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You and Jane walked down the block to Michael's house, both of you carrying a stack of flyers for an upcoming rally.

Big Ben rang, and Michael's next door neighbor, the Admiral, exclaimed in frustration, "Blast the devil- too soon! Why can't those pea-brained, Big Ben buffoons get it right?!" He peered down at you and Jane from his perch atop his house as you arrived. "Ahoy, fair ladies!"

"Good morning!" Jane called.

You turned and simply waved, but upon turning back around, you collided with Jack just as he got to the bottom of his ladder. The flyers went everywhere, and you staggered backwards.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, Miss Y/N." He bent to help you gather the papers.

Jane came back to attempt to help, but you waved her off- her arms were full, it would just be the same thing all over again.

"It's alright, I should've been paying attention," you said to Jack quickly, your cheeks reddening as you tried to collect all the flyers.

"Good morning, Y/N." You straighten to see Mary Poppins at the balcony outside the nursery, setting out clothes to dry. "I see you've bumped into Jack. The children and I are heading into town to get something fixed. Would you like to come with us?"

"Thank you, but I'm going with Jane to the rally," you said, trying to organize the papers you had managed to grab.

"That's right. You ought to give Jack one of the flyers," Mary Poppins suggested not-so-subtely, then disappeared into the house.

Your face turned a deeper shade of red, but Jack pretended not to notice as he handed the last of the flyers back to you.

"Thank you," you said gratefully. "The rally is this afternoon, if you can come." You held out a flyer, and he grabbed it, reading it over.

"SPRUCE, eh? Good for you, Y/N Banks. All us lamplighters know what a fine job they do for the workers."

"I'm just lucky to be a part of it." You had been looking for work since you moved in with them, and when Jane suggested helping her with SPRUCE, you were overjoyed. They fought for good causes, and it would give you something worthwhile to do with your time.

You had originally told the Banks' that you would only be staying a week, but with everything that happened- Mary Poppins coming and you joining SPRUCE- they agreed it would be best if you stayed longer. You felt like you were imposing enough as it was, but Michael convinced you that he didn't mind you staying with him at all, and that the kids were happy to have you there.

"Yes, well, that's why I'm so thankful that I could join," you said earnestly. "They do real
work, things that actually benefit the people around here."

Jack grinned, then took off his flat cap in a dramatic fashion. "You ever need a ladder raised or a lamp lit, consider it done."

You had become momentarily distracted by the view of Jack without his hat (did he somehow get cuter?) that you tripped over your words a bit. "Uh, thank- thank you, Jack, r-really, that's- that's very kind."

He smiled again, and you smiled back, your heart beating loudly in your chest. "So, are you almost finished with your shift this morning, or do you still have a ways to go?"

"As a matter of fact, after this, I'm done," Jack replied, sticking his hat back on (to your slight disappointment).

At that moment, Michael burst out of the front door, looking frantic.

"Good morning, Michael," you said as he hurried down the steps.

He glanced back at you at he went down the street. "Hello- I have to run- forgive me."

"Watch where you're going!" you called, and he narrowly avoided crashing into a woman walking down the sidewalk.

"Sorry, excuse me-" He disappeared around the corner as the woman made her way over to you and Jack.

"It's alright," said the woman, arriving in front of you. "I'm looking for number nineteen..."

"Just two doors down," you and Jack said at the same time, and you both laughed.

She thanked you then continued down the street, just as Ellen rushed out of the front door, holding Michael's briefcase. Mary Poppins followed her out, holding some kind of bowl, and the children came outside to join the commotion.

"Michael, your briefcase!" Ellen yelled, although he was long gone. "He'd leave his head on the breakfast table if it weren't screwed on," she said, shaking her head.

"Here, I'll take the briefcase," Mary Poppins said, taking it from Ellen. "The children and I are heading that way on an errand. We can stop by the bank afterwards."

"I'll give you a lift," Jack offered kindly. "My rounds are done." He grabbed his ladder and attached it to his bike.

"Wonderful," Mary Poppins said.

"All aboard, come on." Jack grinned, standing next to his bike.

Jack helped the children and Mary Poppins get settled onto it, and you looked at the scene, cringing slightly.

"Are you sure this is safe?" You asked, feeling like the children could fall off at any moment.

"Not in the slightest," Mary Poppins replied. "Ready!"

"Steady..." A large boom sounded from the Admiral's rooftop. "Go!"

Jack pushed the bike forward, and it wobbled, making you scared to watch.

After a moment though, it steadied, and you let out a breath as they disappeared around the corner.

Forty-five minutes later, you were walking down the streets of London, carrying signs as you headed to the rally. Jane left early to help organize everything, so you were walking by yourself until you familiar voices calling, "Y/N! Y/N!"

You turned and saw Jack pulling his bike over with Mary Poppins and the children.

They were waving excitedly, and you waved back, smiling.

"Off to the rally, are you?" Mary Poppins asked.

"Yes, I am." You surveyed everyone on the bike, and relief filled you upon seeing no injuries. "You're all alive, thank goodness."

"'Course they're alive," Jack said, grinning. "Say, I could come back and give you a hand with all that once I've dropped the others off at the bank."

"Oh, thank you, but I'm alright, really," you reassured, not wanting to him to go through all the trouble (although his offer made your heart beat a little faster).

"Oh, nonsense," Mary Poppins said. "The bank is just around the corner, and the children and I have plenty of legs to get us there. Climb off, everyone. Ready, and... jump." Her and the kids jumped off the bike and onto the street.

You walked closer to Jack, and he leaned over and grabbed the signs from you, then tied them to the back of his bike.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" You asked, still feeling bad for making him bring you.

"'Course not," he replied, smiling at you. "I was hoping to drop by that rally of yours, anyway."

"You were?" You felt a pang in your chest. "That's really nice of you."

"You should ride up in the front basket!" Georgie suggested, patting it, and you chuckled.

"I think she'll be better up here," Jack said, gesturing to the spot right in front of him.

"Here?" You asked, your heart beating loudly.

"Uh huh." Jack offers his hand, and he helps you get onto the bike right in front of him.

"Where should I hold on?" You asked, now worried that you might fall off.

Jack just laughed, then asked, "Ready?"

"Yes, but I'm still not sure if-"

He pushed the bike forward, and you yelled in surprise, grabbing onto his arm for dear life.

You were suddenly aware his chest pressing against your back, and felt your cheeks flush. You were grateful that he couldn't see you.

"See, it's fun, Y/N Banks!" Jack said happily as you rounded the corner.

"Sure!" You yelled back, and he laughed.

You got to the rally a few minutes later, where you greeted Jane, then spent the rest of the time with Jack, who insisted that he wanted to stay.

A couple hours later, just as the sun was setting, he dropped you off back at the Banks' home.

He walked you up to the front porch, where you stopped and turned to him. "Thank you for everything, Jack," you said gratefully. "For the rides and coming to the rally."

"Of course. Anything for you." He seemed to realize what he said, because pink dusted over his cheeks. "What I mean to say is, if you ever need me, I'm here."

You smiled softly. "Thank you, Jack."

You were trapped in each others' eyes, neither of you moving or speaking.

Then, you leaned in slightly, and your heart skipped a beat when Jack did too.

Just as your eyes were sliding closed, a large crash sounded from inside the house, and Ellen yelled out a curse.

You and Jack both flinched and took a step away from each other, the moment ruined.

You made eye contact after a moment, and you both grinned sheepishly.

"I should, uh, get to work lighting lamps." Jack tipped his cap. "Miss Y/N."

You gave him all the smile you could muster. "Goodnight."

He returned your smile, then as soon as he turned, you hurried inside.

You shut the door, leaning your back against it as you pressed a hand to your chest, feeling your rapidly beating heart. Your cheeks were warm and your mind was racing.

You almost kissed Jack.

With a barely suppressed smile, you headed up the stairs to your room.

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