The letter

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Fen's pov:
It's been two days since the entrance exam to U.A , Izumi was done with her training for the day, and was at the lab as always, while I was still in the training room practicing my fighting skills, when I hear Kurogiri's voice. "Ah Fen, I thought you might be still here can you come down to the bar, please?" I put my mask on and reply. "Sure, I'll go get Izumi first." "No, need she's already down at the bar" he said while shaking his head, I simply nod and told I'll be down in a moment.

When I changed my shirt and went down I saw Izumi and master, sitting down next to the counter, I saw master holding two letters so I quickly ask if they were our letter for U.A. master gave us a creepy grin on his face though it was hard to tell if was grinning or not. "Yes they are would you like to open?" He asked. Me and Izumi nodded, I let Izumi open her letter first. She opens it and see a little device, she put's it down on the table, it turns on and we see a hologram of all might.

"Greetings Mrs. Midoriya, it is I all might!" I looked at master who was very upset at seeing him. Even if it was a hologram.

"I'm pleased to say that you have a perfect score in the writing exam, and for your practical exam you have 59 points for destroying the robots, as you know you can get more points by saving people you have 64 rescue points for not only rescuing those who needed it but for also saving Mrs. Uraraka from certain death. The faculty was most impressed on how you defeated 6 robots without using your quirk and your team work with Mr. Dorgon, your quick thinking and strategy, saved many lives. You both have broken the record for the most points, therefore you both have reached first place in the entrance exam, and will both be placed in class 1-A. I hope you keep up the good work and I will see you both at U.A."

The hologram turned off and we smiled at each other, I decided to open my letter and I got the same message as Izumi, but I got 65 points for destroying the most robots, and I got 63 rescue points.

But that didn't matter to us, we got in to U.A, soon the hero's reputation would be destroyed, and world would soon become a better place.

This is a bit short but I hope you liked it.

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