|Academy Classroom|
(Pov Y/n)
Sensei: Alright students today we have a new student her name is Asai Fuji please treat her like a normal person or make friends if you would like.
As she walked in the boys somehow had heart's in their eyes and very few girls were jealous but Sarada seems a little jealous I'm not gonna lie she does look attractive but I feel this weird aura around her.
Sensei: Alright Asai select your seat before we start class.
Asai: Ok sensei.
She was walking towards our seat as she then sat down on the empty seat next to the right of me she then smiled at me.
Asai: What's you're name?
Y/n: Y/n.
Asai: Good by the way your my new rival.
Y/n(Thoughts): Seriously a pretty cute girl asked me to become her new rival. I'm really lucky thank kami but isn't this too early? I mean... I barely know her guess I'll accept.
Y/n: Sure.
Asai: Wanna spar?
Y/n: That sounds great!
Lorine(Y/n's mind): Umm Y/n your taijutsu it's shit, garbage,horrid but your jutsu and chakra is pretty impressive coming from me. I suggest we go training with her she seems strong.
Y/n(Thoughts): Okay Lorine after school.
Asai: So when are we gonna train?
Y/n: After scho-
Suddenly a random boy appeared out of no where as he then kneeled towards Asai.
???: Hello Asai my name is Cole and I'm thinking may you come with me to have some lunch?
Asai: But it's not lunch ye-
Cole: Don't care just sit with me and my gang when it's lunch.
Cole then started to walk away I then look at Asai she looked dumbfounded.
Asai: Uhhh...what just happened?
Y/n: Honestly I don't even know he just came out of nowhere.....
Sensei: Alright class now lets begin the history lesson.
(Pov Cole)
Cole: Damnit where is she!
Cole's bitch 1: I'm sorry boss but she declined....because Asai said that she wanted to have lunch with Y/n.
As i then infused chakra in my fist and punched a hole in the wall looked I looked at him with rage two of my other goons grabbed him he was scared of me. As I then winded my fist back and punched him in his face. His face was bleeding as my goons let him go.
Cole: Next time don't fail me okay?
Cole's bitch 1: Y-y-yes sir.....
Cole: Alright gang let's jump Y/n.
Cole's bitch 3: Wait boss why did you get angry at him? I mean he barely did anything wrong.
Cole: Because I need Asai for.....
Cole's bitch 3: You had no reason to punch him......
Cole: Just go!
(Pov Y/n)
Y/n: So.....Asai what are you're goals when you become a ninja?
Asai: My goal huh? Well...it's a bit complicated but....my goal is-
As we see two doors open seeing six people walking in the room they all looked at me some grinning and others being scared.
Goon 1: So your the famous Y/n the one who defeated Iwabei this will be a great fight!
He rushed over to me as he then punched me I fell back and tried to get up but another goon held me down Asai rushed over to the goon as she kicked him in the jaw.
Goon 1: Damn...you bi-
Asai only needed one punch to knock him out cold. I then grab ahold of the goon that held me down and bit him in the hand.
Goon 2: Ow what the fuck!
As I then kicked him in the nuts he squealed in pain as another goon tried to stab me when I was distracted,he tried to stab my arm as Asai kicked him away I then see the other goons run away.
Goon 3: Oh hell naw I'm not getting my ass whooped.
Goon 4: Guys let's run away!
Y/n: Wow you guys are pretty weak I could've taken you all on- oh...they left damn.
Everyone ran away as I see my lunch missing Asai looked at me confused.
Y/n: Damn it my lunch.
Asai: I wonder why did they come after us strange...
We both see the doors open revealing kurohi he seemed beaten up and he was panting too.
Kurohi: Y/n....Be careful of-
Before he could finish he was kicked seemingly out of nowhere Kurohi while he was sent flying Kurohi used wood pillars to try and crush Cole
Y/n: Hey Asai I just noticed where was the teacher....
Asai: Wait Cole?
Cole: Heh I guess they failed to beat the shit out of you.
Y/n: Well they were pretty weak....
Cole: Weak! I'll have you know that I trained them!
Y/n: Well you did a terrible job doing so-
Cole rushed at me with almost blinding speeds Asai then blocked the attack with her kunai.
Asai: Alright Cole what do you want?
Cole: I want you Asai.
Asai: Why would you go this far just for me?
Cole: Because you're the perfect person for me to marry you see-
Y/n: Simp.
Cole: What did you say?
Y/n: Si-
As I was about to say simp Cole sucker punched my face and then roundhouse kicked me to th ground.
Cole: Now stay there while I convince Asai to become my wife. Now Asai when we beco-
Asai: No.
Cole: Why?!
Asai: Because I don't even know you that much.
Cole: Then why did you ask him to be your rival!
Asai: He seemed strong.
Cole: But why not me!
Asai: Honestly you didn't interest me that much and by the way when are we going to finally fight?
Cole: Fight? Who said I'll fight you.
Asai rushed at him she waved hand signs and used wind bullets Cole then creates a earth wall I then get up I had to create three shadow clones we all rushed at him one of my clone created a fireball Cole dodged the attack as another shadow clone kicked Cole to the ground. I see Kurohi get up and used wood bind to hold Cold in place.
Cole: Damnit! What is this wood shit!
Y/n: Hold him in place! I've got a jutsu that will guarentee our win!
I make a shadow clone to help me control the jutsu I recently made we both infuse flame chakra my shadow clone puts in some wind chakra to increase damage and stability. I rushed at Cole while he's binded I then pushed the jutsu onto him, he went flying just as I did that sensei walked in on us fighting.
Y/n: Fuck.....
Sensei: All of you except Kurohi clean this mess up!
Y/n,Asai*while bowing*: Yes sensei!
Cole: Screw that.
Sensei: What did you say!
Sensei slaps Cole with paper annoying him to a point.
Cole: What the fuck that's like wrong in eight different ways.
Sensei: Clean this shit up now!
Y/n: Welp I'm gonna cleaning as hard as I can so I won't get my ass hit.
To be continued.....
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