(Pov Y/n)
Y/n: Are you ready yet? It's getting a little boring.
Boruto: Dammit I could've fought him....
Denki: It's okay Boruto if he loses you could fight him next. Besides he seem strong.
Inojin: How far do you guys think he's gonna get? He was last place in the obstacle course and he's shaking.
Y/n(Thoughts): I should've not done this imma get destroyed by him! Know what if I survive imma train hard so I can beat thi- wait what's this!?
A weird looking seal came up to my arm and stopped at my forehead I grew a horn too!
Iwabei: What the hell is that on your arm? No matter I'll just kick your ass!
Iwabei sprinted at me as I did the same he throws some shurikens and I dodged somehow.Suddenly he used an earth jutsu I suddenly put my hand out and absorbed the jutsu.
Y/n: What.....
Iwabei: How was he able to-
I reflected the jutsu at him as the mud shots were larger than before Iwabei dodged all of them as he was distracted I landed a blow on him I used the shadow clone jutsu for us to tag team him.
Iwabei: Dam-
My shadow clone punched Iwabei as he coughed spit out.
Y/n(Shadow clone): Are you ready!
Y/n: Let's go!
Y/n and Y/n(Shadow clone) beating up Iwabei:
Iwabei then fainted as I look at the crowd they were surprised but then my markings go away.
Y/n(Thoughts): I WON HOW! It must be the marks doi-
I began to faint and find myself i a dark room and see two humanoid figures infront of me suddenly the lights turn on I see two people one had long horns and look pale
???: So you finally arrive Y/n.
Y/n: W-w-who are you?
???: I'm Lorine otsutsuki
Y/n: Hey Lorine.......what is this place?
Lorine: Oh this is your mind your unconscious for now oh I forgot to give you this while your in the karma state.
Y/n: Karma-
Lorine placed a two fingers on my forehead and my eye felt weird I could see in all directions. Lorine handed me a mirror and I was shocked to see a weird dojutsu.
Y/n: What is this eye? Wait...What happened to me!?
Lorine: Hold on.
Lorine placed a seal on me I then return back to normal.
Y/n: Thanks Lorine.
Lorine: No problem!
Y/n: Alright so who are you?
I pointed at the guy with shiny cyan hair he looked at me and then he was close to me like he teleported.
???: I'm Darius otsutsuki the next heir to the throne. Honestly your really weird in my eyes but here the strongest dojutsu in existence as we know it.
As I feel pain in my right eye and I changed form again into a weirder otsutsuki.
Y/n: Ummm.....what is this?
Lorine: You kinda look like isshiki am I right Darius?
Darius: Indeed Lorine and I sense some of his chakra on earth too.
Lorine: He might be a threat though. Hey Y/n you will get more powers when you hit a certain age.
As they were having a conversation my right eye was bleeding and I was exhausted I fell down to the ground and then woke up in a bed.
Y/n: What...happened?
As I then hear a door open and see three people Kurohi, Boruto and Denki
Boruto: Hey Y/n glad to finally see you awake it's been a few days.
Kurohi: Took you long enough.
Denki: Thanks for helping me with Iwabei. By the way Y/n what was that green stuff on your arm?
I got out of my bed and put on my clothes I walked outside to see my mother she ran up to me and hugged me.
M/n: Y/n!
Y/n: Hey mom sorry for making you worry...
M/n: Alright Y/n let's get home.
We both leave the hospital and went back home as I then began to sleep.
|Y/n's Dream|
Y/n: So you're isshiki am I right?
Isshiki: Indeed and I also sense two otsutsuki in your body. You do realize you're a vessel right?
Y/n: I'm not a vessel I'm their leader!
I then rushed at isshiki then used my fireball jutsu he just absorbed my jutsu and dodged it.
Y/n: Shado-
An alarm rang as I then got up the bed and dressed up in my Clothes I head to school starting a new day.
To be continued......
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