The test

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Aizawa pov:
I was walking to the meeting room where we would watch all the kids and rate them on how they do, I was tired as always, when someone bumps into me. "Sorry about that sir." I hear a young girl with dark green eyes, her hair was the same colour as her eyes and it was in a ponytail, and I notice there is someone beside her, a boy with red hair, with a weird mask and bat ears. They quickly run heading to there position.

I then continue to walk to the meeting room. When I got there I saw all the teachers and all might as well. "Nezu can you pick up a file about two kids I bumped into earlier?" I ask the hybrid man drinking tea. He thought for a few seconds and said. "Ok, what did they look like?" He asked putting his tea down. "One of them is a girl with dark green hair and eyes, the other one is a boy he had red hair, had some sort of mask on his face and I'm guessing bat ears." I said taking a seat next to mrs. Joke of all people.

Nezu turned on the security camera and found the two I was talking about, I then notice all might who was squinting his eyes at the girl with green hair. So I ask. "Is something wrong all might?" He shacked his head and replied. "No it's nothing that girl...just looks...familiar like I've seen her somewhere before." When he said that I noticed it too, her green eyes reminded me of someone but couldn't think of anyone, mostly because I was tired but yeah. Nezu then puts down a file of the two.
Name: Fenikkusu Dorgon
Gender: Male
Quirk: Phoenix hunter

Name: Izumi Midoriya
Gender: Female
Age :16
Quirks: Immortality, soul weapon, & wolf charge

"Thats it?!" I ask, everyone in the room was  actually amazed since the girl had three quirks even all might was surprised. "The file doesn't say anything about their quirk, but we are about to find out." Nezu said pushing the button to turn on the security camera which was all over the fake city. I was honestly curious to find out what those two can do.

Back with Izumi's pov:
While me and Fen got ready for the test, present Mic was done explaining how the course works. Fen had to cover his bat ears the whole time since it was to loud for his ears. When he was done I glanced around and saw the round face girl waving at me I waved back at her just to be nice.

When we heard the horn blow the gates opened and I ran while Fen was flying. We saw robots everywhere from left and right. I took this opportunity to use my boots as good start, they weren't ordinary boots, they where magnetic boots I created for something like this. The boots also have a knife that can retract from the heels of my boots, but not only that but they can increase my jumping ability.

I first get enough speed and momentum in my body and bam! I landed on one of the robots head making it spin and come of clean, with the speed and momentum I still had, and I was able to take down 5 more robots without using my quirk...well ok I may have used wolf charge to gain my speed but still. I saw a lot of people starting at me shocked at what I did, we were only 1 minuet inside and I already took down 6 bots, I ignored them and I saw some of others having a hard time defending themselves from the robots.

I knew I need to get more points not just by getting robots but by helping people, I use wolf charge and turn into my wolf form and charge at the robot and turn into my human form again and help them up. I notice Fen taking down the exact same amount of robots as I did with his bow and arrows, he's really good when it comes to hand to hand combats, but when he uses his flaming bow and arrows you don't want to mess with him.

Back with the faculty
Nezu's pov:
"I was not expecting that." I say completely shocked and impressed. The others were silent on what mrs. Midoriya just did, she took down 7 robots and saved 4 people without using her quirk in one minute she entered the field, I nearly spat out my tea when I saw her take down a robot as a wolf. Mr. Dorgon shooting skills are quite impressive he was able to take down 8 robots and save 4 people with just a flaming bow and arrow.

Both of their skills were quite impressive, and nothing I have ever seen before. One of the faculty members finally said something. "Does anyone else notice that mrs. Midoriya and mr. Dorgon try to stay close to each other like, there only a few feet a part from each other." I hear mrs. Joke say as we continued to watch the two fight, but it was true when she said the two have been trying to stay close to each other, I assumed that two are very close to each other. After watching 5 minuets more, and we were all amazed when mrs. Midoriya took down 20 more robots and saved 17 more people as for mr. Dorgon he took down 19 robots and saved 24 more people. "Well they are quite strong, but lets see how strong when they take on something big." I say pushing a red button.

Back at the field
The narrator pov:
The ground started to shake and everyone turned to the direction of the source they all see a giant robot or otherwise known as the 0 pointer. Everyone starts to run away from it,

Izumi and Fen get to higher ground to get a better look at the robot. "Where do you think the weak point is?" Fen asked Izumi who was wearing her goggles that can spot any kind of weakness, then she replied. "The weak point is at it's neck, that thing may be worth 0 points but at least it'll be fun to take down, lets make sure everyone's safe first so we can make a good impression to the faculty." Fen nods in agreement and the two dash off.

Meanwhile during the middle of the 0 pointers attack Uraraka gets her leg stuck under the ruble and the robots foot was about to step on her. The teachers saw this and midnight was about to go and save her, but was to late, it already crushed her and the dust was covering the cameras.

When the dust cleared off the teachers were shocked to see Uraraka not crushed but saved by Mrs. Midoriya with...giant metal hands?

Izumi pov:
I saw Uraraka about to get crushed by the robots foot her leg was stuck under the ruble. I jumped in, but not before turning on my robotic gloves and activating them when I got to her I was able to get to her just in time and stop the robots foot from crushing her.

"Izumi!? How are you-" I had to cut her off. "Fight first, questions later! I can't keep this up forever!" I said holding the robots foot and keep it from crushing us, she quickly nodded and touched the ruble that trapped her leg and they started to float. As soon as she was free I had to call for help.

"HEY FEN, I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP HERE!!" Screaming though the top of my lungs, he nodded and said I needed to give him 10 seconds. "Uraraka on my signal I'm going to let go of the robots foot." I said counting back words in my head. She jumped and screamed."Are you crazy?!" "Trust me" I said waiting for Fen, she nodded and in 3 seconds a portal opened and I told her to jump, she did and the next thing I knew I was on a rooftop building Fen was holding me in his arms and I saw Uraraka was beside him making sure I was ok.

"How are you holding up so far." I asked Uraraka as I was about to stand. "I'm fine, but what about you? You looked hurt back there." She said helping me stand up. "I'm ok, just a little tired. But you need to get to a safe place Fen and I have to take out that robot and make sure everyone else is safe." She nodded and left, as for me and Fen we jumped back in the action and saved everyone that was in danger.

When the time was just right and everyone was safe, I gave Fen the signal we made, and he grabbed my hands and started flying up in the air. When we got to the robots weak point Fen dropped me in mid air and at a perfect angel, I used souls weapon and used apart of my soul and brought out my sycthe witch had the blades on both ends, I cut the robots head clean off it and Fen catches me and brings me down. Everyone has their jaw dropped on what we just accomplished, even the teachers came out to see with there own eyes.

"So...I guessing the exam is over?" Fen asked as he put me down and help to stand up properly cause the impact injured my leg. "Yes. Yes it is." Said by all might himself who's eyes were so wide that he couldn't blink. "Would you like me, to help you get to the infirmary?" present mic asked taking a look at my leg. "No, no were fine, but the other people here need medical assistance immediately and some of the other people here are still trapped somewhere." I said holding onto Fen, present mic nodded and some of the other teachers agreed as well, and asked the rest to help.

Fen helped me walk properly and a few minutes later my leg was all better, thanks to my immortality. After that the principal allowed us to go home and rest. Do to our injuries. When we got back home, all our wounds were gone and we felt great, knowing we did a good job, and the plan will soon fall into place.

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