Monday morning rolled around, Almond was trying to prepare himself a cup of coffee while holding his baby who was blissfully drink its bottle away; he was beyond exhausted from those couple of nights of being a father, he had hardly sleep and his house looked like a tornado passed by.
He closed his eyes for a second before feeling the burning sensation of hot coffee in his hand as it has spilled on the floor and counter, he sigh tiredly and he soon was immersed in his inner thoughts
"Wow! look at you, a living mess...you can't even pour coffee right, you are pathetic!"-he snapped back as he placed the baby into a pile of pillows before going back to the kitchen and clean off the mess, he then looked at the wall clock and it was passed 7:!5 AM, Almond began to panic as he was late for work, he is never too late and he was rushing through the messy house looking for everything and trying to get ready for work
He then look over at the baby who was cooing and playing with one of the pillows, he knew he cannot leave it alone in the house but he also knew that he was needed at his work, he let out a groan in frustration as he tried to think on something
"Job or baby, job or baby. What would it be...I'm getting late but the baby can't be alone, I really should call in sick today...but this will affect me for sure, I can always go tomorrow, right? Who am I kidding you can't go back there! Think Almond, think"-he was about to have a mental breakdown when he heard his phone ring that send him back into reality, he walked over to answer
-"Detective Almond Cookie speaking"-he said in his most 'I'm fine' voice he could made as he heard a female sigh
-"Almond, I'm still not clocked in the office, no need to be THAT formal yet"-the female voice replied sounding annoyed that made him sigh and muttered under his breath
"Oh for the love of...its Mascabado Cookie, you idiot!"
-"Sorry Mascabado, you know I'm used to do that"-he said while massaging his frown
-"Its okay, where are you anyway? When I arrived you weren't sitting at your desk, in fact, you and Pecan Cookie have been radio silent this whole weekend, is everything alright over there?"-she asked concerned, this made him sweat bullets as he gulped
"Gods! She is asking you, what should I reply? I can't tell her about the baby yet, she'll likely tell the others as well and I'll get told off, oh I can already hear them 'A baby? Are you insane? You're still in your mid twenties is way too soon' But she'll find out anyways with the baby noise going around, plus she'll ask me about Pecan and where is she...Oh no I'm so screwed..."-he thought
"Almond, Almond, ALMOND! I asked what's wrong? Why you've been silent this weekend?"-Mascabado yelled on the other side which made him nearly drop the phone
"Oh I um...I've been feeling...feeling under the weather! Yeah, that!"-he said while trying to keep his composure
"Uh huh, yeah...Alms, you know...you know me, Oatmeal Cookie and specially Cronut Cookie care for you, right? Outside the job, if there is something troubling you, you can always ask us. Take care there"-and she hung up, the young detective sigh out of frustration and groaned. He felt in a pickle after that as he took a deep breath and composed himself
"Okay...that was bad, but things will be okay from here on out, right?"-he told himself as his expression changed, he glanced at the baby who soon began to whine and softly whimper to call his attention
"What is it? You're such an attention seeker"-he told it, the baby cookie was still whining as tears started to form in its brown eyes, the detective was gently bouncing it up and down to see if that soothes it, he then caught a rather unpleasant smell filling the air which made him nearly gag, he then looked at the baby who was kicking its legs and kept whimpering and thats when he clicked it
"Oh no...no, no, no, anything but that. The baby barf was enough, not this. Keep it together! You can handle this, besides you can finally stop calling the baby an 'it' once you're done"-he thought, he sighed and went back to the nursery and placed the baby into the changing table and began doing what he had to do
He tried holding his breath, while he was changing the baby and nearly passed out by both the smell and the lack of breathing, the baby was just cooing and giggling at that as it keep squirming on the padded top
"Is that funny to you? Cause for me its not...anyways, let's see what gender you are"-he said as he gently spread the baby's legs a bit to clean that area which made it blush and whine as it tried to kick Almond but he gabbed one of its legs gently
"Hey! No kicking! Now let's see...oh, you're...you're a girl"-he said as he clean her private areas and soon placed her into a new diaper and a clean pastel brown onesie
"There! I did it, we did it"-he said as he picked her up and cradle her, she looked at him and then clung to his tie that was a bit loose, she seemed happy and enjoying herself after that, the young detective looked at her and he smiled before getting immerse in his negative thoughts again
"Oh the great Detective Almond Cookie, able to handle the hardest of cases and catching the toughest of criminals, can't handle a simple diaper change. What a lousy looser you are, you should've seen how you struggle. That was pathetic as your are right now"-he tried to ignore it but he kept his mind around it until he heard the soft snores of the baby who had fallen asleep in his arms
Almond glanced at that, something about that make him feel oddly calm and at peace, he didn't even payed attention at the fact that she drooled a little over his sleeve, he wanted to keep holding her but he decided to place her into her crib to let her sleep more at peace. He sigh in relief as he kept looking at the scene and murmured to the baby cookie
"You know...I wanted a baby cookie girl...I'm so happy you turned out to be one...your mom would've love it too..."-he said before walking out the nursery to try to do something else before she wakes up or his doubts start taking over again
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