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A/N: Well, here we are folks. The final chapter of "The Swan and the Queen". I hope you guys like it!


"...and although Regina grew accustomed to calling her Emma, sometimes late at night, in the throes of passion, Regina whispered the name Eala, and Emma held her even tighter. And regardless of the trials and tribulations the world presented them, in the end, Emma and Regina did indeed, live happily ever after." The crowd went wild with applause as Henry closed his personal copy of his new book.

"Thank you, Henry," the moderator said, replacing Henry at the microphone where he was just standing. "I think we can all agree that Henry's book, The Swan and The Queen , certainly is an epic love story, as the description describes." The crowd applauded once again. Henry tried in vain to cover up the deep blush rising in his face.

Twenty-five-year-old Henry Mills had just published his first novel entitled The Swan and The Queen telling the story of Emma and Regina's epic love over the years. Although it was published as a work of fiction, for obvious reasons, they would always know the truth.

"Now, before we begin the signing, I think we have time for a few questions from the audience," the moderator announced as hands shot up throughout the seated crowd. She pointed to a gentleman in the back row, indicating he was chosen to ask the first question.

"Where did you get your inspiration for your characters of Regina and Emma/Eala?" a strangely familiar voice asked from the back of the room.

"My biggest inspiration, and my biggest support system, has always been my adoptive mother, Regina Mills, as well as my birth mother, Emma Swan. I named the characters after them as a sign of respect, as well as to show my gratitude for all their support over the years," Henry lied.

"Would you ever consider writing a sequel?" an even more familiar voice asked from next to the first gentleman. This voice was almost identical to Henry's fourth-grade teacher, someone he hadn't seen or spoke to for many years. "Perhaps one where Snow White and Prince Charming eventually find a way to travel from The Enchanted Forest to The Land Without Magic to be reunited with their daughter and grandson, as well as their once rival turned daughter-in-law?" the voice asked. Henry stared into the crowd with wonder as his eyes fell upon the familiar couple.

"I am very open to that possibility. Come find me after the event. I am very interested to hear your ideas for this magical reunion."

The End

A/N: Thank you for coming on this journey with me. This story was so much fun to write. I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Make sure to check out SwanQueenScotty and wayhaught_parrilla's amazing art on AO3!!!!

Starting in two weeks I will start posting my story "Only You". I am so incredibly proud of how this story turned out, and I'm beyond excited to share it with you.

Thank you again for reading, I means the world to me that you did! Let me know what you think! And I really hope to see everyone over at "Only You" starting in two weeks!

Until next time,


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