The Ro'Meave Sister Shorts! #1

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(Y/N): Author-Chan isn't feeling their best so we made some shorts!

Garroth: I'm not good at sowing!

Zane: Not those kinds of shorts idiot.

Vylad: So I made these for nothing? *points at box full of shorts*

(Y/N), Garroth, and Zane sweatdrop.

(Y/N): Anyways. These short chapters have no significant impact on the actual storyline, so don't worry!


We heard footsteps coming downstairs, we all looked up and stared frozen. Zane and Vylad were both having 'problems' with their outfits.

"What are you two wearing..? It's the first day of high school for the two of you get serious!

"Is that a school girl outfit.."

"Where did you even get that from?"

"Zane-Kun I think this skirt makes me look fat!"

"Oh Vylad-Kun, I already told you. You look fine and no it doesn't make you look fat!"

"How humiliating.."

"You're telling me! They didn't even bother to tell me we were going to do it today! Stay right there you two! I am always prepared!"

We all looked at Garroth, he ripped off his clothes and under them was a schoolgirl outfit like Zane and Vylad's.

"What kind of sick joke is this.."

"Honey get the camera!"

"Dad not you too!"

"This is so much fun!"
My mom was snapping pictures of the guys on the staircase.

"What is going on?!"


I slowly looked at my family members. They all had creepy grins on their faces.

"This one was made just for you~"

I jumped up scared, my arms and one of my legs was up.

"No way! You're all crazy if you think I'm going to get into that!"

- A short time skip later -

"You all look amazing! (Y/N) smile!!"


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