I couldn't believe it. My brother was alive. I could still remember when Mother would take him out to save aristos. I was too young. I was eight when Mother started to save the aristos. That was the beginning of trouble. Manson had been too cocky and had gotten caught. I cried myself to sleep all week. I looked at him again. "Manson?" I asked hesitantly
He turned to face me. "Yes Aileas."
"How did you escape?"
A ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "I used the tunnels."
I rolled my eyes. "Of course you did. But why didn't you contact me. I felt like I died that day!"
"I'm sorry Ail. I didn't know what to do after I got out." He looked at me. "I decided to find the mysterious Red Swan. They have been saving people since I left."
I smirked at my brother. He had been looking for me. "Well Manson, I know the Red Swan." My brother looked surprised.
"Really! Who is the Red Swan?" he asked. I opened my mouth to tell him when I heard Gentry.
"Don't tell him, Aileas," Gentry hissed.
I turned around to face him. "Why not Gentry? He's my brother. Who I thought was dead!"
"He could not have escaped."
"Why not?"
"I locked the tunnels and placed guards."
"Manson is this true?"I asked, facing my brother.
"No! Why should you listen to him. Now tell me Aileas." My brother was to eager. I looked at Gentry. Why is this so hard?! I trust Manson more... right. Ah! This is going to drive me insane! I thought. I slowly inched toward Gentry. He grabbed my hand, looked into my eyes, and smiled. What am I doing?! I thought, I'm suppose to hate this guy. Manson yanked my other hand with immense force. I yelped in pain. What am I? A tug-a-war rope?
"Aileas!" Gentry yelled. He was still holding on to me.
"Tell me!" my brother screamed. Both boys were glaring at each other. "Well hello Gentry. You've gotten soft, haven't you?"
"And you've gotten cold."
"Girls, girls, you're both pretty." Both the boys looked at me. Gentry rolled his eyes.
Then, suddenly, Gentry exclaimed,"Game time!"
I smirked and Gentry smirked back. We both had the same idea. Or at least, a similar one. "Manson, I'll tell you who the Red Swan is if you can answer three riddles."
"Fine. Go on."
This is going to be fun, I thought. "Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?"
"It's obviously a...a...coffin?"
"Correct. Next riddle:What is always coming but never arrives?
"My bride - I mean. Well- forget that first part. I mean tomorrow."
"Correct." Gentry look at me with a worried expression.
Ah, so he knows, I thought. "Last riddle: White to red, it's dipped again and again. It saves lives and helps spread gossip. What is it?"
"Well, it is... it's obviously... the answer is..." Manson started. I wanted to laugh. "It's a... I don't know."
"Incorrect answer. Now if you'll excuse me," I slipped into the shadows with Gentry close behind me. I guess that Gentry's not that bad, I thought. He saved my life.
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