Deku and Ochako have been dating each other for a while now, and no one did not notice until after someone mentioned it. Kirishima, Obanai, and Mitsuri congrats the two, and even Naofumi and his party congratulate them for dating. Deku introduces Eri to the people here in the city of Rimuru along with Naofumi and his party. Filo and Eri were able to get along with each other quite easily, so Deku lets her and Filo play with each other while the grow ups help with the Federation work. Later, it was time for Naofumi and his party to head out. Deku and others wave goodbye and tell him he and his team are always welcome in the city of Rimuru. When Rimuru returns, he and Deku help with the Magma Golem problem and decide to let them stay since they have nowhere to go. They also give the Golems names with Deku helping Rimuru since there is a lot of them. The Chift was named Goro and his son was named Gio. Goro helps the blacksmiths with their iron making and stuff while Gio helps with the training since he wants to get back at the spear hero. Rimuru also found out that Deku and Ochako were dating each other which he applauded them. The next day, Deku and Ochako were informed that a representative of a wealthy merchant from Blumund was coming to establish a shop in Tempest, and were asked to welcome them. When the visitors arrived, the two were not prepared for the faces they would see as the knight opened the carriage.
Deku: *Slack-jawed along Ochako*
Shoto: Hello Midoriya. Long time no see.
Ochako: What the f%$k?
Tokoyami: *Comes from around the carriage* Language, Ochako. It is not befitting to hear you swear.
Deku: *😧* Tokoyami too!? Does that mean Dark Shadow came too?
Tokoyami: Ask it yourself.
Dark Shadow: Yo man, what's up?
Deku: So, Todoroki, how did you become the prince of Blumund?
Shoto: I was summoned to this world by the merchant I'm representing. He apparently never had kids, so he thought he'd summon one from another world.
Ochako: Ok... weird. And what about Tokoyami?
Tokoyami: After we left G.O.C's place, I was sent here to be Todoroki's Knight. And after Dark Shadow bonded with me, it became a Superior Spirit of Darkness.
Later, Shoto talks to them about merchants with Deku letting them stay for a while. Deku and Ochako then tell Shoto and Tokoyami that they have started dating. The two boys congrats them for dating each other. The next day, Deku gets a message from Tanjiro by his crow. When he opened it, he read this...
Tanjiro: Dear Deku,
I hope this message finds you well. I have an important request for you and Ochako. There is an individual in the Kingdom of Ruberios who wishes to meet you and challenge you to a test of bravery. If you win, she will consider making a peace treaty with Rimuru and his people and not view monsters as hostile.
Please let me know if you are ready to take on this challenge.
Best regards,
Deku then writes a letter back to Tanjiro as he gets ready to head to the Kingdom of Ruberios. Ochako and Eri also get ready to tag along with Deku as they three leave the city. It took them less than an hour to arrive since they had wings. They appear near the entrance as the holy knights identify them. Tanjiro appears and tells them that Deku and Ochako are his friends. The knights let them in as Tanjiro guides them to the Kingdom. This is when Tanjiro introduces the two to King Philp. The king welcomes the two and lets them stay in the kingdom for a while. Tanjiro then takes them to meet up with Ceila and the class.
Tanjiro: Class, these are my friends, Deku and Ochako. They're from the city of Rimuru known as the Jura Tempest Federation of Monsters.
Deku and Ochako: *Bows*
Alphonse: *Smirk* Hmph. Great, more losers.
Codié: *😠* Shut up, Alphonse! No one asks about your opinion!
Ceila: Kids, behave.
C/A: Yes, teach.
Deku: And this is Eri, she's my stepdaughter.
Eri: *Shyly* Hello...
Class: Hello, Eri.
Ceila: We also have Tenko Shimura, but he's absent right now.
Deku: I see. *To Eri* Eri, I want you to hang around the class for a bit until I return.
Eri: What are going to do, Papa?
Ochako: He just gonna do some errands with Tanjiro.
Eri: Oh, okay.
And with that, Deku and Ochako leave Eri under the care of Ceila and her class. When it was break time, the classmates asked the horned girl a lot of questions, but Tekeo, Codié, Flora and even Christina stops them from pressuring her.
Codié: Sorry about that. They're just really excited since they want to know what's it like living in a city of monsters.
Eri: It's okay.
Flora: But how was it like being in a monster city?
Eri: *😀* I was amazing. The people in the city were very nice.
Tekeo: Really?
Eri: *Nods*
Roanna: What kinda of magic do you cast?
Eri: I can use Temporal Restoration magic to rewind time or heal someone.
Codié: *😧* Seriously!? That sounds like a very rare type of magic to even create and use.
Roanna: Even I'm speechless.
Eri: Also, Papa was dreaming about being a hero.
Flora: Really?
Eri: *Nods* Papa right now has the Hero's Egg in him and is waiting for it to hatch.
the six of them continued talking to each other. Eri was happy that she had made new friends here in the city of Ruberios. Later as class was over, Eri, Tekeo, Flora, Christina, Codié, Roanna and Ceila headed to the area where they heard that Hinata challenged Deku to a dual. As they arrive, they see Tanjiro, Ochako, Kanao, Giyu and Rengoku waiting for dual to start.
Tekeo: Has the dual start yet?
Tanjiro: Not yet.
Rengoku: We just arrived here.
Eri: I'm worried.
Ochako: Don't be, Eri. I'm sure Deku will be okay.
Christina: Hope you're right because our teacher Hinata is one of the strongest swordsmen.
Flora: *Spots Deku and Hinata* Oh! The battle is about to start.
Everyone sits down as they see Deku and Hinata enter the ring. Deku and Hinata get ready to prepare for the dual. But before they started, Deku wanted to ask Hinata a question.
Deku: Before we start, I want to ask. Why did you choose me to fight you and not my friend Rimuru who is the leader of monsters?
Hinata: Beat me, then I tell you.
Deku: *Sighs* Alright then. *Full Cowl 25%* But I'm not planning on losing.
Hinata: *Pulls out her sword* Then show what you're made of.
Deku: *Smirks* Okay...
In an instant, Deku disappears from Hinata's sight. Hinata was surprised a little but stayed focused on the fight. She looks around when she felt a breeze beside her. Thinking fast, Hinata raises her sword and blocks the incoming attack, pushing her back a bit. The attacker was Deku who used his smash attack. Hinata smirked a little since she was impressed by Deku's offense. She dashes towards him and leaps into the air while raising her sword. Hinata down word slash at Deku, but the green-haired boy swiftly avoids the blade and breathes green fire at her. She summons a magic barrier to block the fire. Deku then charges at Hinata who still has her barrier on. And with a powerful kick, he breaks the barrier.
Hinata(Mind): *Eyes widen* He broke my barrier with one kick!
Deku then uses his Texas Smash and attacks Hinata with another powerful kick. She used her sword to block the kick but was sent flying a few feet away from Deku. Everyone who was watching from the stands was surprised to see that Hinata was on the back foot.
Rengoku: I'm impressed! Deku has the full spirit of a fighter.
Giyu: Agreed.
Tekeo: So Nii-san, how strong is Deku-san again?
Tanjiro: Well, I know he was able to take down Charybdis.
Ceila: *😧* No way, seriously!? That's a high level monster that not even an ordinary person can beat.
Ochako: *😁* It's the truth.
Christina: If so, I don't think he can beat Hinata even if he did have battle experience.
Tanjiro: Just keep watching, your majesty. You might change your mind when the battle is over.
Back at the battle, Deku and Hinata clash with fist vs blade as they move faster than the other. Deku swings his leg while Hinata blocks it which creates a shockwave around them. Hinata struggles to hold her ground as Deku adds pressure to his leg.
Hinata: I have to say, kid, you're not bad as see you this far.
Deku: You too. As a Holy Knight, you have plenty of experiences.
Hinata: I would ask you the same question. Tell me, what is your goal?
Deku: My goal is to become the world's hero.
Hinata: Really? And why is that?
Deku then explains his reason for his dream of becoming a hero similar to Ramiris. Everyone who were watching from the stands heard Deku's words and were amazed by Deku's dream. Hinata smiles a little as she stops. She puts away her sword as she looks at Deku
Hinata: *Closes her eyes* You win.
Deku: Huh?
Hinata: You caught my interest, Deku. Now it's time for me to tell you about my reason for calling you here.
Deku: So why did you ask me to dual you?
Hinata: I heard from someone that a Dragonoid has been blessed with the Hero's Egg. So I wanted to see for myself if this guy is worthy of having the Hero's Egg. And looks like I overthinking that a monster could cause disaster in the future. But that turned out to be in the right hands.
Deku: Haha, guess I was worried that I made you mad or something.
Hinata: Not really. But I do want to see what you are like and to see if all monsters are hostile to people.
Deku: Well not all monsters like me and my friends are evil.
Hinata: I know, and thanks to Tanjiro who told me that.
Deku looked at Tanjiro who was smiling at them. Later everyone left the area as Deku and Ochako explorer Ruberios. Later when it was just Deku, he spots Tanko who was sitting by himself.
Deku: Tanko, hay.
Tanko: Hay Midoriya...
Deku: What's wrong? Are you being bullied or something?
Tamko: No, I'm used to it. But it is just that when I heard about you coming here, I left the class because I didn't want to make the atmosphere a depression. Since you know...
Deku does have memories of back in their old world of when he and Tanko used to be enemies. But it's not the Former League of Villain's fault. Deku still remembers when he was in Tanko's vestige world, he was given a quirk by All For One who ruined his life. So now Tanko is trying to live peacefully and getting some redemption. Deku sits by Tanko and they talk for a while. The next day, Deku, Tanjiro, Ochako, Kanao, Eri, Tekeo, Tanko, Flora, Christina, Codié, Roanna and Ceila are at Celia's lab. The reason why is because Tanjiro's egg is about to hatch. The egg shakes three times before cracking. Everyone stayed back as Tanjiro was holding the Rathalos egg. It then hatches.
Rathalos: *Baby noises*
Flora: *😍* It hatched!
Ceila then notices the baby's wings.
Ceila: That's new. I had never seen its black wings before. Or how small they are.
Deku: Do you think it's a new species?
Ceila: Maybe. I might need to check it in my books to see what Rathalos it is.
Tenko: What name are you gonna him, Nii-san?
Tanjiro: Hmm... How about Ratha? It's a short name for Rathalos.
Kanao: I think it's a good name, Tanjiro-kun.
Ochako: My too.
Flora: *Smiles* Me three!
Deku was in his room packing up his stuff when Hinata came in. That's when she asks him something.
Deku: You want to go with us to see Tempest?
Hinata: *Nods* I was requested by my Lord to see what the city of Monsters is like.
Deku: I see. Will of course you can go. Everyone is welcome.
Hinata nods and she heads out of the room. Tanjiro and Kanao were also thinking of seeing Tempest again. As they were packing up, Tekeo, Tanko, Flora, Christina, Codié, Roanna and Ceila asked them if they could also go to the city of Rimuru with them. Tanjiro and Kanao said yes but they needed to ask their parents first and get ready. Tanjiro also decides to bring Nezuko and his family to see what Tempest is like. Later they arrive at Rimuru's city and see how beautiful the town is. Everyone was enjoying their life here in the city of Rimuru. Later it was sunset and we saw Hinata on top of a hill looking at the city.
Rimuru: *Appeared in his slime form* Enjoying your time around Tempest?
Hinata: Yeah... So this is the place where Senesi met you?
Rimuru: Yap. I'm sure Ochako and Kanao told you about what happened when it was a small village.
Hinata: That Senesi loses control by a spirit and made a promise to you to save some kids... *Tighten her fist* and prey on Demon Lord Leon.
Rimuru: *Nods slowly*
Hinata: For years, I look up to Senesi like a mother figure. She trained me, taught me, and she even helped me when I was having a hard time. I wish I could repay her for everything she has done for me.
Rimuru: I'm sure she will when we see her again.
Hinata: I just really felt bad that Shizu was in pain for years without me noticing. And so pathetic that this Leon guy made her suffer... I'll never forgive him.
Rimuru: Me neither...
Suddenly Souei appears and tells Rimuru that they have a visitors. Hinata decides to follow because she wants to see them as well. When they arrive at the city entrance, Rimuru and Hinata's eyes widen as they one of the two figures that they recognize.
Rimuru/Hinata: *Surprised then smiles* Shizu!/Sensei!
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