Chapter 26: Frustrations

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"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward."

― Kurt Vonnegut

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Nicolai Petropoulis' POV

After a lot of convincing to do, finally, she fell asleep. It's almost midnight and I couldn't fall asleep. Knowing that, she has a stalker angered me and terrify me at the same time.

I look at her angelic face peacefully sleeping one more time, and then slowly untangled myself off her. I quietly tiptoed out the door, after giving her a light brief kiss on her lips.

I needed some alcohol. My brain is clogged with all this murderous scenes once I caught that stalker. "Elixir," was the only guy that came up in my head. He's the only guy I know and who got the balls to comment such straightforward sarcastic remarks about me.

I decided to venture along the hallway quietly heading to their bar downstairs.

I heard murmuring sounds. It is true that when it is dead night, even the pin drops you could hear it. From upstairs, I could hear voices murmurings.

I followed it and it led me to theios' office. It was slightly ajar, so their voices were audible. "I swear, dad." I heard Victoria's voice.

"I believe you honey, but there's no text here that's creepy." I heard theios Demetrio responded. Seems like the two were arguing, and I have this feeling they were talking about Elle's stalker.

"Dad, I saw how she looks pale and terrified as soon as she read her text. I was about to look at it when she collapse." Victoria stressed out and there's determination in every single word. "Maybe, it was accidentally deleted when she collapse, dad?" I heard her said and I confirmed. They were talking about the text she received, about Elle's stalker.

I knock softly on the door. "Come in," theios Demetrio said in an exhausted voice. When I walk in, both were staring at me in deep curiosity. "You're still awake?" he nonchalantly remarked. I nodded my head. "Is anything wrong son?" He asked after seconds past. "Is Elle okay?"

"Yes, theios ... I mean, petherós."(Father-in-law) I trailed off. I saw Victoria smiled in amusement. I gave her a small smile before looking back at theios Demetrio, I mean my father-in-law, with seriousness. "Victoria was right, petherós. Elle has a stalker. She received another text, that guy claiming her as his. She thought it was a prank, at first, but then she received, at least, a couple each day."

Petherós Demetrio looks at Victoria apologetically and Victoria looks at her, with her eyes saying, I-told-you.

"I'm sorry honey. You are right. Now, go and sleep." petherós nodded his head to her and motioned her that she can leave.

"Night dad," Victoria stood up and gave petherós a kiss on the cheeks. Petherós kisses her too on her forehead.

"Night, baby. I love you."

"Love you too, dad." Victoria gave me a glance and said goodnight to me on her way out.

"Here, the text were deleted," petherós handed me Elle's phone, and even knowing the text was accidentally deleted, I still unceremoniously went through all her text.

hey, where r u? - starr

Please let's meet, Elle. Let's talk. Why are you avoiding me? - Elix

There's only one text from him and I didn't see any response from her. My jaw involuntarily clenched. My muscles are slowly getting tense up in anger. I was imagining already a lot of things on how to beat that guy to death.

"It could be this Elix guy," I unconsciously muttered. I kept on browsing her messages without looking at petherós Demetrio.

"The son of Engineer Andromeda?" I heard him asked. I look at him and nodded. He looks menacing and lost in thoughts.

"Find every possible men or woman that link to her and then I will contact Timothy to go through all the server and pulled all their conversation. We'll find who he was, from there." He let out a deep frustrated breath.

"Do you think Elle would give us all the names of those people she hangs out with?" he asked in uncertainty.

"I think she will, petherós. She admitted it to me before she went to bed that she has a stalker." Avoiding to mention about the interrupted sex when she spewed out about her stalker. I'm curious with his reactions if I mentioned it, but I'd rather not.

He nodded.

"Then we will wait until tomorrow when she wakes up." He stood up. And he still looks remarkably good for a man of no less than 55 years old!

I didn't budge. I can't wait for tomorrow do some actions. "Can't we start now, petherós?" Maybe start with the people we knew she hangs out with, like Elix, JJ, JJ's father, her co-workers?" I asked.

He stops mid-stride and walk back to his chair.

"You're right." He sat back on his chair and started dialing.

Timothy, it's Demetrio. I'm sorry, man, for the late call.


That's the reason why I called, my youngest daughter was receiving a text from her stalker. I want to know who is this fucker. *grinding of teeth, hand gripping the phone tightly*


I'll give you some names that we knew, for now, then start collecting data's. The rest I will call it to you once I talk to my daughter.

Alright, let's start with Jude Baumgartner, a LASIK surgeon. Then, his son, Jaschel James Baumgartner, Elixir Andromeda, ....

Petherós looks at me for another name. I type in the message box and showed it to him,

Starr Tejada, Jacelyn Swank, Kenneth Guillory,

The list went on as much as I can remember from her team. It was already past one in the morning when we parted.


Eleanor (Pallos) Petropoulis' POV

I woke up feeling suffocated. A heavy feeling in my chest, and I realized, Nicolai was sleeping almost on top of me. His head were resting on my chest with his hands coiled around me, so were his legs.

I rolled my eyes.

It usually the other way around. What gotten to him, that even in our sleep, he's so possessive. I remember what happened yesterday. A lot of things happens in just twelve hours. I can't believe I'm already Mrs. Petropoulis.

I look at the simple wedding band with small glittering diamonds around it and admire the little thing. I pouted when I realized I skip the engagement part.

Oh well, the most important part is, I'm Mrs. Petropoulis now. I grinned at the thought. It's like a shotgun wedding. I chuckled inwardly at my foolish thought.

I gently carried his heavy head and push it to my side. He stirred and I stop moving, not wanting to wake him up yet. He went back to sleep, still with his hands around me. His face was now on the crook of my underarm.

I tried to scoots backward, however, his hands was firmly wrapped around me, and turn on my side to face him. I want to see his handsome face while peacefully sleeping.

I ghost of a smile, formed in my lips as I admired his morning beauty. He was indeed so charismatic. I can't believe he is my husband now. I can't believe that dream of marrying him and be my husband, granted finally.

I remember when I first saw his boyish smile, that mischievous smile, where his sea-green eyes would flicker. I always swooned whenever he just passes me by. When he talks to me and smile at me, the crush I felt grew more and it became love until I couldn't stop it anymore.

I just find myself every night before falling asleep, imagining that he's my boyfriend, even thinking of him kissing me, making out with him under the sun. It was crazy, but he is my fantasy. I have no other goals, other than him.

I touch his cheeks, trailed my finger around his perfectly curved jawline, detouring to his stubborn nose. My eyes trailed to his lashes and they are perfection to me. Dark, thick and curly, and his thick bushy eyebrows looking untamed yet hot.

"I love you.." I murmured inaudibly as I smile widely.

Just as I was about to turn on my back, he caught my hand. I waited for him to open his eyes so I could see his beautiful orbs, but he kept his eyes shut. "I love you more, sweetpea." He responded and then pulled me abruptly to him. I yelped in surprise and he chuckled.

I rolled on top of him, propping my elbows against his hard chest and watch his peaceful face. He slowly flicks his eyes open and stared back on mine.

He always has that mesmerizing eyes, making me feel drowning in his depth.

"How do you feel, sweetpea?" He asked. His eyes were brimming with something wicked.

I grinned. "I feel a lot better."

"Good," he said, then without ceremony, he rolled on his side with me. Then, in a second, he was on top of me, with eyes filled with lust.

My body suddenly burns with the same ardor. I couldn't wait for him, so I pulled his head and kissed him. He groaned gutturally and kissed me back aggressively.

We were lost in our own lust world when the a persistent loud knock rapping on our door.

Nicolai broke out a loud groan.

"We are still sleeping!" He irritatedly yells. I burst into laughter. You are the most handsome vacuous man I've ever met. He just gave me a boyish grin.

"Stop ravishing my princess and meet me at my office!" I heard dad's said.

"Crap!" He hissed inaudibly as he rolled on my side and then quickly gave me a kiss before getting out of our bed.

I watch him hastily got change. Before he left me, he gave me another hard and lingering kiss. "I'll see you in a bit, baby." Then he kissed my non-existent bump before leaving me alone.

I wonder what's so important, why the hell dad has to interrupt us early in the morning.


I'm sorry. We had to stay a few more days. I'm not feeling well this days. And guess what?

I sent the text to JJ. We have been texting for an almost hour and hour. It's been passed a week. We should only be here for a week, but I've been feeling tired and sleepy all the time. I'm always slacking.

My phone beeps.


I'm married!!! :) :)


Calm your tits JJ. Of course to Nico. Who else? I'm so happy... ❤️❤️

😁😁 you didn't invite us!!

I'm sorry. It's not a grand wedding or anything. It wasn't even planned. 😊😄

Still, you didn't invite me. :( :( I'm a bit upset, but congratulation.

Hey, we will still have a grand wedding coming, though not anytime soon, and you will be one of the best men, for sure.

After a few minutes, I didn't get a response. I thought maybe he's back to work. I put the phone down and decided to venture in the kitchen for something to nibble. We just had lunch, but I'm still feeling famished.

Nicolas was with dad in the office. They had been together this days, and I wonder why? After he asks me who are these people I'm hanging out with or I know, he often was with dad than me.

That brute. He should have married my dad!

I was so frustrated. I felt like now that we are married he seems to give me fewer attentions now. I'm jealous of my dad who's getting more of it than I do.

I was so overwhelmed that I didn't see him waiting for me at the foot of the staircase.

"Hey, sweetpea." I heard his deep husky voice. His smile was wide, but his eyes were tired with a tinge of worries.

My smile withered when I realized, after lunch, he'd rather hang out with dad than to me.

"Oh, you still remember you have a wife?" I couldn't help not to get sarcastic. His smile vanish and his forehead furrowed, creating a visible crease line on his forehead.

"Don't give me that look, "my dear husband". Don't you think we are still in the honeymoon stage, yet you'd rather be with my father all the time!" I spewed out in frustrations, emphasizing the husband thing.

His confused face lit up and his smiled broadened. "I can't believe you're jealous with your dad, sweetpea?" He curled his hand around my waist as soon as I step on the last step of the staircase.

"Shut up! You were sticking around me and even bugging me to stay close to you when were still "unmarried", now that we are "married", you spend most of your time with dad!" My frustrations are getting the best of me. Tears already rolling over my cheeks unknowingly. I don't know why suddenly I felt so emotional and overly dramatic.

"Okay, I'm sorry, sweetpea. Petherós and I just have some issues to deal with." He explained as he pulled me to his chest, then kissed my tears off, hugging me with gentleness after.

"Let go of me. I'm not going to sleep with you tonight. You go, and forget about your "wife"." I tried to push him, but he just chuckled and kept on apologizing. He also kept on kissing the top of my head, like it would lessen the frustrations I felt though it did work.

"I'm sorry. alright? Don't worry, I will give you more time from this day on. It's just that, petherós and I need to know who was your stalker." He rubs my back, up and down and it relaxes me. I involuntarily curled my hands around his waist.

I didn't know that he was working with dad on deciphering who was stalking me. That's why they didn't give back my phone. They were holding it and watching all the texts, I guess. Nicolai told me that he won't give it to me to keep me at peace and not stressing me out.

Which is also true. I can't get stress out. I'm carrying our baby.

"Where are you going? I thought you're napping?" he pulled me partially away, and his hands cup my face. My hands were still around his waist.

"I need something to nibble." I bit my bottom lip. I know he'll think I'm too greedy. "I'm hungry," I added to justify it.

He chuckled. "Alright. I'll accompany you and let's venture in the kitchen." Then, his right arm curled back around my waist and led me to the kitchen.


Nicolai Petropoulis' POV

"Fuck it! ... Everyone is clear. We spent too much time, reading all this fucking papers and yet we haven't got a lead." Petherós slammed the papers he was reading in frustrations. They were copies of text messages of all the people Elle knew. None of them were suspicious, even Elixir.

We ran out of people. I had to bug Elle again if she remembers more people she had interacted with. I won't stop until we find out who was stalking her.

The last text she got from yesterday made us more desperate and persistent to track who is he.

"I'm coming to get you, Elle. You are MINE. I will come and claim you and never let you go ..."

I felt like he was just here. His other texts were saying that he's here in Athens and it scares me every day.


"I want to go back to New York, hon. I'm getting bored here." She got up and pace back and forth, looking at the sky.

We are both in the loggia. After we had dinner, we decided to get some fresh air and watch the sky while we cuddled in the sofa.

My eyes followed hers and I found myself leaning my back against the sofa's support and stared at the clear sky.

I'm still immersed with the knowledge that someone out there was stalking her. Who was only waiting for his chance to take her from me. Just the thought really terrifies me. For almost two weeks, I was working on tracking the stalker, with desperation. I couldn't sleep at night very much. I even neglected my job. I'm glad that Blayne was efficient.

I even forgot to email back zio Vincenso after he offers me his company to buy it.

"NICOLAI PETROPOULIS, ARE YOU WITH ME?" I quickly sat upright and look at my angry wife. Her eyes turn into slits, and she's shooting me a dagger look.

"Sorry, baby." I smiled warily. I haven't seen her that angry.

"What were you saying?" I grinned boyishly. She just cocked-up her eyebrow and purse her lips. Her hands were resting on her hips.

"I said, I wanted to go back to New York. I'm getting bored here, plus I'm gaining ..." then she looks down on her and I followed her eyes. She did gain, but she still look sexy. Her breast seems to get firmer than the last time I remember. "I need to work. I need to divert my attention, I need to get away from the kitchen," she ranted, stomping her feet after.

I stifled my laughter. She does look hot when she looks frustrated. I just love her so much.

"Give me more days, sweetpea and we will fly back to New York. Besides, you don't need to work. And you promised me, you will stop working once we are married and have babies." I reminded her and wriggled my eyebrow. "Besides you're not fat, and you still look sexy to me. Want to see the proof?" I grinned with mischief. I peered down at my crotch and she followed my gaze. I was just wearing a basketball short, and my friend is visibly pointing outward.

My crotch is feeling tight and uncomfortable, to be honest. Just watching her angry, too sexy in my polo shirt. I know she's not wearing any bra underneath it.

"You're impossible, Nico." She gulped.

I rose from my seat and now my friend is proudly pointing at her. "I think he is referring to you," I playfully teased as I occasionally peered down at my stiff lower member, and her cheeks turned crimson red.

I knew she's as arouse as I am.

"Gosh, we can't do it here, honey." She gulped, with her voices sounding raspy, as she looks around us. The loggia is open and I know everyone are in their room, but who knows who was wandering out there at this hour. I'm sure it's ten at night. The only light that provided us was the light that was hanging on the six pillars of the loggia.

"Who says we are doing it here. Come on, while the night is young. We can still make a lot of rounds." I grinned and then led her back inside and into our room.

She giggled as she curled her other hand on my waist.


A/N: I apologized for the long wait. I have been working 12 hours this past week and I'm awfully tired from lack of sleep.

I will try to update this coming holiday though I may not get a long holiday vacation this year. I hope you do understand. Thank you.

Please do ignore all the errors.

Thank you and I'll write more this weekend.

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