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Rias pov

Right now me and my peerage were standing on the top of one of the buildings that gave us a good view of the park That had issei looking around trying to find answers to what's going on with him and yesterday, after a while of starring at him I heard my knight let out a small breath of sadness over our situation

Yumi; I can't believe we actually let him die, and now we're waiting for the same exact thing from yesterday to happen just to look like the heroes here

Rias: I know that this doesn't make you feel good whatsoever yumi, I'm the same way but no matter how you look at it, issei was going to die eventually even if we helped protect him

Akeno: yeah but that doesn't stop us from feeling like we're the villains here and most certainly not the heroes we are supposed to seem like

Rias: Yeah, but we were the ones who decided this so there's no use in feeling bad about it now, we just have to deal with it and make it so that he can protect himself from these fallen angels


Rias: and right on cue

With that said I use a teleport magic circle to get closer to issei then blast the light spear that was about to kill him making them look towards me in shock

Rias: don't lay a finger on that kid

Dohn: and what makes you think you have the right to order me around?

He says while making a spear made of light appear to his hand meanwhile issei passed out due to blood loss making me tense up knowing that with a wound like that he'll die in a few minutes, hours if he's lucky, seeing that I was distracted the fallen threw the light spear at me intending to pierce me through the heart

Only for the spear in question to be reflected back at the man who caught then look to see my rook who jumped in front of me and made a defensive magic circle while also showing me and the man her white panties, a fact that she didn't really care about

Dohn: Damn you!

Seeing that throwing it won't do anything, the man charged at us with the tip of the spear pointing towards us, which stopped when a large bolt of lightning came crashing down where he would have been if it was delayed a little longer, out from the smoke from the bolt of electricity came my Queen who giggled happily at what she done

Dohn: red hair... I see. You must be from the gremory family

Rias: I'm Rias gremory. How are you today, my dear fallen angel?

Dohn: hm, oh wow. Who knew this was the jurisdiction of the gremory family's heiress apparent?

The crow said while getting back up, pick up his fedora and start getting the dust off of it, once he was done he put his hat back on then looked at me

Dohn: is he one of your household?

Rias: I will not show mercy if you mess with him

Dohn: well, I apologize for today, but you'd better not let your menservants run free, someone like me might just hunt them down during his walk, or worse if our leader saw hi-...

Rias:... saw him what?

I said confused as the crow just starred at something in front of him while trembling in fear

Dohn: n-no.... why is 'he' here out of all of the other times he could have appeared

Wanting to know what was going on with the man I turned around only to be frozen in shock at who I was staring at and wondering why he was here?

Behind me was a man with pure white hair and f/c eyes, he wears a f/c shirt, white pants and black shoes, grey fingerless gloves, and a long grey coat

After a while of staring at him, I finally realized that he was still moving when he shoved me to the ground making my peerage members narrow there eyes and get in front of the man meanwhile yumi quickly ran up to me then picked me up

Yumi: are you alright Rias?

Rias: kiba, grab issei and go

Yumi: hu-

Rias: I said go grab issei and run yumi! That's an order!

Yumi: R-right!

Before the knight could have a chance to move whatsoever, I watch as flames that were taller then a couple of the buildings here came out of the ground and blocked our path making me tsk and try making a way through it with my POD only for the powerful energy to melt against the flames

Rias: dammit! Akeno! Put out these fires while koneko holds him back for a couple of seconds

Doing as she was told I watched as my queen made a exit wide enough for us to get away from the waves of fire to see koneko being pushed forward by the young man who simply kept walking as if she didn't exist to him or wasn't enough of a threat for him to actually care

Not wanting him to take a single step forward I made two orbs made of pod appear to my hands then launched them at the man who kept walking, before the orbs of destruction could hit him, some sort of mist appeared in the orbs way making them disappear as if they were there to begin with, obviously in shock at such a thing happening, I couldn't defend myself as suddenly multiple rock golems came out from the man's shadow then restrained her and her peerage members making her be forced to watch as the man stood above issei then pulled back his hand, with a quick lunge the man easily tore through his clothes fabric and pierced his body making him try to scream only for nothi to come out, after a couple of seconds of him trying to scream and fail to do such a thing, issei immediately went limp once he couldn't even hear his own scream meanwhile the man finally pulled out something to reveal it was the orb of the boosted gear, once he now has it with him the man put it against his body and watched as it was absorbed into him

With that situation dealt with the man then snapped his fingers making the girls be let go and be dropped to the floor, not caring for there well being the man was about to walk away from the teenage corpse, only to stop when I stood in front of him with my arms stretched out

Rias: if you think that I'm just going to let you leave after killing someone who barley had a chance to live his second life, then think again yo-

Before I could finish my sentence the man pushed me to the side and continue his walk as if my declaration to him meant absolutely nothing

Y/n: oh boohoo, why don't you go and cry yourself a river for me, then I wouldn't have to waste my time and bodily resources crying for another person dying

With that she froze in shock, sure what he said was so mean to the young boy he recently killed but... the way he made it sound so casual was what made her now so reluctant to move from where he pushed her away, the man made it sound as if him killing people is as normal and insignificant as someone stomping on a bug, after a while of starring at his walking away form I see my peerage members get in front of me getting ready to fight

Akeno: so, what do you want us to do with him Rias?

Rias:... leave him

Yumi: huh?

My knight said with unbelievable confusion while I hesitantly turned around then walk towards issei's corpse

Rias: let's leave him be for now, since now we have someone to bury much earlier then what I anticipated

(So what do you think? Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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