"What's wrong?"
The second Jasper arrived home and his face wasn't in a smile like it usually was when he was with Elena. Jasper didn't bother to answer anyone. He immediately went upstairs to his room and threw everything he could without breaking the house.
"Elena thinks Jasper had an influence over her feelings about him." Edward had left as soon as he heard his brother leave. Bella was fast asleep and wouldn't miss his coldness.
"Did you tell her that it doesn't work on her?" Alice asked as Jasper came back downstairs.
"He didn't get the chance to." Edward spoke for his brother.
"Shut up Edward!" He growled to his brother.
"Maybe one of us can talk to her." Emmett suggested but quickly shut his mouth when he saw the glare coming from Jasper. "Or not."
"Jasper you need to let us help otherwise how can we help you." Esme sat beside the boy and stroked his arm comfortingly.
Jasper just closed his eyes and leaned back wishing he could actually sleep so he could believe this was a dream. That the love of his life didn't hate him.
"Rosalie you go." Jasper spoke.
"Why me?" She asked. Of course she didn't have a problem with the girl but she didn't want to be in the same area as the girl's sister who put her family in danger by having Edward save her.
"Because she trusts you the most. It may not seem like it but she does. She looks up to you just like she does to Esme but you're her friend. Please." Jasper whispered.
Rosalie was quickly out of their home and standing outside the Swan residence. Now she needed to find a way to get Elena's attention so she could get inside.
"Rosalie?" The girl quickly turned and saw Elena sitting in the back of her truck with a blanket wrapped around her.
"Elena it's past midnight. Why are you up and out here? Someone could try to attack you." Rosalie appeared in front of the human and couldn't help but notice her eyes were puffy and red.
"I guess right now I just don't care." Elena whispered. She choked back a sob. "Why are you here?"
"Because someone doesn't know how to express their feelings. Or know how to not take no for an answer." Rosalie sat down next to the girl their shoulders touching.
"He told you?" She sobbed.
"Edward did. He was here during your fight." Rosalie brushes back the girls hair and finally smelled a scent she hadn't for a while. "Elena are you eating pickles in the cold?" She laughed.
"Leave me alone. I'm grieving." Elena brought the jar next to her and hid it under her blanket. "Edward. I should've known. Stupid mind reader." Elena frowned.
"You got that right. But Jasper wanted me to let you know how his powers work."
"I already know Rosalie. He can influence emotions that's why we were arguing in the first place." Elena sighed before leaning on her friend.
"Elena it's not just that he can control emotions. He can't control how someone feels for a long period of time. It's more like a wave. Whenever one of us is angry Jasper just sends a wave of calm to us and immediately we feel it. He can only do so much for a short amount of time. But you, you're different." Rosalie began stroking the girls hair as she explained what was happening.
"How am I any different?" Elena was silently crying. She had wished for Jasper to appear again and just hug her while she cried, but she had told him to leave and like the gentleman he was. He obliged.
"Being like us is not easy Elena. I always wanted children and grandchildren and to live my life alongside the man I love. To grow old with him. I never wanted to be a vampire. I wanted to be able to grow old with a family and that has been taken away from me. I met the person I was destined to be with and he makes me really happy."
"What does your love story have to do with me Rose? I don't feel like being in love right now." Elena sighed and wiped her tears.
"What I'm saying is. Jasper really likes you and I believe the two of you were meant to be. Before we met you Jasper showed emotion yeah, but he never smiled as much as he had when you're around."
"Rose. How am I supposed to know how I really feel if he is able to control my emotions?" The tears started falling down her face again at the sight of Jasper's face in her mind.
"Elena! Jasper told you about my family's gifts. Edward can't read the mind of you or your sister. Which is strange yes and to him very aggravating. Also yes, Alice can see your future. But what Jasper failed to mention to you was that his power doesn't work on you." Elena stared at the blonde. "He's tried it whenever you were nervous or scared, even before he knew you. He could feel how you felt but he couldn't change your mood at any time." Elena was in a state of shock. She was angry at Jasper but now that she knew the truth she was even more angry at herself.
"Why didn't he tell me this?" She asked.
"Because you didn't let him doofus." Rosalie smacked her hand against Elena while laughing.
"Ugh. I'm a terrible girlfriend. Wait? Am I even considered to be his girlfriend. He never actually asked me or anything, I think I just kinda assumed we were together. Ugh!" Elena laid back on the bed of the truck.
Rosalie just laughed. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"
"What do you mean?" She looked at the girl confused.
"Edward is coming by tomorrow to pick up Isabella. There's a storm supposedly going to happen so we're going to play some baseball. Come with? You can talk to Jasper there." Rosalie side hugged Elena.
"What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"
"He will. Like I said, I believe- No I know, the two of you were meant to be together. There's no way he's ever going to be mad at you for a long time." Elena ran a hand through her hair.
"If you're wrong Rose."
"Well I'm not. So." Rosalie shrugged with a small smile.
"I hope not. I guess I should get some sleep then huh?" Elena looked back towards her house.
"Definitely. That pretty face of yours better look like you've had the best sleep of your life. Hurry up and go. It's cold and you never know what kind of weirdos are walking around at this time." Elena jumped off of the tailgate and closed it.
"Hey Rosalie?" She called from the porch.
"Thank you." Rosalie smiled at the young girl.
"See you tomorrow." Elena blinked and the girl was out of sight. She's a great friend. Elena let herself inside and went to her room to fall asleep.
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