The Ex-Girlfriend

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(Y/N)- Your Name

(F/C)- Favorite Color

(H/C)- Hair Color

(Y/N)'s POV

"Breakfast is ready!"
I heard my mom call from downstairs while I was finishing up getting dressed for school, I'm so glad it's almost the weekend, I'm looking forward to going on the beach with Laurence and his family.

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I could hear my brothers fighting about the restroom again.

"Waffles sweetie?"

I nodded.
"Good Morning, how is school going. Has that Ivy girl given you any more trouble since then?" My dad had put his newspaper down and was looking at me. I shook my head.

"She's no problem anymore, thanks, dad." He smiles and picked his newspaper back up to continue reading. I sat down and started eating my waffles, the boys came down a few minutes later.

"You got all the blueberry waffles!" I shrugged.
"You should have hurried up big bro."

"That's no fair baby sister, you know they're my favorite."

I gave Garroth a smile.
"Maybe next time. Also, you're driving today."

He groaned.
"Now GarGar, the day just started don't start complaining so early!"
"Mom has a point, big brother, it's a beautiful day!"

"It's supposed to rain today." Zane said before taking a bite of his waffle.
"Make sure to take umbrellas! Your lunches are all pack so please go to school now, I wouldn't want any of you to be late."

We said our goodbyes to our parents and grabbed our umbrellas and lunches, I have a(n) (f/c) umbrella. Garroth has a blue one, Vylad has a green one, and Zane has a black one. We got into the car and Garroth drove us to school.

When we got there we all got out and went our separate ways. Garroth went with Laurence, Vylad went with Travis, Zane went with the Shadow Knights, even after we told him not to hang out with them, and I was alone walking towards the school.

"Good morning (Y/N)-Chan!" I heard a high pitch voice talking to me from behind, I turned.

"Good Morning Kawaii-Chan."

"Kawaii-Chan has some exciting news!"

She had her hands together and a big smile on her face.

"What is it??"

"Kawaii-Chan's ship is sailing once again!! Dante-Kun and Nicole-Chan are dating again!"

My eyes went open and I felt my heart skip a beat.
"No way... really? They're going back out..?"

"Yes! Look at the messages Nicole-Chan sent Kawaii-Chan!"
She handed me her phone and I saw the messages.

"Thanks for showing me this Kawaii-Chan.. even though you weren't supposed to."

Her eyes went wide.
"Oh no! Kawaii-Chan was so excited she forgot she couldn't show you.. please don't tell Nicole-Chan!"

"I won't tell her, I'll get going now. Bye Kawaii-Chan."

I waved and started to walk away.
"Bye (Y/N)-Chan!"

I got to my first period, the teacher didn't need me to do anything today so I went to go sit. I was shocked, no way they're back together? After all the crap she said about Dante. Well not like I care or whatever, he's just a stupid egotistical jerk.

I played with my hair a bit.
Does Dante actually like her? He was just using her the first time it has to be the same the second time too right? I mean their relationship ended badly.


No one's POV

Dante and Nicole were sitting in the library together. They seemed to be talking and having a good time. When Dante got a message, Nicole looked over and saw something she didn't like.

"What is that?! Who is she??!"

"It's no one don't worry about it, we're in a library be quiet."

"No! Dante are you cheating on me?!"

"Hey, you two, out of my library."

The 'couple' grabbed their things and went outside, a (h/c) haired girl followed suit of the 'couple', curious to see what would happen.

"I can't believe you, Dante, you said you were done talking to other girls!"

"What can I say I'm a real charmer? Do you blame me, look at me!"

Nicole slapped Dante. Then it was silence. Neither one of them said anything for a while.

"We're done."

Dante walked away with his things, he was using his phone and he called someone. The (h/c) haired girl felt her phone vibrate, she quickly ran off and answered the call.


"Hey (Y/N), you want to hang out after school? I don't have any plans."

"Okay, I'm on my way to the library so I'll meet you there?"

"Sounds like a plan!"

Dante hanged up. The girl looked at her phone, on the caller ID was a picture of her best friend. When he was sweet, not a jerk. She thought to herself, "I wonder when he'll tell me."

-Flashback Ends-


I blinked a few times when I heard my name. "Yes!"

"Are you okay? We walked in and called out to you but you didn't answer. Is something wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I'm crying?"
I touched my cheek and lo and behold there were a few tear streaks on my cheeks.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine sorry! My eyes get super watery when I yawn, just tired you know? I didn't get the best sleep last night."

"Oh you should try drinking a warm glass of milk before going to bed, it helps me!"
Travis spoke up.

I gave them both a small smile.
"Sure I'll try that, thanks!"

That's the end of this chapter, hope you guys are liking the story so far.
I apologize for the slow updates, hopefully, now they won't be as slow. I usually pre-write chapters, so after this, I'm going to start writing the next chapter.

Also, I proofread it, but there can still be some mistakes, sorry.

I haven't really had WiFi these past days because my sibling plays Fortnite and it kicks me off the WiFi and I can't write, but it's fixed.

For now.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys!

Have a good Morning/ Evening/ Night!

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