A Kiss

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(Y/N)- Your Name
(N/N)- Nickname
(F/S/D)- Favorite Starbucks Drink
(F/S)- Favorite Show

(Y/N)'s POV

After the dreadfully long and boring day the principal had called me into his office. Presumably to give me my uniforms.

"Miss Ro'Meave! I'm glad you're here, your uniforms are ready and we had the blazer custom made like your father asked." I took the bag from the desk and smiled. "Thank you! I'm sure there's no problem with them." The principal smiled. "Of course not. You're dismissed." I walked out of his office and saw that Laurance was in a chair on his phone.

"Oh Hey Laurance. What brings you here?" He looked up and gave me a smile. "I was waiting for you." "What for?" "To take you home."

"I'm going with my brothers." "They kinda left, Garroth asked me if I could take you home and I said yes." I sighed. "What great brothers I have right?" I took a step towards the door.

"If you don't have anything to do I'm ready to go home." "Oh right yeah let's go.!" I followed behind him since well I didn't really know what his car looked like. It's been a while.

He unlocked his car, it was a black Camry. It looked good. "(Y/N)? Come on." "Oh sorry." I stopped looking at the car and got into the passenger seat.

He started it up and put it in reverse. "Hey do you want some coffee?" "Really? Oh um sure." "Do you want me to go through the drive-through or should we get off and have a little date?" "Does Starbucks coffee count as a date? How about we get the coffee and you can stay for dinner at my place. I can help you with the Korean worksheet." "That sounds like a better plan."

"What do you want?" "A grande (F/S/D) please!" He turned back to the speaker and ordered our drinks. "Here Laurance." "What?" He looked back at me. "No way (N/N). Let me pay." "I can't pay for our coffee?" "Maybe some other time." He winked at me. He drove up to the first window and payed with his card.

He got the drinks. I saw the drive-through chick send him a wink. I got close to the window, I was leaning on Laurance. "Hi! Can we get some napkins please and thanks." I got back in my seat, drink in hand. Laurance got the napkins and we left. I took the ocasional sip from my drink.

"(N/N)." "Yeah?" "What was that about?" "She winked at you-" I shrugged, "-I didn't like that." "R-right.." I looked over at him. He was checking if it was free to turn I noticed he had a small blush on his cheeks.

"I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you in classes. Last year was so boring after you left." "Awe, I missed you guys too. It wasn't natural hanging out with Chris and Joseph, but of course I still did. They wanted to go out with me because of their dad." I shuddered.

"No way, really? Did your dad know that?" "No he didn't, he still doesn't. It shouldn't be a problem since I don't go to that school anymore." "Do you um. Do you like anyone?" I took a sip of my drink and thought about it. "I think I do, I guess we'll just see!"

"I don't know if they've mentioned this to you yet but we were planning on going to a haunted house Halloween night." "It's on a Wednesday." "So? We're juniors in high school. We can stay out past our bedtimes (N/N)." He chuckled. "I don't have a bedtime, but sure I'll tag along. Sounds like fun."

"Just try not to cling on to me too much alright?" He sent me a smirk quickly before looking back at the road. "In your dreams Casanova." "Says the one that was jealous because someone sent me a wink." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah Yeah whatever."

We got to my house and he parked in the driveway. It had been around thirty minutes since school was out. I got out of his car with my things and closed the door.

"I'm so grateful for you knowing Korean? I mean seriously?? That language is too hard, what ever happened to Spanish?" "It's a new world, get with the times grandpa." "We're the same age." "Not for long, your birthday is coming up!" "You remember?"

"Why would I forget?" He shrugged. We made it to the front door and I opened it. "Baby sister I'm sorry for forgetting- Laurance?" "Hey." "You're lucky Laurance's is a good guy and said yes." We walked in and went to the living room. Joining Garroth and Vylad.

"Laurance is staying for dinner is that alright mom?" "Of course sweetheart! Laurance is always welcomed here!" "Awe Yeah, thanks Mrs. Ro'Meave!" "Laurance I've told you before to call me Zianna!" "Right sorry.!" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"We're working on Korean do you want to join us Garroth?" "Nah im fine baby sister. I'm in advance and have google translate." "How much can a bad translator teach you?" I stood up with my bag and drink. "Come on Laurance, lets go to the study." He stood up and followed behind me.

Past the living room I went Into our study, father and mother have their separate studies. My brothers and I share one, it has book shelfs against one of the walls. There's two big windows behind the big desk. There's a second desk near the first and a rectangle table with two fanback upholstered black chairs and a black 61/2 yards tight seat and back chair, or commonly knows as a upholster bench.

"Woah. This is really cool!" "Ah thanks. We should get started." I took a seat on the bench and he took a seat in the chair closest to me. He took his notebook out and I took out my binder. "So how much do you know?" "I know some phrases." "Like what?" "사랑해."

I looked at him. My eyes were a bit wider than usual and I felt my cheeks get warm. "Y-Yeah I think lots of people know that phrase.. I mean a lot of people at my old school new that phrase." He slightly nodded. "Is it important to know it if you don't mean it though?" "There's a lot of words we know that we don't mean. Now let's um focus on our work!"

We spent a good two hours working on the homework and messing around. Right now we were watching a (F/S) vine compilation. I was leaning on Laurance's arm and his phone was being held up by a flower vase. We were both laughing at the video.

"Vines really cure my depression man." "Pftt (N/N) don't say stuff like that." We were still lightly laughing. I sat up and wiped my tears away. His laughter eventually ended but he kept smiling. I looked over at him.

"What? Is there something on my face." "Nah, just your beauty." "Oh geez I'm so charmed by your old cheesy pick up lines." There was a knock on the door, it was opened by Vylad.

"Hey guys dinner is ready! Mom told me to come get you two." "Thanks Vylad, we'll be there in a bit. We're going to clean our stuff up." He gave us a smile and closed the door. Laurance and I both stood up and started gathering our things.

"Oh here I wanted to give this to you." "Your notes?" "No offense but I think you need them more than me." "None taken, you're totally right." He took it from my hand and placed it in a folder.

I kept staring at him, I had a small smile on my face. He looked up and returned a smile. "Ready? I'm so hungry!" "Yeah I'm ready." I started walking forward, I felt my bag stuck on something so I turned around and tugged.

The chair fell forwards and caught Laurance's leg. "Huh-?" He fell and I covered my mouth. "Oh my god I'm sorry.!" I got down on my knees and pushed the chair off him. "Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?" I helped him sit up and placed my hand on his forehead, then his cheeks. "You seem okay physically."

He placed his hand on the side of my face, cupping my cheek. "Yeah I'm fine.." "A-are you sure?" He was leaning in, and eventually. I did too.

His lips touched mine, softly. As if he was scared of hurting me. My eyes closed almost instantly and involuntarily. He tasted sweet, with a hint of chocolate, it was most likely his drink from earlier. I did the best I could, since he was my first kiss.

I felt him place his other hand on my lower back. It felt nice to be kissing him but I don't know my feelings for sure. I put my hands against his chest and slightly pushed him. He pulled back. I looked down to the side, my eyes were low.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N).. I don't know what came over me you just, looked so kissable in that moment." I put my hands in my lap. "It's fine Laurance. T-that was my first kiss.. If you couldn't tell." I looked up at him slightly. He gave me a small smile. "Good news, you're a natural (N/N)." "Thanks.. We should um go eat now.." he nodded. He stood up and helped me up. I was still avoiding looking at him directly in the eyes.

We didn't really talk on our small walk to the kitchen. My family was there waiting for us. I set my bag down on one of the couches and made my way to the table, Laurance joined and we started to eat. Chatting here and there about how our day went.


Ahhhh!!! (Y/N) kissed Lauranceeee~~ I wanted to have (Y/N) finally kiss someone and OFFICIALLY commence the love rollercoaster that's planned! Get ready because you guys have just started the ride, there's a big drop coming!!

Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Ah! I'm so excited to publish the next chapters, especially the Halloween specials!

Thanks again so much for reading, commenting, and voting!!

Have a Good Morning/ Evening/ Night!

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