's what I do all of the time, so no biggie.
"Shut up if you say that, we will get attention! But me screaming ice cream will not be that bad compared to what Jisungie did earlier," he smirked. This savage adult. I want to say kid, but since I call him old man, that wouldn't make any sense. I looked over at Jisung, whose cheeks were slowly turning crimson red by the second. Hahah.
"Jisung...stop turning red!" I whispered.
"Turning Red? The movie?" He asked, adding to the conversation about stupid stuff.
"No, dummy. Your cheeks were becoming a beautiful tomato shade of red!" I laughed, slapping Minho's shoulder in the process. Oh, shoot. In the air fryer, I go.
"Jiji~! Did you just SLAP ME?!" he yelled, rummaging through his bag. Don't tell me you also have an emergency air fryer in your crossbody. "ANDD..HA! I found it!"
"W-w-what is it, oppa?" I asked, extremely worried for my well-being and life. And hopes of continuing my career as a k-pop idol were probably at a low chance of continuing.
"It is...a box of tissues! And they will go up your mouth!" he teased, slowly getting a handful of tissues. Nooooo, not the tissues! That's like...less bad but still bad!
"Lee Know oppa noo! Please! I'll be with Jisung. ALONE. I'll let you experience quiet and calmness while we go on this trip for an hour! Just don't stuff tissues up my mouth!" I cried, probably looking like a kid pleading for a ginormous stuffy in the middle of an ice cream parlor.
"You...would do that? And get my brain off that menace? And let me be chill with the drama llama who isn't even that chill but compared to Jisung is?" he asked quietly. I nodded. Anything to get rid of the chances of tissues being stuffed up my mouth.
"Why do you all hate me so much?" Jisungie pouted, upset with why we always leave him out.
"Sorry, kid, you're a lot to handle often," I shrugged and started rummaging through my handbag for my mirror. I always have to mirror on me to make sure I'm in pristine condition. Sometimes, the phone camera just can't capture that one hair that is sticking up. Or the smudged foundation.
"Jiyoung! We can see the menu now!" Hyunjin exclaimed, pointing. I, the shortest of all of the people here, despite my brother and Jisung being 172 cm and 170 cm, could not see whatsoever compared to 6' Hyunjin.
"Well... I'm like kind of short compared to you guys... like 168 cm, so I still can't see..." I whispered.
"Come on, I can barely tell the difference between you and Jisung," Hyunjin shrugged and patted our heads. Come on now.
"HyunggggGgG! We aren't that short, ok? There are some k-pop idols that are 160cm, which is EVEN SHORTER!" Ham (yes, ham) Jisung whined and pulled Hyunjin's baggy tee-shirt sleeve. It slid down his shoulder just a little bit, revealing his collarbone. Oh. My. Goodness. His shoulders...are so broad. How the heck does anyone have that broad shoulders? I'm gonna crash out and faint. This man—is sexy. Maybe he is my symphony. Maybe my world lifts off. Will you hold me tight and not let go? Hyunjin; I love you. Like a symphony of love hearts and all emojis that have to do with love.
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