Chapter 27(Izuku): Spirit of Light

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Just as Deku was about to leave, Ochako appears and sees her friend about to head out somewhere.

Ochako: Heading somewhere, Deku?

Deku: Yeah, Rimuru-sama asked me to meet him in the Ulg National Park.

Ochako: Well, good luck. And make sure you come back safely.

Deku: I will.

Deku waves Ochako goodbye as he flies off to the Kingdom of Ingrassia. He uses his Fa Jin to boost his speed as he heads towards the Kingdom. It took about 10 minutes to arrive at Ingrassia and meet up with Rimuru and the kids.

Deku: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kenya: Who's this guy? He looks kinda like a Dragoniod.

Deku: I am. My name's Izuku Midorya. I now go by Deku Heiwato after a friend gave me a name.

Kenya: Hang on... Izuku Midorya's a Japanese name, You're from home too?

Deku: *Nods* Yup. I got reincarnated too. Mind introducing me to the students, Sir?

Rimuru: Sure thing. The kid you're talking to is Kenya, a user of fire magic. The Blonde one is Alice, a user of puppeteer magic, Gale can fire magic bullets, and Cloe can use water magic. And last, we have Ryota, who Ryota, who can use Body Enmhancment magic. Kids, this is Deku Heiwato, and he's trying to be a hero in this world.

Alice: Heyo!

Cloe: *Shyly* Hello...

Ryota: Yo.

Gale: *Smiles* It's nice to meet you!

Deku: *Mind* Huh. Gale sounds a lot like me. Weird. *To the kids* Nice to meet you guys too. So, are we ready to find the Queen of Spirits?

Rimuru: All set. Let's just hope we don't take too long. I don't want the school to get annoyed with me for taking the kids for so long.

Deku: Understood.

The group then opened the massive door and entered the labyrinth. They walked down the single hallway for a long time before a voice came to all of them. Deku makes sure that the kids are okay since he's not scared.

???: You're not very amusing visitors, are you?

Rimuru: Are you of the spirits that hang out here? We need to have words with a superior spirit. You think you could possibly take us to one without getting in our way?

???: *Laughs* What an amusing request. Okay, of course I'll show you.

Rimuru: Sweet, that was easy.

Deku: I'm not sure she means it that way.

Short time skip

???: Small world!

It creates a room, a mech standing in the middle. They then spot a robotic golem in front of them.

Rimuru: Hay. Is the test just beating the tin can?

???: Ding-ding-ding. That's correct.

Deku: Mind if I deal with this thing, Rimuru? I was about to train with Hakurou before this, so I'd like to see if this thing is anything special.

Rimuru: Sure, but if things look dicey, I'll help out. Think you can handle it?

Deku: *Full Cowl 25%* I think so. Should be fun.

???: Attacking alone? You're either really confident or really stupid. Overconfidence can get you killed, you know.

Deku: Just start your machine already. I'm done wasting time.

???: If you say so.

The Golem charges with Deku doing the same. Deku swings at it but the Golem blocks the hit.

Deku(Mind): Huh. Pretty durable. I'll have to rely on magic and my own strength.

The Golem pushes him back. Deku charges at it again which the golem swings its arm at him. Deku avoids the armed attack and uses his Black Whip to wrap it up. It was now struggling to break free.

???: *๐Ÿ˜ง* What?! Why can't my Elemental Colossus break free?!

Deku: This is my Black Whip. I used it to make Charybdis to crash into the ground. And now...

He then charges a green Magic Bullet.

Deku: It makes your mech an easy target.

He fires the Magic Bullet at its left arm which also frees it.


The Golem charges and swings at him again, but Deku slides under and fires another one which destroys its leg as it falls to the ground. Deku then looks at his hands and gets an idea.

Deku(Mind): Hold on... *Giggles* I have an idea!

Deku then claps his hands together which confuses Rimuru and the kids.

Kenya: *๐Ÿคจ* What is he doing?

Deku: Ka... me...

Rimuru: Oh you've got to be shitting me...

Deku: *Begins charging* Ha... me...

???: Wait! What are doing? You don't have to destroy my Colossus! Please, it took so long to-

Deku: HA!

Deku fires the Kamehameha at the Golem which was shattered into dozens of pieces.


Deku lowers his arms and then starts laughing.

Rimuru: *Walks over* I can't believe you actually just did that. Did you know Battlewill could be used like that beforehand?

Deku: *๐Ÿ˜* Not a chance! I just wanted to see if it should work, but I didn't expect it to actually fire it!

Rimuru: Jeez... I swear I have the weirdest friends and subordinates on the planet. Bunch of weebs. *Looks around* Now then...If you don't wanna join your tin friend, then you better show yourself. *Ignite his hand* I know where you're hiding, so just give up, already.

???: *Shrieks* OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, OKAY!

A light flies around and stands in front of Rimuru and Deku's level.

(Queen of Spirits-Demon Lord Ramiris)

Ramiris: I'm one of the Great Demon Lords. Ramiris of the Ladyrinth, at your service.

Rimuru: Really? You're a Demon Lord? Kinda hard to believe.

Ramiris: *๐Ÿ˜ * I am so a Demon Lord! What else could be but that?

Rimuru: I don't know... an idiot?

Ramiris: *Flies around angrily* Moron! Moron moron moron! I need you to understand that, or we'll have big problems going forward!

Deku: Ok, we get it. Can you stop shouting now? Are you gonna help us out or not?

Ramiris: Um... what was it you needed again?

Rimuru: *Mind* *๐Ÿคฆ* She can't be serious. *To Ramiris* We are here to give these kids some superior spirits. I'm hoping they might help regulate their overabundance of Magicules, and save their lives.

Ramiris: Oh... ok. I'm sure I can help with that. *To Deku* And what about you? I can tell you're not just here for that.

Deku: You got me there. I'm also here to get a superior spirit, but not for something like that. I'm hoping a Spirit of Light or Darkness might come, and if they agree to merge with me, I could try to become a hero.

Ramiris: Really? And do you want that?

Deku: *Smiles* Because that's all I've ever wanted to be. I want to be the reason people know peace, and since I came here with my friends and Rimuru, that dream has become even more important to me. I want to help make a world where humans and monsters can live in peace. I'm already seeing it every day in Tempest, and I want to spread that to the whole continent. And I know I need your blessing to even have a chance, so if I need to do anything extra to earn that blessing, I'll happily do it. I just want the chance to be the kind of hero this world needs. One that can help end the stigma between humans and monsters, and bring about a lasting peace.

Ramiris: *Surprised, then smiles* Well damn... you're the first person to come here and talk like that in a long time. Even the last hero who came here wasn't so... sincere. I can tell you have a truly heroic heart, and I'm happy to see there is someone out there with such a beautiful dream. Alright. I'll gladly help all of you. I'll take you to the Dwelling of Spirits, and help each of you find a good Superior Spirit.

Rimuru: *๐Ÿ˜Š* Thanks, Ramiris.

Ramiris: Don't mention it. And Deku?

Deku: Yeah?

Ramiris: Please... keep chasing that dream of yours. it's very easy to fall from grace, so just keep your eyes set on that future you want so badly.

Deku: *๐Ÿ˜Š* I understand, Miss Ramiris. Before we go, can we have a quick snack break? I think I can hear Kenya's stomach growl from here.

Kenya: Hay! My stomach is not that- *Stomach growls*

Deku: *Chuckles* You we're saying?

The other kids chuckled at Kenya for that one and everyone sat down and had some cookies, some of which were taken by the lesser spirits. Once everyone was fed, each of the kids got their spirits like in canon, and once they were all done, it was Deku's turn. He Knees down and puts his hands together.

Deku(Mind): Spirits, please hear me. My name is Deku Heiwato, and I need your help. I wish to be a hero in the Jura-Tempest Federation, and I need one of you to come to me. If one of you could please come to me, I promise to keep my word, and-

???: Papa, is that you?

Deku: *Looks up* Huh?

The spirit floats down, letting the light then grow and later fade. It then grows a smile.

???: Papa, it really is you!

Deku: *Eyes widen* What the... Eri? Is that you?

(She's in her normal size)

Eri: *Nods* G.O.C-san transform me into a Spirit base on my qurik. Pretty cool, right?

Deku: I guess. But how did you get here?

Ramiris: I found her wandering in the Labyrinth. She was lost and scared, so I took her in.

Eri: Ramiris-san was so kind enough to let me stay with her when you show up...

Eri then runs up and hugs Deku.

Eri: And I miss you, Papa.

Deku: I miss you too, Eri.

Eri: *Breaks the hug* So, Papa, what do you need from me? You said you needed a spirit to help be a hero. Any chance I can be that spirit?

Deku: That... kinda depends. You don't happen to be a Light Spirit, would you?

Eri: *Nods* Mhm. I can use a skill called "Temporal Restoration". It allows me to manipulate the flow of time within a limited area or on specific people. It can also be used to rewind the effect of injuries, ailments, or damage inflicted on living beings or objects.

Deku: *๐Ÿ˜€* That sounds amazing, and perfect. I need a Light Spirit so I can eventually become an Awakened Hero.

Eri: I would love to see it. *To Ramiris* Ramiris-san, can I head back with Papa?

Ramiris: *Giggles* Of course, cute. You chose to come to him from his prayer. It's not like I keep you here against your will.

Eri: *๐Ÿ˜Š* Thanks, Ramiris-san. Looks like I'm coming with you, papa!

Eri flies into Deku's body as his eyes flash yellow and then back to normal.

Deku: Whoa... are you like a part of me now, Eri?

Eri: *Pops out and nods*

Deku: That's good. So Ramiris, guess it's time for the blessing now.

Ramiris: Yup. It's a simple thing, but you just need to stay still, ok? And Eri, go back in Deku.

Eri nods and flies back into Deku.

Ramiris: Alright. Ready, Deku?

Deku: *nods*

Ramiris puts her hands together.

Ramiris: As the Queen of Spirits, and Guide of Saints, I bestow my blessing upon this Dragoniod. May he bring peace to humans and monsters, and be the Hero this world needs. Let my blessing give him the wisdom to know what is right, the courage to do what is necessary, and the strength to overcome any obstacle.

Deku watches as an orb of light leaves Ramiris and enters his body.

Great Sage: [Notice: The entity known as Deku Heiwato has received the Hero's Egg]

Rimuru: Sweat! But how would he get the egg to... hatch?

Great Sage: [Answer: To hatch the Hero's egg, the potential hero must give their life to save another or a certain conditions]

Rimuru: Well Danm...

Ramiris: Yeah, becoming a hero means sacrificing a lot, and only a handful have ever officially hatched their egg. Very few have the courage to give their life.

Deku: But.. if I do sacrifice myself if I go to the route, how do I survive and become an awakened Hero? I don't get it.

Ramiris: *Shrungs* I'm not really sure. I've never seen it myself, but I'm sure You'll figure it out when the time comes.

Deku: Let's hope so. Well, thank you, Ramiris, for your blessing. I promise I won't fall from grace.

Ramiris: *๐Ÿ˜* You better not. Anyways, you all should head back now. And bring me a new golem! Consider it payment for breaking my masterpiece!

Rimuru: *Steps up* Don't worry, Ramiris. I'll make you a new one to replace it. Care to bring out of the dwelling now?

Ramiris: Sure thing! Just follow me and you'll be out of here in no time!

Ramiris then led the group out of the Labyrinth, wishing them good luck and saying hello to Treyni for her. As Rimuru left with the kids back to the school, Deku gave them a wave before flying back into the woods, heading back to Tempest. Upon his arrival, he found Ochako was waiting for him, enjoying the town square when he suddenly appeared sitting beside her.

Deku: Hay Ochako. Lovely day out, don't you think?

Ochako: Oh! Deku, you startled me. So how was your trip?

Deku: It was amazing and I got the Hero's Egg.

Ochako: Well that's good.

Deku: I also brought Eri with me.

Ochako: *Eyes Widen* You did?! Where is she?

ErI: *Pops out* I'm here!

Ochako: *๐Ÿ˜€* Eri! *Hugs her*

Eri: *Hugs her back*

Ochako: I miss you so much.

Eri: Me too. I really miss you and Papa.

Ochako: *Giggles*

Deku: Hay, Eri... can you maybe go back inside for a bit? I'd like to talk with Ochako for a bit.

Eri: *Giggles* Sure thing, papa. *Flies backs in*

Ochako: *Giggles* She is very happy to see us again.

Deku: Yeah... Hay Ochako... you don't happen to be... seeing anyone right now, are you?

Ochako: *Shakes her head* Nope. Why did you ask?

Deku: *Twiddle his fingers while blushing*

Ochako: *Blushes* O-Oh... you mean... romantically?

Deku: *Nods*

Ochako: I-I see. It seeing anyone. Are... are you?

Deku: *Shakes head* N-No... no, I'm not. I've never been good at... asking anyone out.

Ochako: I see. So... may I ask why you brought this up?

Deku: Well... remember back at G.O.C's place when we saw each other again?

Ochako blushes as she remembers what he means by that.

Ochako: *Nods*

Deku: Well... like I said before, I-I had huge crush on you when we first met back at the UA Exam.

Ochako: Really?

Deku: Yeah...

Ochako: To be honset, I was the same when I first you. You were like a hero to me. And when I saw you again heading towards G.O.C's castle, my mind went blank and rushed over to you without even thinking.

Deku: It was shocking that you kissed me. That was my first ever kiss by a girl that I like.

Ochako: Me too.

Deku: *Mind* *Take a deep breath* Calm down, Deku. Just ask the question. You can do this. *To Ochako* Ochako... I wanted to know... if you wanted to maybe... *Blushing hard* G-G-Go out... with me?

Ochako: *Blushes* Do... do you mean like... a date?

Deku: *Nods* Y-Yes. I would like to take you on a date.

Ochako: Oh my... I must admit I wasn't expecting this today.

Deku: I... I totally understand if you say no. I just thought... I couldn't think of a better time so I-

Ochako: Yes.

Deku: Huh?

Ochako: Yes. I would really like to go on a date with you.

Deku: *Smiles* R-Really? You do?

Ochako: *Nods* To be frank, I've been wanting to ask you out for some time now, and I think it's about time I did. With the weather being so lovely, I've planned a picnic and was wondering if you'd be interested in joining me. *Picks up a basket*

Deku: That... that sounds really nice. I'd love to join you, if you'll allow me.

Ochako: *Stands up* Well then, we should get going. We don't want to waste the day here, do we?

Ochako offered a hand to Deku, who accepted it with a smile. The two went to the outskirts of the town for a date. Though they were both initially very nervous and awkward, they eventually overcame their nerves and ended the date with a kiss.

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