Where the Lost Things Go

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"Where on Earth have you all been?"

You hurried down the stairs and next to Michael, who was standing in the doorway looking out at Mary Poppins, Jack, Annabel, John, and Georgie.

"I told you to bring them straight home," Michael continued, scowling at Mary Poppins. "I've been worried sick!"

"We're sorry we're late, father," Annabel said kindly. "It wasn't Mary Poppins' fault."

"We got lost in the fog," John added.

"Jack and the leeries lead us down the 'frog and toad'!" Georgie said, proud of himself.

"He means 'road'," Mary Poppins clarified.

"So you've been off filling the children's heads with stuff and nonsense. I've heard quite enough. Come in at once!" Michael said harshly, and you were slightly taken aback.

"Best I take my leave."

You looked past Michael and the children walking inside dejectedly and saw Jack standing on the pathway.

"Oh, Jack." You squeezed through the doorway and went over to him. "Did you spend the evening with the children?"

"Yes I did, miss." He nodded at Mary Poppins as she walked past him, saying goodnight. "They really are wonderful children."

"Yes," you agreed. "It was very kind of you to spend time with them."

"Oh, I don't mind," he said, waving off the compliment. "I find children can be better company than us grown ups, anyway."

You laughed. "And here I was about to ask you to go for a stroll."

He cheeks tinted pink. "You were?" You nodded, an amused smile on your face. "Well, I didn't mean all grown ups are unpleasant. Some are, actually, very pleasant, in-including you, so, uh, what I mean to say is, that, um..." 

You chuckled, resting a hand on his arm. "Would you like to go now?"

"Yes, please."

You laughed again, then set off down the street, your hand wrapped around his arm.

"So, have you enjoyed your time on Cherry Tree Lane so far?" Jack asked as you made your way down the cobblestone London streets, the streetlamps creating a soft yellow glow. 

"I have," you said contentedly. "I truly wish I didn't have to go back to Bath."

"Well, then don't." You looked at him in surprise. "Forgive my boldness, but if you would like to stay, why don't you? Your family is here, after all."

"That's true," you conceded, a bit disappointed that he wasn't saying he wanted you to stay. "I love Michael and Jane and the children, but Bath is my home. I don't believe I'm quite ready to give up on it. At least not without a good reason." There. That was as big of a hint as you were going to give him.

He snuck a quick glance at you. "You don't think you have one already?"

What was he trying to say? "Well-"

"Oh, I love this song!" Jack pulled away from your grasp and moved towards the home closest to you. He stopped on the sidewalk, looking in the direction of the music.

You followed him, and as you got closer, you heard a slow, jazzy song drifting out of an open window. The curtains were pulled back so you could see into the kitchen, where an older couple swayed together slowly to the song.

"That's very sweet," you said, smiling at the sight. "I do love 'It's Been a Long, Long Time'. It's a classic, in my opinion." You turned to Jack, only to see him holding out his hand to you. Confusion crossed over your face.

"Would you like to dance, Miss Y/N?"

It took you a moment to process what he was asking you, but once you did, a smile spread across your face and heat rose to your cheeks. "Yes," you said, feeling your heart rate increase. "I would love to."

Jack grinned shyly as you grabbed his hand, and he pulled you in, one hand on your waist and the other holding yours. You swayed back and forth slowly, looking into each other's eyes and not able to contain your smiles and blushes. 

In a moment of bravery, you pressed yourself closer to him, resting your hand on his shoulder and your head in the crook of his neck. He melted into your touch, wrapping his arm tighter around your waist and intertwining your fingers with his.

You danced closely until the song ended, then reluctantly pulled apart, your body warm and senses alive. "That was nice," you said, looking into his chocolate eyes.

"It was," he agreed, a rosy glow on his cheeks. He offered his arm. "Ready to head back?"

You nodded then took his arm, and you set down back down the street together, biting your lip to hold back the smile that wouldn't go away.

Two hours later, you were all loading up boxes into a moving van. You had gotten home only for Michael to tell you that they were moving- that there was nothing else to be done, and the bank was going to foreclose on the house you all loved so dearly. It broke your heart, but you knew that what he said was right: there was nothing to be done.

Jack heard the news when he was dropping you off, and very kindly agreed to help, and even got some his friends to speed up the process.

You were carefully making your way over to the van with a couple of boxes in your arms, then Jack hurried over. "Here, Y/N, let me help you with that." He grabbed one of the boxes, much to your relief.

"Thank you," you said gratefully, following him to push the boxes into the back of the van. "Any luck?"

Jack shakes his head, meaning they didn't find anything that your family could use to keep the house- no heirlooms, no more shares- nothing. "We can look through everything again if you'd like," he offered.

"No, it's alright," you said. "You've already done so much, and it's nearly midnight anyway. Thank you, though, Jack. And thank you to all of your friends for helping us."

"Of course," Jack replied, smiling warmly. "Anything for you."

You smiled, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. Anything for you.

"We'll be out in a moment," Jane called from the doorway, then disappeared back into the house.

You looked at Jack, about to apologize, but he simply gestured to the house with his head. "Go on. I believe a proper goodbye is well deserved."

You gave him a smile, then turned and hurried up the pathway and into the house.

It hit you, how empty it looked. Not a scrap was left. They were really moving.

You went over to Michael and Jane, who were gathered in the vacant living room. 

"Strange, isn't it?" you remarked, looking around the room. "This house was our childhood, and now..."

Jane put her arm around you, giving your arm a squeeze. "I understand. It's always terribly sad to say goodbye, isn't it?"

The three of you only got another moment alone before the children came down the staircase with their luggage, followed by Mary Poppins.

"The children have packed up the last of their things themselves," she said as they all arrived next to you.

 "Well done, all of you." Michael wrapped his arm around Georgie. "Have you got Gillie?" 

"Yes, father," he replied, sneaking a reassuring glance the stuffed giraffe tucked under his arm.

Ellen walked out of the kitchen, carrying suitcases of her own. "Good riddance to that old kitchen. Never could figure out that stove."

You allowed yourself a light chuckle. You hated that stove with everything in you. And yet, now it just seemed sad that you would never have to take it apart again.

Michael cleared his throat. "Well, then... we've spent every last moment we can here. It's time to say goodbye." He looked up. "Goodbye, old friend!" His voice echoed throughout the empty house.

"Goodbye, old friend!" You all repeated, your voice cracking at the end. You had spent so much time here, almost moreso than your actual childhood home. You felt useless, being forced to abandon it.

Jane opened the front door, and everyone filed out, one after the other. Only you and Michael remained.

You stopped in the doorway and turned around for one last look at the house. You looked over at Michael then gave his hand a quick squeeze, knowing this house meant even more to him than it did to you. He gave you the best smile he could muster, then turned out the lights and followed you out the door, something about it feeling all too final.

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