19: Things take a turn pt1

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A/N: now I know some people will despise me for what I'm about to do...and I completely understand

3rd person POV:

Everyone was crowded around as Chan and Changbin climbed on top of the G-wagon. Holding onto a piece of parchment paper.

"EVERYONE! We have found a way for us to be able to live our lives that we dream of!" Chan yelled

The crowd was filled with shocked expressions and ones of rejoice.

"We can be given thousands upon millions of dollars if we go through with this plan and cooperate with the government!" Changbin yelled.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!" A voice yelled from the crowd. Many people were confused and mumbled in disbelief to everyone around them.

"We were! when we were students! Now what if we were the teachers? Not having to do anything but teach simple, useless things to students as they either in numbers, only to then be rewarded with heaps of cash at the end!" Chan yelled.

Some people in the crowd were somewhat pleased at the reversed roles. They were thinking a bit off due to malnutrition, dehydration and insomnia which in a way swayed their views.

"But that would mean students would have to die" Felix said to the people around him (Jisung, Hyunjin, Minho, T,Johnny, Ten and Changkyun. Jeongin was inside the bus with Joshua and Vernon who were changing the bandages on Seungmins wound and fixing up Mark )

"I think they're just speaking out of their asses cuz of lack of sleep."Hyunjin said

"Think of it like this, due to us basically ruining one of their population control schools, the government will be after us anyways. We won't be able to travel, meet our friends, we will have to live in the shadows of society. Our lives wouldn't be worth living like that. If we learn to cooperate with the government and rebuild the school. We get both money and a better life. Think of the rewards the government could give us!" Chan yelled

"Oh fuck he is serious" Hyunjin corrected.

"What the fuck is going on about!" Felix said. "Does he realise what he's saying"

"They need to shut the fuck up right now. They're promising too much." Jisung said

"Well we need to stop them now then because from the looks of it, the crowd pretty much enjoys what they're saying." Minho said.

"How can you guarantee this?" Someone else yelled.

"We told you to trust us when you had a high risk of dying. We are telling you to trust us now when there is no threat! We want to make your life better, trust us" Changbin yelled.

The crowd cheered.

"All we need is to fix up the school and gather students. The money will come flooding in after that" Chan said with a smile.

"Alright I've had enough. What are we gonna do?" Johnny asked

"I'll speak to them. Seems like Mark was right. Sometimes people just fall for the temptation of money and an easy life" Felix said

"Let me speak to Changbin. I'll see if I can knock anything into his head" Hyunjin

"Me and Minho will inform the others on the bus about what happened. We can't let them fall for it" Jisung said.

"Me and the others will try to persuade the others not to fall for it" T said indicating to the small group of people around them who didn't fall for the lies.
"But first. We need to shower because we all fucking stink" T added.

Everyone else agreed.

"We'll shower after telling the others. We don't want Chan and Changbin getting to them while we are distracted" Minho said.

"Meet back here in 20" Felix said

"Wait 20 as in the age, Clock or minutes?" Jisung asked.

"Minutes" Felix informed.

They then split up...to take showers.

Oh and Felix was still dressed as a sexy cross dresser with a rats nest weave that he could hopefully get rid of.


Felix had just stepped out of the shower after finding some towels and spare clothes in his dorm. Because after all they had left most of their belongings at the school and since it hadn't been burnt to a crisp most of their stuff was still their.

He had managed to loosen the glue with the hot water in the shower and all the makeup had come off as well. He was looking more like himself.

"Ahh I showered knowing I look exactly like Gigi hadid" he said patting his clean face.

He got dressed quickly and headed back out to where they had agreed to meet up. Most students had headed inside to clean up, sleep or get food from the still fully stocked canteen. He had no idea where Chan and Changbin were though.

As he crept down the stairs he heard some familiar voices.

Chan and changbin

Felix quickly ran back up the stairs and headed to the nearest open room before diving into the closet.

The door opened again as the two men walked into the room holding onto the paper.

"Seems like people are in on the idea. I mean who wouldn't. Money and luxury and all we need to do is sacrifice a few useless kids. It sounds great." Chan said

"Yeah but we were in that position before as well, like literally several days ago. It wasn't all that great" Changbin pointed out.

"But we aren't in that position anymore. What else would we do with our lives? Besides, we aren't doing this for us. We are doing it for our loves, alright. Now if you excuse me I need to go shower" Chan said before leaving.

"I hope he knows what he is doing" Changbin muttered before leaving the room.

After a minute or two Felix finally came out of the closet🌈

"Damn it's been a while since I've been int he closet. The last time I've been in there was when I decided to check if narnia was real. All I got was a fairly big bruise on my head after walking into the wood at the back though" He said.

He was about to leave the room before he noticed the paper on the desk. Chan must've left it there when he left.

He grabbed it before rushing out to meet the others.

There were 4 new additions: Joshua, Vernon, Mark and Haechan

"Wait. Where's Seungmin and Jeongin?" Felix asked

"Too late." Was all Minho said

"Chan told Jeongin to go with him as soon as he saw them. When Jeongin got back he looked startled. We asked him what was wrong. Turns out Chan told him to go along with the plan otherwise they'd hurt Seungmin more. Fuckin asshole" Jisung said

"Hey! That 'fucking asshole' just happens to be my boyfriend!" Felix replied.

"Hey calm down. It's not a dick, don't take it too hard" Ten interrupted.

"Let's just get on with our plan now. If me and Hyunjin don't get back...the Doms have killed us" Felix stated.

"Wait. If something does happen to you two. What do we do?" Changkyun asked.

"Suck up to them or something. Convince them that you all are in with the plan and help us. Or if we are dead just escape" Hyunjin said with a shrug.

"Okay okay...but like in which way do you mean 'suck up to them' cuz I am very good at what I do-" Ten said before Johnny basically pushed him into oblivion.

"ABUSE! I CALL ABUSE!" Ten yelled.

"And I call cheating" Johnny said.

"Aww you know I love you" Ten said hugging the taller.

"Um...alright so that was every romance dramas plot in 1 minute" Minho said

"Let's go now" Felix said to hyunjin.

"Just know I will kill Chan and Changbin if anything happens to y'all. I wasn't given a baseball bat for nothing" T said.

The two boys hurried into the building to try pursuance their lovers into not doing what they were going to do.

"Goodluck" Felix said

"You two" Hyunjin said

They both thought they were going to part ways on the stairs only to walk down the same corridor.

"...your rooms down here too?" Felix asked awkwardly.

"Um. Yeah" Hyunjin said.

They then finally officially parted.

Felix ran back down to the cafeteria though to get one of those microwaveable brownies (he would've made a tea one but didn't have time to.) since he thought that maybe Chan would listen better when he gets food.

He busted down The door to his room while holding a plate with a burnt looking brownie.

"I've been looking for you-what's that?" Chan questioned.

"A brownie" Felix deadpanned

"Well if you don't mind me asking...what happened to it?" Chan asked

"I started making it, had a breakdown...Bon appetite!" Felix Replied.

To be continued...


My phone is about to die and I ain't near no charger right now.

I am literally so sorry for this update being so late. I had test this week but istg I will update more frequently and I am currently writing something else for y'all.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and yeah...

ANYGAYS Onto our regularly scheduled

Meme/Photo time: sry for these ones. They were the only recent ones on my phone


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