Halloween Plans

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(Y/N)- Your Name
(N/N)- Nickname
(F/S)- Favorite Sweet

(Y/N)'s POV

Today was Halloween! The school, surprisingly, let us have an early release day. I'm not complaining about it though.

"Hey do you have your costume ready (N/N)?" Katelyn asked me. "Yeah I do! How about you? Is yours ready?" "It's nothing special but yeah. I can't wait to see yours." "Same, I have to go get ready okay? Bye Katelyn!" "Bye (N/N)." I walked to the parking lot, my brothers were just now getting in the car. I was walking over when a felt a tug at my arm.

"What-" I turned around. "Hey how are you, you're going to the haunted house right? I'll see you there." Gene let go of my hand and gave me a wink. "A-Alright Gene." He walked off and I made my way to the car. I got in the back seat since Zane had, surprisingly, called shotgun.

"Are you guys excited?" "Heck yeah I am! You know I love haunted houses." "Pft. I'm only going since there's nothing better to do." "Awe ZuZu." "Don't call me that!" "Calm down you guys. Does everyone have their outfit?" "Yeah!" "Mhm." "Yep! Do you?" Garroth gave us a small smile. "No not yet, do you guys mind if we stop by a Halloween store to get me one?" "That's fine."

Garroth took the exit to the left and we were eventually on the freeway. "What kind of costume are you thinking of?" "I have no idea." "Oh I love that costume!" "Oh haha very funny Vylad."

Garroth drove to Spook Shop, a decent place for costumes I guess. We ordered ours from Spirit Halloween two weeks in advance. I really liked mine, it was based on a Japanese demon, scary right?

"How's this one?" "Garroth you can't go as a turkey to a haunted house." "Who says so?" "Our dignity. Here how about this one?" Vylad showed Garroth a 'Roman Emperor' outfit, it was just a toga outfit. "Laurance is going to be wearing something like that. I don't want to match."

I felt my face go warm a bit. "I'll put it back." I took it from Vylad and put it back on the rack. The picture had the man showing his chest a bit. If Laurance got one like this does that mean his chest is going to show.?

I patted my cheeks. Get yourself together, you haven't even really talked to him since the kiss.

"Are you okay (N/N)?" "Yeah I'm fine Vylad. I was just thinking that this one would look great on Garroth.!" I quickly grabbed a costume packet off the rack.

"You think so? Doesn't seem like the type to dress up as a pharaoh." I shrugged. "Hey Garroth What about this one?" He looked at it before giving us a smile. "Yeah that one looks good! Thanks!"

Garroth happily walked to the register. "I didn't think he would actually get it." "I didn't either." "Weren't you the one that showed it to him." "Yeah but I didn't think he'd get it."

Zane started walking ahead of us a bit. "Whatever let's just go home already." "Come on Vylad." We followed behind Zane for a bit then behind Garroth.

We got back to the car and got in. "Such a neat costume, thanks you guys. Best younger siblings an older brother can ask for!" "Yeah yeah just start driving." "You're welcome!" "You're only older by a few months."

We got home and we all exited the car and went into our house. Mother had our food ready, we all left our things in the living room and went to eat lunch.

After we finished our food we helped her clean up and then we all went upstairs to our rooms to get ready.

I grabbed my outfit from my closet and set it on my bed. We were leaving to go to a fall festival around 4 and we would stay there until 9 for some fireworks. It was only 2 right now, I was planing on straightening my hair and pinning it up. I knew that would take a while.

"(N/N) can you help me style my hair? I want to look good as a pirate!" I heard Vylad calling from his room. "Sure!" I grabbed the straightener, heat resistant oil, and a brush and went to his room.

He had his long sleeved ruffled shirt on along with the pants. "I want this part pinned back and I want the rest straight. Think you can do it?" "Pft of course, I style my own hair." "That's not reassuring." I felt my eye twitch. "Run that by me again Vylad."

He gave me a smile. "Nothing big sis! Please help me." "That's what I thought you said!" I sat him down in front of his vanity and plugged in the straightener.

I started brushing his hair. "Geez it's super tangled, don't you know what a brush is?" "I brushed it in the morning. I don't know what happens from then to here." "Hm."

Once I got all the tangles out I put the oil in his hair. "Hey sis?" "Yeah?" "Are you dating anyone?" "What kind of question is that? No I'm not dating anymore. Why do you ask."

I looked up and to the mirror. He had a stupid smirk on his face. "I saw something that made me think you were." "What did you see." "Oh just you and Laurance in the office-" "Shut up!!" I looked away from him and turned my attention to his hair.

He shrugged. "I don't know if Garroth would take that well." "Why?" "I mean come on. His best friend with his sister? That's not a good situation to be in." "Alright well, no we're not dating. What you saw was a one time thing alright." He shrugged. "Sure."

I started straightening his hair, it was longer than Garroth's but not as long as Zane's.

When I finally finished I grabbed some Bobby pins and pinned it bangs on the right side back. I moved from in front of him and he looked in the mirror.

"Wow!! It looks really good!" "I'm insulted you were expecting worse." "Thanks so much sis!" "It's going to cost you." "(F/S)?" "Yeah." "Fine I'll give it to you if I get any." "Thank you!" I grabbed my things and went back to my room. Doing his hair took only about 20 minutes. Now it was time for mine.

- I didn't finish the art today but I'll have it done tomorrow or maybe later today I'm not sure! I hope you guys will enjoy it, ok back to the story!-

"Hey are you done? We're ready to go. They're waiting for us." "Yeah I'm coming!" I looked in the mirror and smiled. I grabbed my small bag with my essentials inside and went out my room. I walked downstairs carefully, heeled boots were never my forte.

"Wow my little girl looks amazing! Picture!!" My mother took a picture on her phone before I could protest. I gave a quick smile but I'm sure I still looked pretty bad. You gotta give people like me some sort of heads up.

I looked at my brothers. Garroth was a pharaoh, Zane was a really half assed cat, and Vylad was a pirate! Mom had just finished decorating the outside of the house, she made some chocolate m&m cookies. We of course took some before leaving.

"I call shotgun!!!" I ran outside and to the passenger's seat. When my brothers came out I saw Zane glaring at me.

We were on our way to the Halloween festival near town. It had lots of activities for us to choose from! Garroth got a call, it was on Bluetooth.

"Hey Garroth? Are you guys almost here, Travis and Aph are getting impatient." "Yeah tell them to just hang on a bit more we're almost there." "Alright if you're more than five minutes away you better start speeding." "Please, Garroth speeding? Yeah right." "(Y/N)? Am I on speaker?" "Bluetooth." "Oh. Well hey guys, try and convince Garroth to speed k? I need to go." "We'll try!"

He hanged up and I looked over at Garroth. "You heard him, step on it blondie." "Stop it, we're almost there." He was right, we were a few mites away. When we got there it was packed!

When we finally found a parking spot we all got out and made our way to the entrance. Our group of friends were there waiting for us. Katelyn was the joker, Travis was Jack Frost, Kawaii-Chan was a maid, Aphmau was a wolf, Laurance was in a Roman Emperor, and Dante was the classic vampire.

"You guys ready?!" "Great outfits you guys!" "Thanks you guys too!" We all went in and instantly split up. I saw some of them going to the corn maze, others to the pumpkin patch, and a few of them went to the games and the rest to the food court.

"Alright so where are we going guys?" I turned back and realized they all left. Even Zane? Really?! I sighed and started walking to where I wanted to go first.


That's the end of this chapter! Tomorrow you'll get to decide where you want to go! Ahhh! I'm so excited!

Thanks so much for reading, voting and commenting. I love reading the comments! <3

Also, I'm still working on a art piece I wanted to put in, maybe I'll put it in later tonight? I'm not sure when I'll finish it ^^; it's very different to what I usually do so I'm a little nervous. Ummm I don't think there's anything else I want to say? Thanks again guys!

Have a Good Morning/ Evening/ Night!

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