The remaining 8 of us sat on our bunks. We were cold. Emotionless. Tired. Ellen sat in a corner. She was hyperventilating. The guards gave us an opportunity to shower. As I entered the shower room a guard approached my. "Get off me, what did I do?!" I screamed. The guard pushed me into a corner. "Stop!" I said. "Shh!" The guard said. They looked around. The guard pulled off there mask. "Ivy?!" I yelled. We both hugged each other. "But you're dead!" I said. "I tackled the guard before he was going to kill me. Ellen and I dragged them into a corner. I took their clothes and put it on. Nobody has noticed." She replied.
"But, why didn't Ellen tell me?" I asked. "We can't let the other guards know. Try to keep it a secret. Also remember this pattern for the next game. Left, right, left, left, right, right, right, left, right, right, left, left, left, right, left, left." She said. "What's it for?" I asked. "I don't know." She said. "Something about glass." She then turned around. "I have to go." She said. "Ivy." I said. She turned to me. "It's nice seeing you again." I said. Ivy nodded. "You too."
We then made our way to the next game. I caught up with Ellen. "Did she tell you?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Do you remember the pattern?" Ellen noted. I nodded. "Good." The eight of us entered a room with two bridges made of glass. The Head Guard's voice then came through the intercom. "You all have to try and cross the bridge in three minutes. One of the tiles on each column is tempered glass, and the other is real. If you jump on the real glass, you are eliminated. If you also don't make it to the end in time, you're also eliminated. Good luck!" We were all numbered one through eight. I remembered the pattern in my head. Number one went first.
He jumped right. The glass smashed and he fell to his death. Number two, an African woman, jumped onto the tile on the left. It was safe. She then jumped right. Also safe. And then left. Safe again. Left again. Also safe. Left again, and splat she went. Ellen gulped. The third player went and ran across all the tiles like a speed run. She managed to get halfway but then tripped and died. Some of us decided to go on the bridge the same time as others, since we only have two minutes left. Ellen was behind a man. He stopped. He wasn't moving. He was in shock. We were half way there and had only a minute left. Four of us remained.
"Sir, are you going to move?" He didn't answer. Ellen then pushed the man and he fell downwards to the marble floor 50 feet below. "Do you remember the pattern?" Ellen asked. "Yeah I said. Left, right, left, left." Ellen hopped across the tiles and made it to the finish line. 10 seconds left. I jumped and made it to the finish line. All of the glass then broke and the other man fell.
"Out of the eight players that participated, two survived." Said the head guard. Ellen and I looked at each other. When we got back to the main room, I was given a tuxedo, and Ellen was given a long red dress and heels. "What are these for?" She asked. "Since you are the last two players, you will get a last meal at the dining room." Said the Head Guard.
Ellen and I entered the dining room. It was decorated like something out of the 1940s. The Head Guard was at the top of the table. Ellen and I took a seat. We were given steak, and lobster thermidor. Along with a tall glass of champagne. "How you're day going?" Asked the Head Guard. We both stared him down. "Not much of talkers huh? You guys must be fun at parties." The Head Guard laughed. Soon, we finished our meal. The guards led us out to the same place we played red light, green light.
"Today you'll be playing squid game." Said the Head Guard. "You will fight your opponent to the death. If you or your opponent steps out of the ring or dies, you will be eliminated. The Head Guard exited the room. There were about 50 guards gathered around the room. "I don't want to do this." I said. "Neither do I." Replied Ellen. Suddenly we heard a loud noise from the sky. The guards then started shooting at the air. Ellen and I looked up. It was the police. Their helicopters landed at the arena. Suddenly about 100 more armed guard came out to the arena. The police jumped out of the helicopters and started shooting at the guards. People were dying left right and centre.
Suddenly, Ivy jumped out of one of the helicopters carrying three machine guns. She threw two of them to Ellen and I. "Miss me?" She said. Ivy shot at several guards who were running towards her. I ran over and joined the police. Ellen screamed in rage as she shot about 20 guards. Ivy threw a grenade at the building, causing it to explode. "Come on!" Ivy said. "We're going to kill that head guard." Ivy, Ellen and I ran into the burning building while the police fought the guards. We saw 10 more helicopters arrive. We then rounded a corner. 5 guards approached us, all armed.
I shot them all in the chest as the we headed down the corridor. Another guard rounded the corner and shot at us. "Look out!" I screamed. We all dodged and I shot the guard with my machine gun. Ivy then burst down a door. "Go!" She said as 10 guards rounded the corner. Ellen and I ran into the other room. "Kiss this." Said Ivy as she threw a grenade at them. Ivy jumped into the other room. The grenade explode, killing the other guards.
We eventually made our way to the head guards office. Ellen burst down the door and shot the two guards in the room. "Remove your mask!" I said as I pointed a pistol at him. "Now!" I screamed. He took off he mask. He was an Asian man in his late 30s. "Now tell us, why are you doing this?!" Ivy screamed. The Head Guard laughed. "You fools. These games have been going on for 30 years. And none of you have ever noticed." "You slaughtered thousands!" I yelled as hit him on the head with me gun. A guard then ran into the room. And shot at me. "Ben!" Yelled Ellen. She jumped in front of the bullet. It hit her. "Ellen!" I screamed. I shot the guard.
Ivy pointed her gun at the Head Guard. "Hasta la vista, baby." She shot the Head Guard in the head. Ellen was bleeding really bad. "Ellen, come on." Ellen cried and looked at Ivy and I. "Promise me, that you'll keep Arthur's promise." "Don't say your goodbyes." Ivy said to her. "It's ok." Ellen said. "I'll be with Arthur again. Promise me Ben, please." I nodded. "I promise." Ellen smiled. She stopped breathing. Ivy cried. I patted her on the back.
Once we both got home, we had a funeral for John, Arthur, Ellen and everyone that died. The news was released about the games and all of the guards were put in prison. Ivy and I visited Arthur, John, and Ellen's families and gave them a bit of the prize money we recovered from the wreck.
As of now, I'm living a happy life. Ivy and I have married, and had two kids. I guess I'll never find out who was the creator of the games, or how they started. But for now, I'm happy that I'm alive.
The End.
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