Halloween - 03

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"Damnit, TeeTee!" Cheryl said, "If Starlet were here she'd let me keep JayJay in the house. We can't leave him especially on Halloween. It's his favorite holiday."





"Cheryl, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Get onto find my iPhone and track my phone right now."

Cheryl looked at Toni upset, "I-I-"

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom hand me over to your precious TeeTee."


"Topaz. It's Starlet. I'm um kind of in a jam right now. I think I'm in some sort of coffin."


"Yes, coffin, Toni. So if you're not doing anything important right now. I need you and Cheryl to track my..."

Creak... "The fuck?"


"Toni. You need to track my phone ASAP. In the meantime I have my lighter and... shit. Topaz, I'll call you back."

Digging deep into my pockets, I started to panic with anticipation for the thing I needed so desperately to not be there. Shit. Shit. Shit! I swear...

"Ah!" My multitool. I flicked open my lighter and began to carve a hole into the casket but in that moment I feel it being lifted out of some place.


"Where the hell is she?" I heard a voice say, "Where the hell is..."

"Jughead?" I said, "I swear to god I'll..."


My multitool hit air.

"She survived." Brett smiled, "She's alive and kicking."

I jumped out of the coffin and looked at Jughead, "I uh, need to go make a couple calls."

Jughead came toward me, "Who-"

"If you have to ask, Jughead, then you really don't know me at all."


"Jug." I said, "I was supposed to be AT THISTLEHOUSE LAST NIGHT! I WAS SUPPOSED TO STOP REGGIE FROM WHATEVER STUPID STUNT HE DID LAST NIGHT AND I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO GET KEVIN AWAY FROM HIM. Jesus, Jughead, just don't talk to me for awhile. I thought you fucking died. Hell, I called Toni and told her you were MIA and she was willing to drive all the way here. And..."

Jughead interrupted me, "This isn't funny, guys."

"Lighten up, Forsythe. Or you could just go home."

"You're phone buzzed a lot, Jones."

I was not pleased, "You got a text from Reggie. My car is... I- I need to leave."


"I'll explain later."

"I need."

I leaned over and whispered to Jughead, "Mr. Honey trashed Reggie's car."

"I knew he was bad news."

"Yeah, and now I have to go meet our favorite redheaded boy and explain to him that I was kidnapped by a bunch of satanic rich kids. And by the way, the Stonewall four better just be a legend.

"Happy Halloween, kids."


"Uh, Jug... Jellybean just threatened to send me a box of snakes... says it's for ditching her so do you wanna take care of her or...


"oh, and call Betty ASAP."


"Hey, Cheryl. I'm safe okay..."

"Oh thank god! And we got JayJay."

"I'm sorry? I thought you got rid of him this summer while I was gone."

"She lied," Toni piped up.


"No worries, we're keeping JayJay with us and I even got a new brother."

"New brother?"

"Julian," Nana Rose clarified, "Her triplet."

"I-I just wanted to thank you Cheryl and Toni. It really helps to know that you two are always here for me. You're my ride or die. I know you, Betty, and Toni would do anything to avenge me if I ever went..."


"I just hate that they kept us from helping you." Jughead was saying.

"He wants me to join to join the FBI training program. Says I'd be good at it."

"You would be great at it."

"I know. I just wish I could have been there to help you guys

"Actually you were there for us. I think I knew deep down that if I ever went..."


Riverdale Coroner's Office - Spring Break, Senior Year

Bright lights. Overridden with the smell of bleach. Betty Cooper and FP Jones stand over two covered corpses. Dr. Curdle pulls both sheets back to reveal a... Jughead? And me. Only, that's impossible... because Cheryl and Toni had just seen me in Greendale with...


"Hey! Starlet!" Cheryl's voice echoed, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Cher. I just... I think it's time to tell you what happened in Greendale."

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