18: "this has got to be the work of body snatchers!"

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3rd person POV:

The two people froze. Ones face in a shocked expression, the other's in pain.

"AIGHT that's it. I told yall before there has to be some sorts other life on another planet!" Vernon exclaimed.

"...bitch, what?" Felix said

"This has got to be the work of body snatchers" Vernon said crossing his arms.

They suddenly heard a muffled voice from ahead of them where the two people were frozen.

"Why the fuck are there two of you" Felix said

"Oh I don't know have you ever heard of soemthing called twins?" The uninjured one said

"No not really. I only know them as genetically cloned monsters who could possibly eat the other in the womb" Felix replied.

"Alright let's get this straight. Which one of y'all is the real Mark" Ten said

"Me!" Both Marks said at the same time. Apart from the fact one of them had a highly muffled voice due to the gag around his mouth.

"I'm just gonna say due to the fact that one of y'all is tied up. I think it's safe to say the real Mark is that one" Renjun said

"Yeah but who knows if it could be the other one. That might be the real Mark who is actually evil and since we only knew him as Mark we called the other one Mark too" Felix said

"Valid point" Vernon said

The Mark with the gag started popping off at Felix, violently shaking his head.

"I think that it is safe to say that he has rabies" Felix declared

"How did you-nevermind I don't wanna know" Jaemin said

"Can someone just take the gag off his mouth already. I'm getting tired of it" Ten said

Renjun stepped over to the tied up Mark and ripped the gag off him.

"Yeesh. Someone get the man a razor" Renjun mumbled walking away.

"Look I can prove to you that I am the real Mark. I am me" Mark said

"No I am the real Mark" the other Mark said

"~I am you" Felix sang quietly.

"Ask me something only I'd know" The tied up Mark said.

"Umm where were you born" Felix said

"Really. That is literally one of the most easiest questions to answer" Jaemin blankly said

"Well I'm soooorrryyyy" Felix said shaking his butt at Jaemin.

"No. Get that away right the fuck now" Jaemin cursed.

"Wait wait. Where is Haechan?" THE TIED UP Mark asked rapidly.

"He's on the medical bus because of something you did." Vernon said

The tied up Mark slowly looked up at the other one. And if looks could kill, the other Mark would have disintegrated.

"You! What did you do!" He yelled.

"What did I do? WHAT DID YOU DO!" The other Mark said defending himself.

"I told you not to touch him" Mark seethed.

"I think we should get Haechan to ask them a question." Ten suggested.

"Yeah. I'll get him online through seungmins earpiece" Felix said. He then pressed on the speaking button on the earpiece.

"Seungmin I need Haechan to give us a question that only Mark would know the answer for." Felix said

"Why?" Seungmin questioned

"No time for questions. I'll keep the speaker on so you can hear what they say. Just pass the earpiece over to haechan" Felix explained.

"Wait. THEY?" Seungmin said doing a double take.

"NO TIME!" Felix yelled.

"Fine fine" Seungmin said before asking haechan the question "Haechan says to ask them when + where did Haechan kiss Mark first. And why on that day"

"Alright. Now in order for you to proceed alive. You have to answer these questions about haechan." Felix explained. "Tied up answer the first question first then the standing up Mark can answer the second question first"

"When and where did haechan kiss Mark first? Meaning Mark was a pussy and didn't have enough guts to kiss haechan first even though he is the Dom" Felix said pretending to be a show host (still wearing messed up drag)

"On 14th of February 2018. In Jaehyun and Taeyong room while celebrating" Tied up Mark replied.

"Hey you got that from my diary!" Standing up Mark said

"I don't own a diary" The other replied

"Next question. Why on that day?" Felix asked

"Because it was Valentine's Day" Standing up Mark replied.

"That's wrong." Tied up Mark said. "Because Haechan wanted to steal the spotlight from Jaehyun because it was his birthday"

"Did you hear that haechan?" Felix said into the earpiece.

"The person who talked last. The one who said stealing attention is Mark. Because the answers correct and Mark doesn't keep a diary" Haechan replied.

"We have come to the conclusion. YOU!" Felix said pointing at standing up Mark "are the imposter. You are as fake as Kylie Jenners lips. Prepare to die or get whacked!"

Not-Mark Smirked before drawing out a GLOCK from his left pocket.

"Try me" He said smirking.

Only to then get splashed in the face by Vernon who used 'made by Johnny ramen baptised by our lord and saviour Jisol Christ (popularly known as Joshua Hong)'

"Sorry. I thought the witch would melt." Vernon said.

"Haha real funny"Not-Mark said sarcastically.

He aimed at Felix's who whipped out a white handkerchief in a sign of surrender.

"Alright i am ver-done with this bullshit" Vernon said before whacking Not Mark across the head using the holy water pot.

"Very nice" Felix said

"So what do we do now?" Renjun asked

"Um maybe you could untie me?" Officially confirmed Mark said.

"Ohhh yeah I forgot about that" Ten said before stepping up and untie-ing the boy.

"Now where's Haechan?" Mark asked

"Slowly rotting away in the medical bus before become decomposing and becoming one with the ground as worm food" Felix said

"Take me to him." Mark said

"But first I needa know how the hell you have an evil twin?" Jaemin asked

"Did you watch the newest despicable me. The one with the twins. Yeah so just imagine me and Markus as them. But just fit." Mark explained.

"What? That makes no sense" Ten said

"That makes perfect sense" Felix exclaimed.

"Ill explain everything later but I want to see Haechan." Mark said.

"Lemme just tie the bad mark up and let's lock him in here for now" Jaemin said.

"Follow me amigos!" Felix said parading off.

"Wait. Where's everyone else?" Mark asked "or is this everyone who survived?"

"No there's more people. They're just searching the school" Felix replied.

"Don't let them find the contracts! The contracts ensure riches, protection and better lives at the expense of innocent people's lives" Mark said.

"Don't worry. The others won't fall for that" Felix said

"Money is a dark and manipulative thing" Mark warned.


Chan and Changbin had just popped into the school to go to the bathroom when they had stumbled on a wall with a small indent.

"Huh" Chan said

The two took a closer look and figured out that it was a secret door before venturing into it. They looked around before Changbin came across a cabinet with a file out on top of it.

He pulled out the first paper.

"What's that?" Chan asked

"Secure a better life for the people who you love and care for but everything comes with a cost" he read looking at chan






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