Halloween - 02

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"Donna." I chirped, "There you are."

"Hi," she said warily.

"I'm going to need you to tell me about the Stonewall Four."

"Oh, we could."

"Not so fast." I said, "I have to go home for the weekend but it was nice seeing ya'll."

"Stay." Brett popped out from the shadows.

I pulled out my switchblade, "Don't forget, I'm a famous pop star and the cousin of an FBI agent so if you touch me, I'll have your asses thrown in jail, diplomats or not." I pushed past Bret, "And you... I thought you were going to be less of a dick outside of Chipping's class but I guess I thought wrong. Oh and if you see Jughead, please send him to the front of the school, his girlfriend is expecting him home tonight. And my cousin Betty is VERY protective of both of us."


"Don't try to lie to me, Brett. I'm a Lodge. I can sense it. Where is Jughead?"

"He uh..."


"With the Stonewall four."

I chuckled, "That load of bullshit story? You're full of crap. But please, tell me more. I-"


"Hello, you're on speaker phone."


"Reggie? I thought I was dead to you..."

"No, we're past that and I need your help. You have spare keys to Weatherbee's office right?"

I looked around the room, "I-I'm not at liberty to discuss this right now, Mantle. The answer may or may not be yes."

"Come on, Starlet, we-"


"Hell NO!" I screamed into the phone, "Kevin get the fuck away from Reggie before I give you a goddamn lobotomy. I swear to god..."

"I said I was sorry..."

"Look, Keller, the difference between Betty and I is that I don't give a damn." I said, "I have business to attend to guys and I really think you should be focussing on football right now. So-"



"Mantle... I'm serious. Actually, do whatever but if Honey catches you... you call me ASAP."

"Cool. Where are the keys?"

"I- uh, that's a very good question."

"Come on Starlet, I know your acting when I hear it. Come on..."

"Okay," I sighed, looking back at the three people staring at me, "If Mr. Honey finds out you're dead, Mantle. Go to The Cooper house and ask for Betty. She'll take you upstairs and all you need to do is say that I sent you. In my room you will see a box labelled, for sale."

"Cool I-'ll."

"DONT OPEN THAT BOX, REG." I spit into the phone, "Open the one below it labelled, merchandise and in that box is all the shit I've had to hide from Hiram. The keys are there. But listen to me very carefully. Take them OFF of the lanyard so it doesn't trace back to me."


"TAKE IT OFF the lanyard. I'm serious right now. Now go and call me if that bastard says or does anything to you. You seriously owe me, though."

"I know, i'll..."

"No... I'll tell you when I need something."

"You really are a Lodge."

"Shut up, Mantle."



"Shut up, Kevin!"

I hung up and smiled, "Jesus, are ya'll going to stare at me or are you going to tell me what the hell you're babbling about."

"We can but we need you to come with us."

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